Kid 0-1

How to raise a child at the age of one and a half years: features of development

The physical development of a child at 1 year 6 months slows down somewhat, but on the other hand, the formation of his personality and the formation of character are actively going on. Your baby already knows how ... Boys: 74-88.2 cm. 9.6-14.4 kg....


Child development in the eleventh month of life

It's not long before your baby's first birthday. What has the child achieved by 11 months of age, and what else should he learn? Consider what a little man should know and be able to ...

Preparing for conception

Fifth month of pregnancy, fetal development and mother's feelings

During the fifth month (weeks 18 to 22) of pregnancy, your baby will actively show improvement in motor coordination as her muscles and skeleton become stronger and her nervous system...

Child development in the fourth month of life
Child development in the fourth month of life

The baby is 4 months old. A new stage of his life is coming. Having confidently mastered the first motor skills, the little one seeks to find out the essence of those around him ...

All about the thirty-first week of pregnancy
All about the thirty-first week of pregnancy

31 weeks pregnant - delivery is getting closer. Every day the baby grows, gains weight, and it becomes more and more difficult for the mother to walk and breathe. Just be patient...

The condition of the woman and the fetus at the eighth week of pregnancy
The condition of the woman and the fetus at the eighth week of pregnancy

In the mother's body, the concentration of the female hormone - progesterone, synthesized by the ovaries, continues to increase. It reduces the excitability of the uterus, ...

Embryo development by day and week Why is there no belly at 9 weeks of gestation
Embryo development by day and week Why is there no belly at 9 weeks of gestation

The ninth week of obstetric pregnancy corresponds to the seventh week from the moment of conception. People around you may already notice some changes in your ...

From what week and why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs
From what week and why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs

For the birth of a healthy baby, the expectant mother needs not only to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, but also get enough sleep. By...

How many weeks do the second screening: terms, norms and interpretation of indicators during pregnancy Do the 2nd screening
How many weeks do the second screening: terms, norms and interpretation of indicators during pregnancy Do the 2nd screening

Screening of the 2nd trimester is a standard study of pregnant women, including ultrasound and a blood test. Based on the data obtained, doctors draw conclusions about ...

Kid 0-1
At what week of pregnancy does toxicosis usually begin and how to deal with it in the early stages?
At what week of pregnancy does toxicosis usually begin and how to deal with it in the early stages?

No matter how desirable pregnancy is, it can be overshadowed by toxicosis (preeclampsia). This condition is characterized by bouts of nausea and vomiting, weakness,...

All about the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy
All about the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy

Fruit size: 36 cm. Fruit weight: 1000 gr. With the onset of the 27th obstetric week of pregnancy, the systems and organs of the fetus are already laid down. The kid starts...

The eighth obstetric week of pregnancy: what happens in the body of the mother and fetus?
The eighth obstetric week of pregnancy: what happens in the body of the mother and fetus?

The obstetric month consists of twenty-eight days or four weeks. The 8th week of pregnancy refers to the first trimester and completes the second ...

Directory of Diseases
Screening of the second trimester: when they do it, interpretation of the results, indicators of the norm and deviations Screening of the 2nd trimester in which week
Screening of the second trimester: when they do it, interpretation of the results, indicators of the norm and deviations Screening of the 2nd trimester in which week

The second screening during pregnancy is a comprehensive diagnosis, which includes both ultrasound and the determination of several marker hormones in the blood of the future ...

The height of the fundus of the uterus (VDM) and its dynamics by weeks of pregnancy
The height of the fundus of the uterus (VDM) and its dynamics by weeks of pregnancy

In the body of a woman during pregnancy, there are serious changes that allow her to endure and give birth to a baby. With these changes, doctors...

How is the position of the fundus of the uterus determined during pregnancy, what is the norm of the height of its standing by weeks?
How is the position of the fundus of the uterus determined during pregnancy, what is the norm of the height of its standing by weeks?

At each visit of a pregnant woman to the doctor leading her pregnancy, the height of the uterine fundus is measured. On the exchange card, the doctor designates this...

How does but shpa work during pregnancy in the early stages Is it possible to noshpu at 4 weeks of pregnancy
How does but shpa work during pregnancy in the early stages Is it possible to noshpu at 4 weeks of pregnancy

Among the medications that can be taken by women in position, No-shpa is of particular importance. A powerful antispasmodic that...

Premature newborn baby: features of care and nursing How many premature babies
Premature newborn baby: features of care and nursing How many premature babies

The first year of a child's life is characterized by the most intensive growth and rapid development. But during this period the body is extremely vulnerable, ...

All about the Evitest pregnancy test
All about the Evitest pregnancy test

Evitest for pregnancy is produced in Germany using high quality materials, under conditions of sterility and control at every stage...

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