
All about the Evitest pregnancy test

Evitest pregnancy test is produced in Germany using high-quality materials, under sterile conditions and controlled at every stage...

in detail / 13.07.2022
How to determine pregnancy using urine and soda?

This test has already spread all over the Internet several times. But representatives of the fair sex do not stop looking for it, commenting on it, trying it on...

in detail / 13.07.2022
Normal course of pregnancy according to timing

Read in this article: Being a mother is a great happiness, but some women, along with a great desire to give birth to a child, strongly...

in detail / 26.07.2023
Detection of Down syndrome in the early stages of pregnancy: diagnosis, tests, ultrasound and hCG and its interpretation

It is impossible to diagnose whether a child has a pathology with 100% certainty. However, Down syndrome does have signs during pregnancy....

in detail / 13.07.2022
HCG 2500 what is the stage of pregnancy

If they suspect an interesting situation, women undergo many tests. All this is needed to confirm the new status and understand how it’s going...

in detail / 13.07.2022
Abdominal pain during pregnancy at different stages

We have compiled a “hit parade” of typical pains that women often experience during pregnancy, and about which there is no need to panic. During...

in detail / 13.07.2022
ARVI and pregnancy: dangers and features of treatment in the early stages

During pregnancy, the expectant mother's immunity weakens, and therefore the pregnant woman is susceptible to various types of diseases, including...

in detail / 13.07.2022
At what weeks is the second screening carried out: timing, norms and interpretation of indicators during pregnancy Do the 2nd screening

2nd trimester screening is a standard test for pregnant women, including ultrasound and blood tests. Based on the data obtained, doctors draw conclusions about...

in detail / 13.07.2022
First screening during pregnancy: examinations and timing

EVERYTHING IS UNDER CONTROL There are a number of studies that show the risk of giving birth to a child with pathologies such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome and gross defects...

in detail / 13.07.2022
Is it possible to sleep on your stomach, back and which side is better?

Concern for the little toddler makes a pregnant woman take a different look at everyday things and habits. So, for example, at the very beginning...

in detail / 13.07.2022
At what week of pregnancy does toxicosis usually begin and how to deal with it in the early stages?

No matter how desired pregnancy may be, it can be overshadowed by toxicosis (preeclampsia). This condition is characterized by attacks of nausea and vomiting, weakness,...

in detail / 13.07.2022
What payments are due to pregnant women: terms and amounts of payments Maximum amount of payments for pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman’s life, but it is also a headache for her employer. The manager must know how to calculate maternity and...

in detail / 13.07.2022
If skin itching appears during pregnancy, and the whole body itches without rashes in the early and late stages, what is it?

Among all the conditions and uncomfortable situations that often accompany pregnancy, or arise at one time or another, sometimes...

in detail / 13.07.2022
Why does my skin itch during pregnancy?

Instructions Do not self-medicate. If the problem has become acute, consult a gynecologist or dermatologist. Proper treatment should...

in detail / 13.07.2022
Management of pregnancy with recurrent miscarriage What causes early miscarriages

Miscarriage is a difficult ordeal Pregnancy can be long-awaited and completely unexpected, but awareness of the special situation changes the woman’s condition...

in detail / 13.07.2022
Causes of frozen pregnancy in the early stages

A frozen pregnancy is a pathological condition of the fetus when the embryo stops developing in the womb. Most often this happens...

in detail / 13.07.2022
All possible causes and symptoms in one place

A frozen pregnancy is a pathological condition of the fetus when the embryo stops developing in the womb. Most often this happens...

in detail / 13.07.2022
The course of pregnancy and fetal development by week

When does a woman become a mother? It turns out not when she gives birth to a child, but when pregnancy occurs. Everyone knows that...

in detail / 26.07.2023