27 weeks pregnant your feelings. All about the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy. What has formed, what is happening, what it looks like

Fruit size: 36 cm
fruit weight: 1000 gr.

With the onset of the 27th obstetric week of pregnancy, the systems and organs of the fetus are already laid down. The kid starts to train them. When pregnancy approaches the 27th week, the woman's condition is usually quite unstable. The mood is constantly changing, there is constant anxiety. The baby continues to grow, so it's getting harder to carry it.

27 weeks, how many months is that? At 27 obstetric weeks begins (27 weeks = 6 months and 9 days). From the same week, the 3rd trimester of pregnancy begins.

Weight, height and development of the fetus at 27 weeks of gestation

The baby is growing. This week, his weight reaches 1 kilogram, and his height is 36 centimeters. A baby weighing as much as a cauliflower.

The baby has been actively gaining weight since this week, not only because his subcutaneous fat is increasing, but also growth hormone has begun to be produced. In addition, the activity of other endocrine glands responsible for the growth of the baby has increased. The kid is actively behaving, although every week there is less and less space left for him, but he continues to lie as he pleases, most often upside down, the baby will go down a little later.

An interesting pastime for the baby is to push and touch the mother, which sometimes leads to pain and discomfort. With the help of daily "training" the baby trains his muscles, strengthens his muscles. He really likes his finger, he constantly sucks it, while continuing to train the sucking reflex.

The development of the fetus at 27 weeks of gestation implies the development of the baby's immune system. The immune system begins to work actively and during this period the child's body, to some extent, can already cope with some viral diseases. Also, the baby will already be able to cope with some infections. The child's body is already able to react to allergens, so the mother should try not to eat foods that can cause an allergic reaction.

The reproductive system is fully formed. In girls, the laying of the follicle was completed. In boys, the testicles have finally descended into the scrotum, although there are times when the testicles do not descend completely, this will happen after birth. During this period, the brain continues to actively grow, the central nervous system at the final stage. That is, the child's body has already fully established a system for sending signals from the brain to all organs.

If the pregnancy develops well, then childbirth that occurs ahead of time will not affect the health of the child, at this time the child may already survive, but the usual environment is not suitable for this, a special installation is needed that repeats the intrauterine state of the baby, the baby's organs will already be able to function. This week, the chances of surviving the baby is about 85%.

Feelings of a woman at 27 weeks pregnant

At 27 weeks gestation, the uterus rises almost to the level of the ribs, it begins to compress the intestines and lungs.

Because of this, nausea, constipation are possible, but this in no way affects the excellent appetite of the pregnant woman. This situation, unfortunately, can persist until childbirth. It remains only to eat the right food and in small portions. During this period, women often complain of back and leg pain. The doctor will advise you to rest longer, taking the most comfortable position.

Perhaps you yourself have already noticed that it is more convenient for you to sleep on your side. Prolonged stay on the back compresses the vena cava and impedes the flow of arterial blood to the fetus.

During this period, as in the beginning of pregnancy, there may be difficulties with digestion.

This is also due to the increased workload. This is where a healthy diet comes in handy. Eat foods rich in fiber. Raw vegetables, whole grain bread are great, it will be great if you use 1 to 2 tsp with each meal. bran.

If you haven't had colostrum in the past weeks, you may have it this week. Colostrum is a sticky, watery liquid that will be the baby's first food when he is born. Colostrum precedes actual milk, which may not come until a day or two after birth. The mammary glands begin to produce milk under the influence of the hormone prolactin. Milk production is stimulated by your baby.

Weight gain at 27 weeks pregnant

In addition to the weight of the fetus itself, which averages 3.4 kilograms, this is the placenta, amniotic fluid, extracellular fluid, additional blood volume, as well as body fat, which usually exceeds 2 kilograms. It should also be notedan increase in the mammary glands - by about 400 grams. In total, weight gain during the entire pregnancy is 11.9 kilograms.

Weight gain by this period is normally 7.5-8 kg. Such an increase consists of the weight of the fetus, uterus, the volume of amniotic fluid, blood, fluid in the mammary glands. If the weight gain deviates from the norm by 8-10 kg, the doctor will recommend that the woman adhere to a diet. A pregnant woman should eat natural food, complex carbohydrates, foods rich in protein and calcium. These are building materials for the child's body.

Sex at 27 weeks pregnant

Sex at the 27th week is possible if there is no threat of termination of pregnancy, and nothing bothers the woman. Positive emotions will favorably affect the condition of the woman and the development of the fetus. However, you should be extremely careful and not make sudden movements and acrobatic stunts.

Analyzes and examinations at the 27th week of pregnancy

  • measurement of weight and abdominal circumference;
  • determination of the height of the fundus of the uterus;
  • measurement of blood pressure;
  • urine test;
  • listening to the baby's heartbeat;
  • clinical blood test. It is at this time that it is important to determine the likelihood of developing gestational diabetes.

As a rule, ultrasound is not prescribed at week 27. But there are exceptions in which this study is indispensable - when the doctor needs to track how the child's body develops and functions, to exclude the possibility of a missed pregnancy. Indicators such as body length, the degree of development of organs are of great importance in determining possible deviations from the norm.

An ultrasound will also look at the tone of the uterus and determine the thickness of the cervix. This is especially important during pregnancy with twins. The thickness of the cervix is ​​normally 35 mm. If it is less than 25 mm, then children are at risk of being born before 40 weeks. Their location is clearly visible in the photo and ultrasound video.

Dangers at 27 weeks pregnant

At week 27, the belly is getting bigger and mom can't wait to see her baby. But, unfortunately, each stage of such a wonderful condition as pregnancy is accompanied by some dangers:

  • Threat of preterm birth . Early termination of pregnancy is facilitated by such factors as the presence of bad habits in a pregnant woman, low levels of progesterone or some other hormones, injuries and bruises received during this period. Premature birth at week 27 is extremely dangerous for the baby, therefore, if the slightest alarming signs appear (bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, feeling that the stomach is turning to stone, etc.), you should immediately call an ambulance. Doctors will do everything possible to save the pregnancy: they will prescribe special drugs that regulate the balance of hormones in the body and eliminate excessive uterine tone, and they will conduct an unscheduled ultrasound to determine the cause of this condition.
  • Fetoplacental insufficiency - violation of blood circulation between the body of the mother and the fetus. At the same time, the placenta does not fully fulfill its functions, because of which the baby suffers, because he does not receive the nutrients and oxygen he needs. As a treatment, drugs are used that normalize the tone of the vessels of the abdominal cavity.

A woman's condition can worsen not only because of problems with the placenta or metabolic disorders, but also after suffering severe stress. For this reason, others should protect the expectant mother from any unpleasant news and news, and also not provoke the emergence of industrial or family conflicts.

At week 27, a woman enters the final period of pregnancy - the third trimester of her "interesting position" begins.

At week 27 (this is the beginning of the seventh month), the baby is almost ready for birth. Of course, it is still very difficult for such children to breathe on their own, their immune system and thermoregulation system are also underdeveloped. However, in 85% of cases of babies born at this time, doctors nurse with minimal risk to their health.

Fruit size

At the 27th week of pregnancy, the length of the child is about 34 cm. In size, it can be compared with lettuce.

Baby weight

This week the weight of the fetus is about 1000 g.

Fetal development at 27 weeks gestation

All internal organs are already formed, and at week 27 they fall into place. So, the heart is already on the left, the liver is on the right. The lungs continue to improve (now they are taking the desired shape), the brain is growing. The placenta still provides breathing for the baby, thanks to which gas exchange occurs between the blood of the fetus and the blood of the mother.


At week 27, the focus is not on the heartbeat as such (the frequency of contractions, as before, is 140-160 beats per minute), but on the correct location of the heart, which should be on the left and occupy about 1/3 of the chest.

What does a fetus look like at 27 weeks pregnant?

A baby at 27 weeks looks more and more like a newborn, but his skin remains wrinkled due to the constant presence in the intrauterine waters. He is now beginning to turn and will soon assume the optimal head flexion position for delivery. This means that the fetus will be located head down and butt up, while its neck will bend in such a way that the back of the baby's head, facing forward, will be the first to be born, while the arms and legs will be pressed to the body. If the child's head remains "unbent", the doctors will tell the mother about the incorrect head extensor presentation of the crumbs - this position, along with the pelvic (buttocks or legs down), is considered as an indication for a caesarean section.

Body changes and new sensations of a woman

In the second half of the "interesting position" women may find swelling of their arms and legs. In some cases, this is a sign of the appearance of such an unpleasant condition as preeclampsia during pregnancy. In addition to edema, the occurrence of gestosis (it is also called "dropsy" or "late toxicosis") is indicated by protein excretion in the urine and high blood pressure. Preeclampsia is formed as a result of damage to the walls of blood vessels, due to which part of the blood, together with the protein, enters the tissues - this is how edema occurs. The amount of blood in the body decreases and there is a narrowing of the vessels through which it circulates, which in turn leads to an increase in blood pressure.

The most unpleasant thing for the fetus with gestosis is that the placenta swells along with the arms and legs, which reduces the access of oxygen to the child. And for the mother, preeclampsia is fraught with a heart attack, stroke, pulmonary edema, placental abruption, and also renal and liver failure. How to prevent the development of such an unpleasant complication? The main advice is not to overeat! Obesity is a direct path to preeclampsia. In addition, a woman should take all the tests on time and be sure to listen to the advice of specialists.

Weight gain

At this time, the expectant mother recovers by an average of 350 g, but not more than 500 g per week. By the end of week 27, the total weight gain is about 8.5 kg.

Mom's belly

The abdomen at week 27 continues to increase in size. All the attention of a woman is riveted to him. And this is not surprising: now a practically formed baby is growing up there. At the same time, a woman may be disturbed by some discomfort associated with the abdomen. One of them is its petrification, which may be a sign of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy. It happens that not the whole stomach becomes stony, but only part of it - often this is a consequence of the uncomfortable position that the woman has taken. In any case, be sure to tell your doctor about your ailment - he will help to cope with the problem.

Analyzes and ultrasound

Before the next visit to the LCD, do not forget to take a urine test to prevent the development of possible complications (for example, preeclampsia or diabetes). If there is a risk of a Rh conflict, a woman’s blood can be taken to study the amount of anti-Rhesus antibodies (for medical reasons, such a procedure is carried out repeatedly during the entire “interesting situation”). Ultrasound at 27 weeks of gestation is usually not prescribed.

Nutrition at 27 weeks pregnant

The fruit is growing. Now, more than ever, he needs a "building material" - protein. The need for it at week 27 increases to 100–110 g per day. Foods that contain protein are cottage cheese, eggs, lentils, cereals, liver, beef.

But the consumption of carbohydrates (pasta, white bread, corn, sweets, crackers) should be limited - this leads to gigantism of the fetus and obesity of the mother.

As for fatty foods, it is also recommended to minimize its amount, especially if the pregnant woman is prone to fullness. But it is impossible to completely abandon fats - they are a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the development of brain cells, the central nervous system and the retina of the child's eyes.


Two months before childbirth, a woman's need for vitamins and mineral complexes increases. Do not ignore the doctor's advice and regularly take the vitamin preparations prescribed by him at week 27.

Sex at 27 weeks pregnant

Do you know what American doctors advise pregnant women with preeclampsia, the symptoms of which were described above (see "Week 27: Body changes and new sensations of a woman")? Oral sex. Americans believe that the possible entry of male seed into the stomach has a beneficial effect on the female body in general and on the condition of the vessels in particular. So experiment in terms of making love to your health! The main thing is that it brings pleasure to you and your partner. But rough sex and sexual toys in any case should be canceled!


Childbirth is just around the corner, and a woman, as in the beginning of pregnancy, is often overwhelmed by a feeling of anxiety: how everything will go, what kind of baby she will have, and so on. How to help the expectant mother? If no persuasion works on her, perhaps objects related to the unreal, one might say the mystical world, will help her. So, parapsychologists believe that stones have incredible energy power and that among them there are special ones designed specifically for pregnant women. The best amulet for mom is a jade pendant. In ancient China, jade was considered a sacred mineral. He was credited with the ability to protect the owner from otherworldly forces, to ensure his longevity and family well-being. For pregnant women, the wise inhabitants of East Asia recommended wearing green stone products on their stomachs to facilitate childbirth and successfully prepare for them. Of course, you can not believe in this, but for those who constantly doubt something, we recommend pampering yourself on the 27th week and making a gift in the form of jade jewelry - what if it helps ?!

Beauty and accessories

At week 27, some mothers ask the question, do I need to prepare my breasts for feeding a baby? Almost all experts answer this question in the affirmative. This, in their opinion, is necessary so that the woman subsequently does not experience any discomfort when feeding the baby, and her breasts remain beautiful and toned. Air baths are very useful for the breasts, as well as a light massage of the nipples - for this it is enough to wipe them with a rough and damp terry cloth or washcloth. In order to prevent the appearance of cracks, it is already possible to lubricate the skin in this place with special emollients. In addition, at week 27, if you have not done this before, you should definitely purchase a more closed and durable bra made of natural materials with wide straps and pitted.

Finally, you and your baby are moving into the last trimester of pregnancy! There is very little left before the long-awaited meeting! The baby is already quite active: looking at the stomach, the mother clearly distinguishes the movements of the little elbows and heels.

How many months have passed since the beginning of pregnancy? This period is already seven months without a week (obstetric months: one obstetric month is four weeks).

Your baby at the 27th week of pregnancy already weighs about a kilogram, and its total length is 34 centimeters.

What's happening

Fetal development at 27 weeks gestation

The baby has already formed a mode of wakefulness, followed by sleep. He already knows how to open, close his eyes. The sucking reflex is so formed that the baby actively sucks his fingers, and for this he uses his fingers on both the arms and legs. The maturation of all organs continues, and a child with premature birth has a very high chance of surviving, since the lungs will already be able to work, although they have not yet fully matured.

Very important changes at the 27th week of pregnancy take place in the respiratory system. There is an improvement of the alveolar passages and directly the alveoli - the smallest bubbles where air exchange takes place. Also, the formation of surfactant occurs, which during inspiration ensures the full opening of the alveoli. It is the 27-28th week of pregnancy that characterizes the preparation of the baby's respiratory apparatus for extrauterine life.

Interestingly, at this stage, the expectant mother can already clearly feel how the baby hiccups! This process does not cause any inconvenience to the baby, it can take several minutes.

The development of the brain continues, the fetus becomes more active. If you watch the video, you can see that the baby often changes the position of the body, can roll over, his movements become more intense and strong.

The baby's immune system is gaining activity. He may already be reacting to incoming allergens, and mom should be especially careful about choosing products. Proper nutrition of the mother will lay the foundation for a strong immune system of the child.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Mom's Feelings

The third trimester of pregnancy begins, your body is preparing for the final stage.

There is already quite a long time behind, and it is not surprising that you often get tired, the body's need for rest and sleep increases. Soon the long-awaited maternity leave, you can relax, pay more attention to yourself. If there is an opportunity to go on maternity leave earlier - by all means use it! A good rest, the correct daily regimen is for the benefit of both the expectant mother and the baby! Moreover, in the third trimester, pains, a feeling of heaviness in the lower back, general malaise, frequent urination, and a good rest will help you a lot! Enjoy the changes in your sensations, the movements of your baby! At home, you will have more opportunity to read books about child development, you can go to training courses, breastfeeding school.

At this stage, new sensations may appear that bring anxiety. Very often during this period, pregnant women notice the appearance of swelling of the hands. They often disturb during sleep. In order to prevent them, try not to take a position during sleep that squeezes the limbs. Also try not to overload your wrists. It is very useful to periodically do light gymnastics for the hands, lifting them up.

An enlarged belly often causes shortness of breath, sleep disturbance, heartburn. Remember that these phenomena are not a cause for concern. Be sure to discuss all your feelings with your doctor - he will help to cope with them.

At the end of the second - beginning of the third trimesters, spasms of the muscles of the legs often occur. They are usually caused by low calcium in the body, as well as high levels of phosphorus, fatigue, and strain on the veins. To relieve pain, you can do the following:

  • the level of trace elements helps to restore special calcium tablets, but be sure to consult your doctor: he will help you choose the best ones;
  • try to eat more foods rich in calcium;
  • the cause of pain in the legs may be an increased load on the venous apparatus, and it is very useful in such a situation to wear special compression stockings;
  • be sure to do gymnastics for the legs: you can choose any set of exercises that you like, the main thing is that absolutely all joints and muscle groups are involved;
  • foot massage is very useful: it will help reduce the load on the veins, relieve muscle fatigue, and it is easy to do it even on your own. With light stroking, and then with more intense kneading movements, massage your legs from the bottom up - along the venous and lymphatic vessels. Such a massage even relieves swelling of the legs.

Belly at 27 weeks pregnant

Your baby is already quite large, and the uterus almost reaches the level of the ribs. The bottom of the uterus is located 27 centimeters above the womb, 5-7 centimeters above the navel. The mass of the uterus by the beginning of the third trimester increases significantly, and this must be taken into account. The uterus can compress the inferior vena cava, while severe dizziness may disturb. For this reason, you can not lie on your back for a long time. Try to sleep on your side.

The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, especially affecting the bowels. Therefore, special attention should be paid to nutrition that prevents constipation.

The 27th week of pregnancy with twins is characterized by the fact that the uterus already rests against the costal arch. The double weight of babies brings mom more trouble, it is already quite difficult to maintain normal activity, it is necessary to rest more often, lie down to reduce the load.

Weight at 27 weeks of gestation normally increases by 9 kilograms. Until the end of pregnancy, it is quite acceptable to gain another 3-5 kilograms. Weight should be controlled, since you cannot dial more than these numbers: this can harm both the baby and the mother.

At this time, the baby often changes position. Do not worry if the doctor says at a routine examination that the baby is in a breech presentation: the position of the fetus can still change even several times!

Fetal movements at 27 weeks

Your baby has grown even more, and even without an ultrasound, you can clearly see how he moves, see the movements of the arms and legs on the surface of the abdomen, feel how the baby kicks if he doesn’t like something, for example, music. When you take a contrast shower in the morning, the baby behaves more actively, and when you are calm, resting, he also rests.

Every woman who feels all the increasing movements of her baby is overwhelmed with joy. And if the baby is calm, there may be concern that the fetus moves a little ... The baby's movements are not only a reflection of his health, but also his temperament, even his mood. If a woman does not have any risk factors, the baby is developing well, then his rest period should not be disturbed. Surely every future mother by this time already knows and understands her baby, his level of activity.

In some cases, your doctor may ask you to count your baby's movements. This is very easy to do. You need to choose a period of maximum activity - often this is the time after a meal or before bedtime. Sit comfortably, relax and count how much time it takes for 10 movements of the baby. Follow all your doctor's recommendations. Experts note that a clear figure for the number of movements is not very informative; anxiety should be caused only by the complete absence of movements for 1-2 hours at the usual time for activity.

Pain at 27 weeks pregnant

During this period, a woman may be disturbed by rather unpleasant, but completely harmless painful sensations. Often it is soreness, heaviness in the lumbar region. Such sensations are associated with the increasing size of the fetus, uterus, compression of the nerve plexuses. To alleviate them, it is necessary to do special exercises for pregnant women.

Often at this stage, pain on the sides of the abdomen begins to disturb. They are associated with stretching of the ligaments of the uterus. Its size increases, the ligaments stretch more and more. Such sensations decrease with a change in body position, rest.

At this stage, a woman may feel training contractions. They are still rather weakly expressed. Usually women note that the stomach often becomes stony. If these periods are short and do not cause pain, this is quite normal. If the pain increases, and especially if the pain in the abdomen is accompanied by discharge, this is a reason to go to the clinic.

Required studies and analyzes

As a rule, only and are held this week. In some situations, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound. An unscheduled examination may be prescribed to diagnose the condition of the fetus or the health of the mother.

Useful video


Tell me, liquid discharge at the 27th week of pregnancy - is it not dangerous?

During pregnancy, and especially towards its final stage, it is quite normal to increase the amount of discharge. Normally, the discharge should be clear, liquid, by the end of pregnancy it may become slightly cloudy. However, if the color, consistency or smell of the discharge changes, this is an alarm. White, yellow, earthy, cheesy, purulent discharge, an unpleasant odor are signs of an infectious pathology. Scarlet discharge can be a symptom of placental abruption, as well as premature labor.

I am 27 weeks pregnant, my stomach hurts ... The sensations are not very pronounced. It doesn't hurt much, it hurts from time to time. This is fine?

At this stage, pain may appear in the abdomen, which are associated with an increase in the size of the uterus, stretching of the ligamentous apparatus, pressure of the uterus on the nerve plexuses. If these sensations gradually increase with an increase in the duration of pregnancy and are not intense pain, this is a variant of the norm. If the pain in the abdomen arose abruptly, its intensity is high, or constant aching pain bothers you for a long period, this may be an alarm. If your sensations are too intense and cause anxiety, do not put off a visit to the doctor.

Tell me, please, is it normal if my stomach pulls periodically for several minutes?

By the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman may already feel training contractions - short, non-intense pulling sensations in the abdomen. Many women describe these sensations as follows: the stomach is tense, it turns to stone. Such feelings are normal.

Is sex contraindicated at 27 weeks pregnant? My husband is very sensitive to the long-awaited pregnancy and is worried, is it possible?

If your pregnancy is proceeding normally, then sex is not contraindicated and is even very useful. Positive emotions for future parents are only good. Naturally, you need to avoid sudden movements, pressure on the stomach, and then there is no danger.

If childbirth occurs at this time, can the baby survive?

By this time, the fetus has already matured enough, and according to statistics, the chance of survival is more than 80%. The respiratory system has not yet fully matured, and special equipment is needed for life support, but the baby may well survive.

I went to an unscheduled ultrasound, and in conclusion they wrote to me: 27 weeks of pregnancy, breech presentation. What to do?

First of all, don't panic. At your gestational age, the baby is very active, and there is enough space in the uterus for full movements. He can change position several more times, so if now the presentation is breech, this does not mean that it will remain so by the time of birth.

I occasionally have a feeling that my stomach is turning to stone. What is this? How to distinguish the tone at the 27th week of pregnancy?

The tone of the uterus is the contraction of its muscle layer before the onset of labor. This condition requires a doctor's consultation, as the causes may be different. It can also increase with coughing, sneezing, and with stress, negative emotions. But it can be a symptom of threatened miscarriage. Women usually feel the tone as a pulling pain, reminiscent of the sensations during menstruation, which radiates to the lower back. Feeling that the stomach turns to stone, may be during training bouts. In any case, in order to prevent a possible threat of a change in your well-being, it is necessary to discuss with the doctor who is in charge of the pregnancy. Especially if such sensations are accompanied by discharge or other changes in condition.

A period of 27 weeks is an active period of life and intrauterine development of the baby. Its weight is about 0.9 kg with growth close to 36 centimeters. The baby is able to blink, respond well to light stimuli. Behaviorally, in many ways, the fetus is similar to a newborn. He recognizes sounds, distinguishes his mother's voice, has active taste buds and is able to recognize tastes, he plays, experiences emotions, has his own biological rhythm.

Development of organs and systems of the fetus

At a gestational age of 27 weeks, the nervous system and brain structures develop rapidly. The pituitary gland produces growth hormone (somatotropic hormone) - this is a polypeptide that activates the growth processes of the fetus.

The hormonal system of the child has joined in the work and is actively working, he is less and less dependent on the mother's hormones. Insulin is produced by the pancreas. The thyroid gland produces:

  • thyroxine;
  • calcitonin;
  • triyomarin.

Thanks to them, the level of calcium in the baby's body is maintained and a normal metabolic process is going on. In addition, these hormones are involved in the process of intellectual development of the child.

Most of the organs and systems are formed, in the future there is only a process of their growth and development. During this period, the immune and respiratory system is actively formed, alveolar pathways are formed, and surfactant begins to be produced. It is a surfactant, composed of phospholipids and proteins, that promotes the opening of the components of the respiratory system of the newborn at the first breath. If this substance is not enough, the child is not able to breathe on his own and needs a ventilator (artificial lung ventilation).

At 27 weeks, the fetus is viable. And if for some reason it needs to be removed or an early delivery occurs, with proper medical care, such a child is able to survive, although the development process has not yet been completed.

At week 27, the development of the internal systems of the fetus enters the final stage. Most importantly, the future baby is already viable and, with proper care, will be able to exist outside the mother's body. At this time, it is very important for women to be careful, to develop the correct daily routine - this is necessary for comprehensive preparation for natural delivery

During this period, the fetus already visually looks almost like a newborn. All skin appendages (nails, hair, eyebrows and eyelashes) are formed, the organs of vision and hearing are functional, sexual characteristics are visually clearly distinguishable. The skin is not so bright scarlet, but it is still wrinkled and quite transparent.

Examination of a pregnant woman at the beginning of the III trimester

The frequency of visits to the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy is increasing, now you need to go to the antenatal clinic 2 times a month. The standard inspection includes:

  1. measurement of blood pressure (pressure);
  2. abdominal circumference;
  3. the height of the bottom of the uterus;
  4. measuring the weight of a pregnant woman;
  5. listening to the baby's heartbeat.

If there are complaints, even seemingly minor, you should inform your doctor about them. Perhaps he will prescribe an additional examination and ultrasound examination.

Laboratory examination of a pregnant woman

It is better to take tests before a planned visit to the gynecologist, so that the results are ready at the time of the examination. This is especially true at the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, since the development of preeclampsia may begin during this period.

This phenomenon is accompanied by edema, often significant, it is characterized by the presence of protein in the urine, may be complicated by a persistent increase in blood pressure and vomiting. In severe preeclampsia, the functional state of a number of organs and systems may be impaired.

At a period of 27 weeks of pregnancy, an increase in blood cholesterol levels may be observed. This is normal, as the placenta requires high levels of cholesterol to produce hormones such as progesterone. If the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor, most likely an analysis will be added to the standard laboratory examination, indicating the presence / absence of the development of the Rh conflict. All of these examinations are needed so that the doctor can make sure that the gestation process is normal or that the pathology can be detected in time and correct the situation (if possible).

In general, the following tests are carried out:

  • determination of blood sugar levels;
  • blood biochemistry, including cholesterol levels.

Ultrasound diagnosis at 27 weeks

Standards for ultrasound diagnostics

A fetal ultrasound at 27 weeks gestation may be ordered in connection with suspected SZVR. Such suspicions may arise with an insufficient increase in the volume of the abdomen. In order to identify growth retardation, its type (symmetrical / asymmetrical), fetometric measurements are carried out and compared with the standards.

Even when conducting an unscheduled ultrasound at week 27, the doctor must take fetometric indicators and compare them with the established standards. This is necessary to exclude late fetal pathologies.

It is important to measure all limbs (upper and lower) to assess their proportionality and symmetrical growth. Modern ultrasound scanners allow you to calculate the approximate weight of the fetus and the ratio indices between its sizes. This gives reason to judge the intrauterine development of the child (his norms and pathology).

Normal fetometric indicators at 27 weeks of gestation are as follows:

  1. BP (thigh bone) - from 47 mm to 55 mm;
  2. PC (shoulder bone) - from 43 mm to 51 mm;
  3. KPP (forearm bone) - from 37 mm to 45 mm;
  4. KG (shin bone) - from 43 mm to 51 mm;
  5. BPR (biparietal size) - from 64 mm to 76 mm;
  6. coolant (abdominal circumference) - from 205 mm to 253 mm;
  7. OG (head circumference) - from 235 mm to 273 mm;
  8. LZ (frontal-occipital size) - from 80 to 96 mm.

If signs of the development of SZVR are detected, the procedure of dopplerometry of the MAG of the uterus and umbilical cord is mandatory. This allows you to determine the degree of suffering of the child in the womb. It is especially advisable to conduct this examination in complicated pregnancy.

With the beginning of the 27th week, the last, third, trimester of pregnancy begins. A wonderful and easy second trimester is left behind. Now the gained weight and big belly limits the activity of expectant mothers. For some, it is already difficult to put on shoes on their own, it is uncomfortable to sleep and sit, long walks respond with shortness of breath, heaviness and fatigue in the legs. Emotionally, too, not everything is calm. Although the fear of the possibility of a miscarriage has remained far in the past, now there is growing anxiety about the approaching birth.

27 obstetric week of pregnancy is the 7th month of pregnancy and the first week of the third trimester. This term corresponds to the 25th embryonic week.

What's going on with mom?

The child gains weight, and with it the uterus and abdominal circumference increase. The uterus at the 27th week of pregnancy already reaches the ribs. It presses on the lungs, stomach, intestines and bladder. Hence all the complaints of expectant mothers about constipation, heartburn, nausea, shortness of breath, frequent urge to urinate. These symptoms will accompany a woman until the birth. Breathing exercises, gymnastics for pregnant women and eating in small portions will help to minimize discomfort from them.

Weight gain by week 27 can be 8-9 kg. This is considered the norm of weight at this time. All extra pounds can only negatively affect the health and condition of the mother and the development of the fetus. For pregnant twins, this norm is slightly higher, it is considered permissible to gain up to 10-11 kg.

The gait becomes more and more clumsy. The stomach at week 27 becomes quite large and begins to interfere: it is difficult to put on shoes or pick up a fallen thing from the floor. Don't be afraid to ask others for help.

At 27-28 weeks of pregnancy, another unpleasant symptom appears - leg cramps. They usually occur during rest or sleep. The most common causes are a lack of calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B6. In addition, seizures can occur with low hemoglobin levels in the blood, changes in sugar content, and varicose veins. The presence of seizures should be reported to the doctor at a scheduled visit.

When cramps appear, in order to save yourself from discomfort, you need to straighten your leg and pull your toe towards you. Literally in a couple of seconds, relief will come, and within a minute all unpleasant sensations will disappear.

What is happening with the baby?

At 27 weeks pregnant, the baby is very active. The child sends “news” to mom and dad, pushing with legs and arms. Dad can already feel the fetal movements well, putting his hand to his stomach. With very strong and sharp movements, if you carefully look at the stomach, you can see how it moves.

How should the fetus be positioned?

Starting from 27-28 weeks of pregnancy, a breech presentation of the fetus can be diagnosed. Before this period, such a diagnosis is not made, since the child is very small and can roll over quite often. Now the movements of the fetus are constrained, inside the uterus it is no longer as spacious as before. It is believed that by the beginning of the third trimester, the fetus should be head down. However, the diagnosis is still only preliminary. The doctor will carefully monitor the position of the baby until the birth.

As practice shows, some babies take the correct position only at the 9th month of pregnancy. In the case of a breech presentation, the doctor may recommend special exercises to encourage the baby to roll over. You should listen carefully and follow all the instructions of your doctor.

Fetal development

The weight of the child at week 27 is 900 grams, and his height is 30-35 cm. The child sleeps almost 20 hours a day, but often wakes up to roll over and say hello to mom.

By this time, the fetus has already formed all the organs and systems. He gradually accumulates fat. He increasingly swallows the fluid surrounding him, thereby forcing the functioning of the lungs and digestive organs. Starting from 7 months of intrauterine development, it is considered that the fetus is fully viable. Premature birth is now not as scary as in earlier periods.

At week 27, the baby's immune system begins its active functioning. Now the child himself protects himself from foreign viruses and bacteria. The baby's body also reacts to various allergens. Therefore, expectant mothers are advised to exclude from their diet foods that can cause an allergic reaction.

The fetus at week 27 is actively developing:

  • his skeleton continues to strengthen and his muscles develop;
  • he often stretches and rolls from side to side;
  • hormones are actively accumulated in the pituitary gland;
  • the skin ceases to be transparent, hiding the system of blood vessels underneath;
  • vellus body hair takes on a darker shade;
  • the baby can distinguish some smells, feel tastes;
  • he also experiences pain, like a full-term baby;
  • it reacts to light, sounds, warm and cold water.

What tests should be done at 27 weeks pregnant?

Complete urinalysis and blood counts are the most important tests that you will have to take throughout your pregnancy. A urinalysis gives an idea of ​​the condition of the kidneys, and a blood test will allow you to estimate the amount of hemoglobin. At each examination, the doctor weighs and gives recommendations if the weight limit is exceeded, measures the circumference of the abdomen, listens to the baby's heartbeat, and asks about the presence of complaints. It is important to tell the doctor about all the ailments.

Planned ultrasound at this time is not performed. If you have been prescribed it, then the doctor has reasons for this. Ultrasound may be prescribed to determine the position of the child, assess the condition of the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid.

Frequently asked questions on the forums

Q: How often should a baby move in the third trimester?

A: In the third trimester, women already feel all the movements of the baby, including hiccups. Normally, the child should move at least 10 times within 2 hours. This takes into account not only strong kicks and pushes, but also rolling, turning and barely noticeable movements. To correctly calculate the number of movements, you need to choose the time when the child is most active, take a comfortable position, for example, reclining, and concentrate on your feelings. If within 2 hours, the number of movements is less than 10, you should tell your doctor about your observations.

Q: 27 weeks of pregnancy why does the baby often hiccup is it dangerous?

A: This is a completely natural process. The baby swallows amniotic fluid, and this causes hiccups. Also, some experts believe that this is how the child's body prepares for its first breath after childbirth.

V .: The 27th week of pregnancy has gone, the stomach often began to stony. What could it be: workouts or tone? Is it dangerous?

A: Feeling a hard belly can be a sign of both tone and training contractions. Training contractions are the norm and prepare the muscles of the uterus for the upcoming birth, and the tone can be dangerous. It is better to consult a doctor, describe in detail the symptoms and frequency in order to accurately determine the cause.

What should mom do at 27 weeks?

Most women, even in late pregnancy, continue to be active in the labor force. But you need to remember that excessive physical and emotional stress negatively affects the baby. What are the trips in public transport at rush hour. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to go on maternity leave early, you should use it. For example, you can take a vacation that you are entitled to by law, and then go on maternity leave.

At week 27, women are often tormented by heartburn and nausea. To avoid these unpleasant sensations, you need to adjust your menu.

Try not to overeat and eat small meals. Avoid salty and fried foods as much as possible. If you went for a walk, then take a biscuit cookie or an apple with you. A small snack will prevent you from succumbing to the temptation to eat junk food.

Pregnancy brings noticeable changes in the figure. But these changes are the most beautiful and suit all women very much. Do not try to put on old things that have become small for you. They will be uncomfortable for both you and the baby. Get loose-fitting clothes that don't restrict your movements.

To strengthen your immunity and reduce the load on the spine, sign up for a pool. Swimming is the best exercise for a pregnant woman. The ideal option is to go to classes with your spouse.

Pregnancy is not a reason to give up a beautiful hairstyle or makeup. You should enjoy your wonderful state, feel desired and loved. During the decree, try to rest more and gain strength before the upcoming birth. The first months after the birth of a child can be very difficult, so take advantage of the moment and relax.

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