Ninth obstetric week of pregnancy: what happens, sensations, fetal development. Embryo development by day and week Why is there no belly at 9 weeks of gestation

The ninth week of obstetric pregnancy corresponds to the seventh week from the moment of conception. People around you may already notice some changes in your body, notice sudden changes in mood. Severe toxicosis can give out an interesting position of a woman, which, fortunately, does not happen to all pregnant women.

The representative of the weaker sex herself is probably already aware of her pregnancy, which is evidenced by many different signs that are clearly manifested by the 9th week of pregnancy. It is likely that the woman has already managed to visit the gynecological center in order to register and undergo regular examinations with the attending physician.

What happens in the body of the expectant mother at the 9th week of obstetric pregnancy?

At the 9th week of obstetric pregnancy, the baby inside the womb resembles a cherry in size. Its weight already reaches 4 grams, and its height varies in the range of 22-30 mm.

The ninth week of pregnancy is characterized by a number of changes and the appearance of new signs. Favorite dresses become cramped at the waist, but outwardly, pregnancy can still be hardly noticeable to people around. At the 9th week of pregnancy, the uterus greatly increases in size. However, the walls of the uterus are not yet too stretched. During this period of time, a pregnant woman should think about buying a good cream against stretch marks, which will contain vitamins of groups E and A in sufficient quantities.

Ultrasound at 9 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound at the 9th week of pregnancy is performed to determine how well the fetus develops. Performing an ultrasound at this time allows the expectant mother to hear the fetal heartbeat, to see the movements of the legs and arms. At this stage, deviations in the development of the fetus can be detected, and this will help to effectively and quickly solve the problems that have arisen. The solution will depend on the nature of the deviations that have arisen in the fetus. Pathological changes in the body of the fetus inside the womb may require the usual consultation with specialists or surgical intervention.

The need for ultrasound at the 9th week of pregnancy arises when a medical specialist needs to use specialized equipment to determine the presence of gross developmental pathologies in an infant inside the mother's womb. Sometimes such anomalies are considered incompatible with life, and therefore the doctor suggests that the woman terminate the pregnancy so that in the future she can again conceive, endure and give birth to a completely healthy baby.

The ultrasound diagnostic procedure as a whole is painless, however, a woman may experience discomfort when pressing the ultrasonic sensor on the lower abdomen. Such actions with the tool allow you to more clearly display the picture on the monitor. Due to the fact that ultrasound diagnostics is recommended to be done with a full bladder, after it is carried out, women often have a desire to go for a small need.

Feelings of the expectant mother at the 9th week of pregnancy

At a period of 9 weeks, the total weight of a woman may decrease slightly. This phenomenon is associated with severe toxicosis and lack of appetite. Toxicosis of pregnant women is characterized by several unpleasant symptoms, among which there are intolerance to the aroma of food, and vomiting, and severe nausea (especially in the morning), aversion to the smell of your favorite perfume. However, there may be other developments. If in the last few weeks the woman has not been tormented by toxicosis, then her weight, most likely, began to gradually grow, but at this time such an increase is still insignificant.

During this period of time, the pregnant woman still has high fatigue, frequent dizziness occurs with sharp turns and tilts of the head. This week, a woman should be especially careful to avoid fainting.

A subjective sign indicating the presence of pregnancy, on the 9th week, is swelling of the mammary glands and their sharp increase. Such symptoms indicate that the female body has already begun preparing for the process of breastfeeding the baby. There is a high probability that the first stretch marks on the chest will appear this week.

Belly at 9 weeks pregnant

At the 9th week of pregnancy, active growth of the uterus is observed. It expands to such parameters that it occupies the entire pelvic cavity. So far, its size is comparable to a small grapefruit, but before the onset of childbirth, the uterus will increase in size by about 500 times more. Depending on the individual characteristics of the female body, the tummy at the 9th week of pregnancy may already be round or not yet noticeable to other people at all. In general, the size of the tummy of a pregnant woman at this stage depends on the size of the uterus itself, the parameters of the fetus and the amount of amniotic fluid.

Fetal development in the 9th week of pregnancy

At the 9th week of obstetric pregnancy, the active development and improvement of the baby's brain continues. This organ has already been divided by this moment into two hemispheres, and in addition, this week the cerebellar part of the brain, which is responsible for coordinating the movements of the little man, begins to form.

At this stage of pregnancy, there is a more active increase in muscles, the limbs of the baby thicken a little. This allows the baby to move his arms and legs, to develop some kind of coordination of movements. A more perfect circulatory system in the upper limbs allows them to develop somewhat faster.

On the hands of the baby's fingers gradually lengthen, and the membranes located between them in earlier weeks begin to disappear. The formation of the palms occurs, the tail disappears and the back of the fetus is significantly straightened.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman at the 9th week of pregnancy

A pregnant woman should pay special attention to her diet on the 9th week. Due to severe toxicosis in a given period of time, the range of dishes consumed by a woman is significantly reduced. In general, nutrition at this time can be a real problem. The expectant mother may be accompanied by bouts of nausea when looking at her favorite foods, and at the same time, new addictions to those foods that previously caused disgust arise.

Medical experts advise eating a little at this stage of pregnancy, but more often. This will make it possible to saturate the body of the expectant mother and the fetus developing inside her tummy with nutrients, and in addition, effectively cope with bouts of nausea. This condition is especially strong in the morning hours, when the attacks of nausea are most severe and acute. For example, it is advisable to break a serving of breakfast into 2-3 doses and consume it at short intervals.

Features of intimate life at the 9th week of pregnancy

If a woman who is on the 9th week of pregnancy has no contraindications to intimate life, there are no threats of termination of pregnancy, then sexual intercourse in this period of time is quite possible. However, despite the fact that doctors do not give contraindications to having sex in the first weeks of pregnancy, it is still undesirable to have sex, especially if the uterus is in good shape and there is a high risk of miscarriage. Sexual intercourse at the 9th week of pregnancy can provoke uterine bleeding that occurs against the background of an increase in uterine tone. If brown or darkish discharge suddenly appeared at this time, then it is better to avoid intimacy with a partner. Be sure to visit the attending gynecologist if spotting is detected. If the discharge has a yellowish or whitish tint, then they can be considered the norm.

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The 9th week of pregnancy is a period when big changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. She increasingly complains of fatigue and uncontrollable mood swings. At this time, most pregnant women begin toxicosis. If a woman has not visited a antenatal clinic before this time, then the 9th week of pregnancy is the most suitable period to contact a gynecologist and become registered.

Changes in the body

The mother-to-be begins to “grow up” with her baby. Its dimensions gradually increase, the tummy is rounded, heavier, and the chest is poured. Thus, the body is rebuilt, accumulating the necessary reserves that the mother will need when she begins to feed her baby with breast milk. The abdomen at the 9th week of pregnancy is not yet visible, but the uterus continues to grow. By three months, it reaches the size of a small melon. Pregnant women begin to feel "full" in the abdomen and experience heartburn. All this is due to hormonal changes. By the way, weight gain at 9 weeks pregnant is often associated with fluid retention. At this time, the chest becomes especially sensitive. A well-visible venous network can form on it, which disappears over time. Doctors recommend that women replace their usual bras from the early stages of an interesting situation with analogues made from natural fabrics that do not contain extra seams.

Feelings of the expectant mother

It's already been 9 weeks of pregnancy. What happens to the expectant mother, what are her feelings? First of all, a pregnant woman begins to surprise loved ones with frequent mood swings and sudden changes in taste preferences. In the morning she can order herring with a banana, and by lunchtime she can order soup with biscuits. And this is absolutely normal. Despite strange gastronomic requests, relatives should support the expectant mother and try to fulfill her desires. The 9th week of pregnancy is a period when many women have an acute sense of smell. Some cannot stay in public transport for a long time, others cannot stand the smells coming from the cafe, and the third are “disgusted” by perfume. Changes occur in the emotional background of the expectant mother. She can become whiny, sentimental, or, conversely, turn into an irritable and aggressive person. Almost all pregnant women during this period complain of fatigue, drowsiness, periodic dizziness, feeling of lack of oxygen.

"New" symptoms

Fatigue, abdominal fullness, toxicosis - these are the symptoms that are most pronounced when the 9th week of pregnancy occurs. The feelings of the expectant mother change due to the restructuring of the hormonal background. At this time, women increasingly complain of sleep disturbance and frequent urge to urinate. Expectant mothers are also concerned about:

  • morning sickness;
  • cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • constipation;
  • gases;
  • runny nose (nasal congestion);
  • discharge;
  • acne.

All of the above symptoms are not something out of the ordinary. This is a common condition of a pregnant woman. But if the expectant mother is worried about the changes taking place in the body, it is better for her to contact the gynecological department for advice.

embryo development

The fetus at the 9th week of pregnancy continues to develop:

  1. Its weight is 2.5-3 g.
  2. The skeleton is compacted, the formation of cartilage begins.
  3. Separate parts of the brain are formed, in particular the cerebellum.
  4. The limbs of the baby develop: arms, legs, fingers.
  5. Hair follicles and nipples are formed.
  6. The formation of the digestive system, gallbladder, ducts, anus, pancreas begins.
  7. Bronchial buds appear.
  8. The nervous system develops.
  9. Sexual organs are formed.
  10. Muscle development occurs: the baby gradually begins to move.

By the 9th week of pregnancy, the tail of the embryo disappears. The baby's tiny heart already has four valves. During this period, the fetus begins to rapidly gain weight. Often, at the 3rd month of pregnancy, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound scan to the woman. "For what?" - you ask. After all, your pregnancy is 9 weeks. A photo of the fetus taken during an ultrasound examination allows you to assess its motor activity and the condition of the uterus. In addition, ultrasound allows the expectant mother to see the outlines of her crumbs.

How does the baby grow

So, your pregnancy is 9 weeks. A photo of the fetus obtained as a result of transvaginal or transabdominal echography does not yet allow us to reliably establish its sex. But the expectant mother can already distinguish the face of her crumbs. The size of the fetus is only 3 cm. But, no matter how small it may be, a real man lives in the body of a pregnant woman. By two months of pregnancy, the child's brain becomes "adult": it already has 2 hemispheres covered with convolutions. The baby begins to bend and unbend his arms. Every day the baby's limbs are lengthening, and the face is improving. In the photo taken during an ultrasound, expectant mothers can see the lips, auricles, closed eyelids of their child.

9 weeks pregnant: discharge

During this period, the discharge observed in pregnant women does not pose any danger. In the normal course of pregnancy, they have a light shade and a slight smell. But sometimes women in a position begin to be disturbed by purulent, greenish discharge at a period of 9 weeks of pregnancy. What happens in this case in the body? If such discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, burning, itching in the inguinal region, then this may indicate the development of an infectious disease. A pregnant woman should consult a gynecologist to determine the pathogen and diagnose the disease. This must be done in a timely manner so that the infection does not get to the fetus. The 9th week of pregnancy is the period when spotting should not be observed. If this happens, the expectant mother should immediately consult a doctor. Such phenomena often indicate the presence of abnormalities and pathologies, the development of neoplasms, cervical erosion, placental abruption, etc.

pain attacks

The stomach at the 9th week of pregnancy hurts almost every expectant mother. Unpleasant sensations appear periodically, giving to the lower back and creating discomfort in the inguinal region. The appearance of such symptoms is associated with stretching of the ligaments that hold the uterus. If the expectant mother begins to be bothered by aching or cramping pains, as during menstruation, this is a reason to contact a gynecologist. Most often, these symptoms indicate an increased tone of the uterus, which means that there is a risk of spontaneous abortion.

Problems to pay attention to

What does 9 weeks pregnant mean? The size of the fetus is 3 cm, and its body weight is 2 g. Every day, the baby grows and gains weight. During this period, the expectant mother should listen to all the changes taking place in the body. The largest number of spontaneous abortions occurs when the 9th week of pregnancy occurs. Feelings of the expectant mother allow you to "catch" alarm signals. During this period, the placenta plays an important role. It is important for doctors to know how “ripe” it is, whether it is ready to perform new functions. If the conditions for its formation were violated, then the decline in the hormonal level is delayed, which disrupts the normal development of the fetus. Ultrasound can monitor the development of the placenta. If the expectant mother has problems with the thyroid gland, then at the 9th week of pregnancy she should visit an endocrinologist. Violations in the functioning of the endocrine system can affect the development and life of the fetus. A pregnant woman also needs to monitor the discharge and pain in the lower abdomen. If they are unusual, you should promptly consult a doctor.

Ultrasound at 9 weeks pregnant

Many mothers keep pictures of their crumbs taken in the first trimester as a keepsake. During this period, the fetus is already well visualized in the ultrasound photo. 9 weeks of pregnancy is the period when ultrasound is more often prescribed to detect various pathologies. If an ultrasound is done later than 13 weeks of pregnancy, then some negative "features" of the development of the child, in particular Down's syndrome, may already disappear. Therefore, it is so important to pass all tests and undergo an examination on time. With the help of ultrasound, the doctor makes predictions for the future and accurately determines the duration of pregnancy. In addition, during an ultrasound, a woman can hear how fast her baby's little heart is beating. In the second month of pregnancy, the heart rate of the fetus reaches 140 beats per minute.

Nutrition and exercise

People around do not notice changes in the appearance of a pregnant woman, because this is a short period - 9 weeks. The fetus is still very small, so the tummy of the expectant mother is not visible. But her body does not stop working. It consumes more oxygen, energy. The volume of blood increases. Therefore, all pregnant women need food that "charges" the body with the necessary energy. Expectant mothers should eat more protein foods, foods containing complex carbohydrates and iron. To do this, the daily menu should include milk, cheese, eggs, nuts, meat, dried fruits, grain bread, cereals, seafood. You also need to take care of the calorie content of your daily diet. Now, when a little man grows and develops inside a woman, she needs twice as much energy. However, this does not mean that you need to eat for two! The number of calories consumed should increase by 100-300. Proper nutrition helps maintain vitality and cope with fatigue.

Pregnant women should also avoid constant physical activity, especially on the joints. The expectant mother must learn how to sit down and stand up correctly. The number of walks in the fresh air should be doubled.

9 obstetric week is 7 weeks from conception - the embryonic gestational age, as well as 9 weeks from the start of the last menstruation. The delay in menstruation is 5 weeks. Your third month of pregnancy begins. The embryo, in appearance, is becoming more and more like a person! The rudiments of all organs will soon be finally formed and the next stage of the development of the baby will begin.

Embryo dimensions

What happens to the embryo

The weight and height of the embryo increase very quickly. In the previous weeks of pregnancy, the placenta only developed and almost did not take part in the development of the embryo. But this week is the beginning of her active participation in this process. The brain, the cardiovascular system are rapidly developing, the lymphatic system is being formed. The embryo changes greatly in appearance. The movements take on a different character - he begins to move his arms and legs. Although you can't feel it yet.

What does an embryo look like?

The baby is becoming more and more like a person. Arms, legs, eyes, genitals and internal organs already exist, but are not yet fully formed. By the end of the ninth week, eyelids begin to form. Thanks to this, the eyes are outlined more clearly. Also, during this week of pregnancy, the tongue and mouth of the child are formed, the structure of the eye is improved. The arms are bent at the elbows. For the first time, isolated movements of the hands are observed, the baby can periodically bring them to the face. Hands and fingers have already appeared on the handles of your baby. Gradually, the thumb begins to stand out.

The legs of the embryo also develop intensively, there are feet, but so far their development lags behind the upper limbs. By the end of the week, fingers will be determined on the legs. Everything has its time. During this week of embryonic development, limbs change dramatically. Most often, the embryo holds the upper limbs on the chest, the lower limbs are bent at the knee joints, the embryo periodically unbends the legs or places them along the body. A tubercle is formed between the legs, from which the genitals will form in the future. This week of pregnancy, sexual identification will finally occur: the gonads will develop either into the ovaries or testicles, and from the bulge that is currently formed in the perineum, the external genitalia will form in the future. But it is not yet possible to determine the sex of the child on ultrasound.

Fetal development

  • The level of complexity of the brain increases, the growing skull has a rounded shape and protects the brain, although at this stage it is still transparent. The brain continues to develop actively, 100 nerve cells per minute are laid.

  • The formation of the septum of the heart ends. Heart rate - from 130 to 160 beats per minute. A closed circulation is established.

  • The blood flow increases due to the expansion of the vessels of the placental bed. Giant cells accumulate in the lumen of the spiral arteries, which prevent the penetration of the mother's red blood cells. With the formation of the placental-embryonic circulation, the embryo grows even more intensively.

  • The testicles or ovaries are distinctly expressed. Sexual differentiation has taken place. But on ultrasound it is still impossible to determine the sex of the child.

  • The laying of the pituitary gland and endocrine glands occurs, the sections of the intestine differ.

  • The placenta continues its intensive development. Soon she will take over the performance of numerous functions that ensure the growth and development of the embryo at the expense of the mother's body. The final placenta is formed at 12 weeks.

  • To improve the blood supply to the fetus, the structure of the placenta becomes more complex. By the end of the seventh week, it is already about 1.1 cm thick, and you and your baby will have an even closer connection - the uteroplacental circulation. The nutrition and respiration of the embryo at the moment is already happening due to the movement of blood through the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord. Formed utero-placental barrier. It will trap many toxins and protect your precious burden from harmful microorganisms.

Good to know
An important event of the 9th week of pregnancy is the formation of the umbilical cord and the circulatory system between the embryo and the mother's body (uteroplacental blood flow is formed). From this moment on, nutrients and oxygen enter the embryo from the mother's body.

What happens in a woman's body

At the 9th week of pregnancy, others still can’t see that you are “in position”, even if the waist line has smoothed out a little. Along with the growth of the embryo, the size of the uterus increases, by the ninth week of pregnancy it will almost double. Its growth will occur throughout the entire gestation period, after six months it will be round, and in the last months it will take on the shape of an egg. The uterus has already increased to the size of a grapefruit, she herself has become soft and rounded. You still shouldn't experience any discomfort while lying on your stomach.

The chest continues to grow, swell and ache. This happens under the action of prolactin. A visible network of veins may appear on the chest, this is a normal process, since during the preparation of the mammary glands, the subcutaneous veins expand.

The load on the woman's kidneys increases, which will continue until the very end of pregnancy. Also, the growth of the uterus provokes frequent trips to the toilet.

Good to know

Some women who previously had an irregular cycle may only now notice that they are in an interesting position. In such cases, when there are no symptoms, and menstrual-like bleeding has passed, there are those very surprises when women find out about their situation very late. The main factor that determines an interesting position is breast growth and a rounded tummy. Therefore, if you suspect that “everything” could work out, the menstruation was unusual in nature, and you noticed an increase in breast size - do a test just in case, there may already be two of you.

If you were worried about toxicosis, then hold on. For a woman, the 9th week of pregnancy is the period at which the phenomena of toxicosis reach a maximum and then begin to gradually decrease.

Most likely, the body of the expectant mother has already fully adapted to the new conditions of its existence - the woman's skin acquires a beautiful shade, her hair becomes shiny, her nails are strong.

Perhaps from the 9th week you start to put on weight. Right now, your body begins to accumulate nutrients, fat, in order to successfully endure and prepare for feeding the baby. Also, your blood and lymph volume has increased, for the entire pregnancy, the blood will increase by about one and a half times.

At the 9th week of pregnancy, women may feel tired, drowsy, and some experience dizziness. Also, expectant mothers note mood swings.

To the already manifested symptoms of pregnancy, new ones, in particular the runny nose of pregnant women, sleep disorders can be added.

At this time, you may begin to feel heaviness in your legs, especially if before that you were worried about varicose veins. This is natural - the uterus squeezes the vessels that go to the legs, in addition, your blood volume has increased significantly.

Blood pressure does not rise during normal pregnancy. From 9 weeks of pregnancy, blood pressure decreases by 8–15 mm Hg. Art., remaining at this level until the middle of pregnancy. This decrease in blood pressure is due to a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance, the formation of a uterine circulation with low resistance, as well as the vasodilating effect of estrogens and progesterone.

Many women experience headaches early in pregnancy. More than 80% of women sooner or later complain of a headache during pregnancy. Even if a woman was absolutely healthy before pregnancy, then during the bearing of a child, her headaches become more frequent. Sometimes they become strong, such that it is difficult to endure.

The main causes of headaches in pregnancy

  • Hormonal changes

  • fluctuations in blood pressure

Good to know
Headache during pregnancy is quite common, especially in the first and third trimesters. Pregnancy is a special state of the female body, in which, in connection with the development of the fetus, a significant restructuring of all organs and systems occurs. These changes affect the course of many diseases and pathological conditions, including the development of headaches.

Pain that may occur at week 9 can most often be associated with a threatened miscarriage. This is not about weak, but about strong, contraction-like pains in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back.

Pain in the lower abdomen can also be associated with the intestines, in which case consult a doctor, usually No-shpy tablets are prescribed, there is nothing to worry about.

Pain in the back or sacrum can be caused by compression of the uterus of the sciatic nerve. If the pain is severe and intensifies, then perhaps the doctor will prescribe you to wear a bandage.

Discharge, not accompanied by discomfort and itching, having a slight sour smell, of a normal color, is a completely normal state of affairs. They arise due to increased blood circulation and more frequent renewal of the epithelium of the walls of the vagina. Remember - spotting and brown discharge are not the norm, especially if they are accompanied by pain. You definitely need to see a doctor.

If you just knock down because of the desire to sleep - try to eat more protein foods.

Develop the most optimal daily routine, involving a long stay in the air, good sleep and rest.

Walking is a great alternative to sitting in the office during a break. If, on duty, you have to be in a sitting position for several hours in a row, we advise you to ensure comfort for your legs - put a small bench under the table or at least sometimes raise them to a nearby chair.

If you are concerned about varicose veins of the lower extremities, together with a phlebologist or vascular surgeon, select special “pregnant tights” with compression, wearing which will reduce the risk of varicose veins. In addition, the walls of blood vessels will help strengthen vitamin C and P. In combination with vitamins, unloading the saphenous veins will have a positive effect on your well-being - changes will be visible in a few days.

An active lifestyle will help you stay healthy during pregnancy and recover faster after childbirth. However, this does not mean that you need an intensive training regimen. Find a safe exercise program recommended for pregnant women and be careful not to overexert yourself.

From the very beginning of pregnancy, it is very important to monitor your posture when you are sitting and choose the optimal set of exercises. All this in the future will help the baby to take the correct position for childbirth and make you more resilient and ready for active behavior in childbirth. You should think about it now.

If, due to toxicosis, a woman may not tolerate meat, it should be replaced with other proteins: legumes and dairy products. In the morning it is advised to eat without getting out of bed. This helps with nausea. For such a breakfast, yogurt, fruits, crackers or bread are suitable. It is advisable not to load the liver with fried foods. It is better to eat steamed foods.

To avoid frequent constipation, experts recommend eating foods that have a laxative effect (prunes, carrots, beets, seaweed, etc.). Regarding drugs, their use is allowed only with the approval of your gynecologist, who observes the process of pregnancy.

With headaches, you should try to help yourself with non-drug methods

  • Room ventilation.

  • Brief sleep in a cool darkened room.

  • Light head massage (perform circular movements with your fingertips).

  • Washing your head with warm water.

  • Compresses with cold water or ice applied to the temporal, frontal and occipital regions.

  • Compresses with leaves of fresh white cabbage (hold until the pain stops).

  • Drinking decoctions of medicinal herbs (mint, lemon balm, chamomile, rosehip).

If these methods do not give an effect and the pain does not stop or, on the contrary, intensifies, you can take a tablet of paracetamol or its analogues (Panadol, Efferalgan).

Good to know

The use of aspirin and its analogues (Askofen, Citramon) and analgin (Baralgin, Spazmalgon) is strictly prohibited during pregnancy!

Sex for most women is quite acceptable, the main thing is to be careful. If there is no threat of interruption, a carefully conducted sexual intercourse will not cause harm. Avoid deep penetration and prone positions.

With severe pain in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge from the genital tract, urgent measures must be taken to maintain the pregnancy. Get into bed and call an ambulance, and if possible, have your relatives take you to the hospital. Bleeding, it is necessary to consider any blood discharge, in any quantity.

For aching pain in the lower back, discuss with your doctor the possibility of wearing a brace.

Try to make a daily ritual of communicating with your baby a habit. Diane Sanford, a pregnancy and postpartum psychologist, encourages women to remember to give themselves 5-10 minute periods during the day when they can relax and think only of their baby. It is not bad to arrange a "communication session" immediately upon waking up and before going to bed.


The beginning of the third month of pregnancy is one of the most dangerous periods. According to statistics, it is he who accounts for the most miscarriages. At this stage, it becomes clear how the hormonal system of the expectant mother adapts to new conditions.

At an early stage of pregnancy, a miscarriage can be in the form of a missed pregnancy - the fetus is dead, does not develop, but the fetal egg still lingers in the mother's body, without giving any symptoms. Sometimes a miscarriage is preceded by cramping pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, discharge mixed with blood from the woman's vagina.

Spontaneous abortion at an early stage can also occur due to congenital malformations of the fetus, preventing it from developing further, and as a result of infection. It is in order to diagnose latent infectious diseases in the mother in time, to cure them in time, preventing the possibility of a miscarriage, gynecologists strongly recommend that women register with the antenatal clinic as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed by a test, and ideally - a month before conception child.

Good to know

If there are various kinds of pain (sometimes this can be characterized by the expression pulling the stomach), and at the same time brown discharge from the genital tract has appeared or bleeding has developed, it is likely that this is a spontaneous abortion. You should contact your doctor immediately.

Risk of colds. An elevated temperature can indicate both an infection and a cold. If a cough, runny nose, sore throat appear with an increase in temperature, these are clear signs of a cold or flu. Self-medication is now strictly forbidden for you, you must go to the hospital. Before that, you can alleviate the condition by drinking warm milk with butter or figs. It is better to refuse honey, as it is an allergenic product. Also rinse your nose and gargle. Cowberry and cranberry fruit drinks are very tasty and healthy, they also lower the temperature. At high temperatures, you can drink Paracetamol. Bed rest is a must!

Analyzes and examinations

After you have learned the news that you are pregnant and the doctor has confirmed this, you need to contact the antenatal clinic and register.

When you first register, you will have to undergo a series of tests: a complete blood count, a urinalysis, a blood test for clotting, for determining the blood type and Rh factor, for sexually transmitted diseases, as well as antibodies to hepatitis. You will definitely need to take a vaginal smear. It will also be necessary to be examined by a number of specialists, such as: an ophthalmologist, dentist, cardiologist and therapist. Dad will also have to take part in this process. He will need to donate blood from a vein to determine the Rh factor and undergo a fluorography. According to the test results, the doctor may prescribe you additional tests for hormones. These tests help evaluate how the baby is developing and predict how the pregnancy will progress.

Normally, consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist at this time is required only if something bothers the pregnant woman, as well as tests and examinations coincide either with a planned visit to the obstetrician, or with possible complications during pregnancy.


At 9 weeks of pregnancy, the baby already becomes clearly similar to a person. He has a head, arms and legs, a tummy, a back and everything else a baby is supposed to have. Of course, all the organs of the child are totally underdeveloped, but their development is only a matter of time. It reaches 2 cm in length.

In the embryo, the processes of laying individual brain structures, endocrine glands, lymph nodes, and muscles are actively going on.

The umbilical cord and placenta form and grow, on the ultrasound of the fetus at 9 weeks of gestation, the thickness of the chorion (placenta) is measured, the umbilical cord is determined. The fetus is able to respond with movements to touching the anterior abdominal wall in the projection of the uterus, for example, during ultrasound during pregnancy. The fetal heart becomes quite large and practically formed, the heart rate reaches 160 during this period, which can be noted with Doppler ultrasound of the fetus.

The face of the fetus becomes more formed, the ears more protruding, the liver, spleen and gallbladder continue to improve. Of course, it is still impossible to see all these organs on an ultrasound of the fetus, this will be possible a little later. The internal organs of the fetus at nine weeks of pregnancy can still protrude in the form of an umbilical hernia. This can be seen on a fetal ultrasound and is normal for this stage of development. The complete return of the internal organs within the anterior abdominal wall of the fetus normally occurs after 10 weeks of pregnancy. With ultrasound of the fetus, the ovaries are necessarily evaluated. The corpus luteum with ultrasound of the ovaries begins its reverse development, as a full-fledged placenta is formed, capable of taking on the full hormonal support of a developing pregnancy. The yolk sac is still visualized, it has not yet fulfilled its main hematopoietic function. Sometimes it can even be seen with a fetal ultrasound at 12 weeks of gestation.

If an ultrasound at this time is performed for the first time, the doctor also determines the number of embryos in the uterus (someone may be lucky with twins or triplets) and the area of ​​​​attachment of the fetal egg.

At this time, such indicators as the heartbeat and motor activity of the child are determined accurately, therefore, situations related to the fact that the doctor “did not see” the beating heart and did not establish the child’s mobility should not arise.

Possible pathologies on ultrasound

Until the first screening ultrasound, that is, up to 11-14 weeks of pregnancy, individual organs of the fetus are not evaluated, so we can only talk about gross anomalies in the development of the embryo, such as the absence of limbs, developmental delay (expressed in a decrease in body size), etc.

But it is possible to identify violations on the part of the mother: detachment of the fetal bladder, anomalies in the development of the uterus, hypertonicity, etc. Their detection may be the reason for treatment in order to prolong the pregnancy or, less often, terminate it.

Possible harm of ultrasound during pregnancy

The theoretical harm from ultrasound in the early stages (the “age” of the baby up to 11-12 weeks is considered early) is not excluded, but until it is proven, therefore, the study is done by everyone. Using the example of babies already born from mothers examined with ultrasound, we can say that, at first glance, ultrasound did not affect their development, health, and other features.

There is a pattern: the “older” the embryo, the less potential harm for it from any impact. According to this logic, for a 9-week-old fetus, the study is not as scary as, for example, for a 3-4-week-old baby, even if ultrasound has some theoretical negative effect.

If the tummy is not yet visible at the 9th obstetric week of pregnancy, then toxicosis, as they say, manifests itself in all its glory. Already now, the expectant mother, perhaps most of all, will feel the unpleasant urges of nausea, lack of appetite and constant weakness. Although, however, not all of these symptoms manifest themselves too strongly. Some lucky women are lucky to practically not feel bad at this time, and even throughout the pregnancy.

It helps a lot to cope with unpleasant feelings, the feeling that a new life is growing and developing inside you. After all, now the future baby is becoming more and more like a little man.

Most often, in the ninth week of pregnancy, pregnant women complain of severe morning sickness, a constant desire to sleep, an enduring feeling of fatigue, dizziness, and frequent urge to urinate. Sometimes there is nasal congestion, as with a cold.

At this time, often bouts of simply animal hunger are replaced by a complete unwillingness to see any food. So, if a pregnant woman eats practically nothing during the day, and at night her relatives catch her at the open door of the refrigerator, this is absolutely normal. Now you can simply compose jokes about the food addictions of a pregnant woman. Crazy food combinations are sometimes just terrifying. They say that some even want to crunch with sand or lick iron things.

Breasts at 9 weeks pregnant continue to increase slightly in size and be extremely sensitive to touch.

The waist circumference becomes larger. Although from the outside it is hardly noticeable. But pregnant women say that it feels like the stomach is getting heavier, and the increase in fullness seems to happen by leaps and bounds. It's not what it looks like. Rather, there are emotional sensations than the real state of affairs.

If you feel too bad, and toxicosis tormented, then reassure yourself with the thought that you still need to be patient a little bit, and the physiology of the body itself will save you from unpleasant sensations.

Fetal development at 9 weeks gestation

At a gestational age of 9 weeks (embryonic 10-11 weeks), the baby looks like a tadpole - a large head and a small body with a tail. The size of an embryo is now compared to a cherry. The size of the fetus at this stage of pregnancy is approximately 22-30 mm. The future baby weighs no more than 4 grams.

Interestingly, even now the future baby begins to move: move his lips and swallow amniotic fluid, elongated arms and legs make movements. Now the fetus is already distinguishable neck, earlobes.

Every day there is an active formation of the brain and nervous system. The brain develops. This region of the brain, located at the back of the skull, will be responsible for coordination and balance.

The pituitary gland is formed - the part of the brain responsible for the functioning of the body's metabolism and growth.

The middle layer of the adrenal cortex produces adrenaline. The thyroid gland develops.

Now there is a development and growth of the bone marrow, which produces blood cells. The lymphatic and circulatory systems are being formed, the laying of lymph nodes is underway.

The placenta is already practically formed, through it the connection between the mother and the fetus and the protection of the embryo from adverse external influences will be carried out.

There is an assumption that now the expectant mother is beginning to feel her baby and his condition. Sometimes strange taste preferences are associated with this. For example, if a woman really wants to gnaw a piece of clay or chew sand, then this indicates a lack of calcium in the body. And the sharp taste of food, which the woman used to like, and now is disgusting, did not like the baby. Or pregnant women, who before that could not stand the taste and smell of fish, suddenly begin to frantically want herring.

What factors affect the development of the fetus

Now everything is harmful and dangerous affects the development of the unborn baby. And although the formation of the placenta has already been completed, this does not mean that it will fully protect the embryo from all negative external influences. Remember that now there is an active development of all organs and systems of the child's body. And any harm can result in irreversible and even tragic consequences.

Now the embryo feels very well the state of the mother: joy or stress, positive or irritability and nervousness.

No bad habits, hard work, physical activity and drugs.

What complications can occur at the 9th week of pregnancy

9 weeks is still considered early pregnancy. Therefore, the risk of miscarriage remains high.

A lack of calcium in a woman's body can lead to varicose veins.

Improper nutrition as a cause of disruption of the digestive tract threatens with hemorrhoids.

Insufficient amounts of vitamin D due to nutrition and lack of sun and fresh air are fraught with rickets in a child.

Any discharge of an incomprehensible color and with an unpleasant odor is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Changes in the body of a woman at the 9th week of pregnancy

The feeling that the body is changing more and more every day does not leave a pregnant woman. It may seem to her that she is gaining weight at an incredible rate. Although these changes are not noticeable to others. Some pregnant women eagerly begin to look at their tummy every day in the mirror, waiting for it to increase. It is worth saying that the hormonal restructuring of the body continues at a rapid pace. And emotional mood swings, tearfulness over trifles, irritability become everyday companions of the expectant mother.

The level of hCG in the blood continues to rise, hormones are produced, especially progesterone, which leads to both external and internal changes in the female body. Some people look prettier before their eyes, the skin is fresher, and the hair becomes thicker, healthy and shiny. Someone, of course, is not so lucky. But these are all temporary. By the end of pregnancy or after childbirth, everything will return to normal.

Now the placenta of the embryo begins to function almost fully. The hormone prolactin is produced, which is responsible for lactation. Therefore, the areolas of the nipples of the breast darken. There may be slight discharge from them.

Also at the 9th week of pregnancy, growth hormone actively enters the body. It is necessary for the normal development of the unborn baby. But it also has a great effect on the female body. As a result, some parts of the body increase. Like arms and legs, lips and lower jaw, labia. An excess of hormones sometimes makes it necessary to adjust the hormonal background with the help of special preparations. But to decide whether this is necessary, still only the doctor decides.

At this time, the load on all the internal organs of the expectant mother increases. So, for example, they work almost hard, which leads to frequent urination. The work of the intestine also changes significantly. Constipation, heartburn, bloating and flatulence are constant companions of a pregnant woman now.

Many women already at the 9th obstetric week of pregnancy think that they feel the movement of the fetus. In fact, the embryo is still too small and weak. Particularly impressionable pregnant women confuse movements with the movement of gases through the gastrointestinal tract.

Analyzes and medical examinations

Provided that you feel well, you can not rush to the antenatal clinic for the time being. But you need to remember that the deadline for registration for pregnancy is 12 weeks. If there is even the slightest suspicion of a problem or you just need to play it safe, then go to a gynecologist and take the necessary tests.

The set of mandatory medical examinations includes:

  • Bimanual examination by a gynecologist
  • Measurement of height and weight
  • Vaginal smear for microflora
  • Analysis of urine and feces
  • Blood tests (coagulogram, group and Rh factor, infections, HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, hepatitis
  • Examination of doctors of other specialties (therapist, dentist, ophthalmologist, ENT, etc.)
  • Cardiogram
  • Measurement of blood pressure.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes additional tests, especially if the risk of miscarriage is high.

For example, the hCG level should now be between 20,000 and 200,000 mU/ml. if the level is lower, then this indicates some deviations or pathologies: a delay in the development of the embryo or multiple pregnancy.

External parameters (weight and abdominal circumference) are required for further observation. Jumps in weight or pressure at this time may be associated with severe manifestations of toxicosis. After all, with constant vomiting, the body of a pregnant woman is severely dehydrated. And the consequences can be unfavorable not only for the expectant mother, but also for the child.

Ultrasound at 9 weeks pregnant

At the ninth obstetric week of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination allows you to hear the baby's heartbeat. Remember that the obstetric period is slightly different from the embryonic age of the fetus. It's about 1-2 weeks. Normally, the fetal heart beats 140-160 beats per second. During examination, the frequency may increase. After all, this is stress, and the baby is worried. Also in such a situation, the uterus may contract. But the diagnosis of "hypertonicity" is made only if the contraction of the walls of the uterus occurs constantly, and not during ultrasound.

At this time, an ultrasound specialist evaluates the condition of the corpus luteum, which produces the hormone progesterone. Now the lack of this substance is extremely dangerous and can lead to abortion.

Regular walks in the fresh air and moderate exercise, such as yoga or fitness for pregnant women, have a beneficial effect.

As for nutrition, now the diet of the expectant mother should consist of 50% vegetables and fruits, ¼ - complex carbohydrates (cereals from cereals, pasta from durum wheat, greens, legumes). Protein is vital and is found in sufficient quantities in fish, lean meats, dairy and seafood.

Pay attention to such a trace element as iron. A lack of it can lead to anemia.

Drink plenty of fluids: no less than 1.5 liters per day. Especially if you have strong signs of toxicosis - nausea and vomiting.

Prohibitions and contraindications during pregnancy

Now it is worth remembering that any negative influence from the outside can cause serious harm to the unborn child.

What is prohibited:

  • Smoking, alcohol or drug use.
  • The use of drugs that are contraindicated during pregnancy.
  • Harmful food - fatty, salty, smoked, fast food, carbonated drinks.
  • Stressful situations related to life or work.
  • Use of harmful chemicals at home or at work.

Sex at 9 weeks pregnant

If there is no risk of miscarriage and there is a desire, then having sex at this time is not prohibited. But very often the exhausted state of a woman is not at all conducive to love pleasures. And partners should take this factor into account and wait until the discomfort disappears. And it will happen soon.

Sports and physical education

At the 9th week of pregnancy, physical activity is useful, but in moderate doses. Now walk more in the fresh air, visit the pool, do fitness for pregnant women or breathing exercises.

Professional sports or extreme sports are contraindicated. Do not risk your health and the health of your unborn child.

Vitamins and medicines at 9 weeks pregnant

Of course, vitamins and nutrients should be supplied to the body of the expectant mother with food. But not always the quality of the products, and financial capabilities allow you to fully replenish the supply necessary for the proper growth and development of the fetus. Therefore, after consulting a doctor, you can take special vitamin complexes for pregnant women.

Continue taking folic acid and, if necessary, iodine supplements.

But most drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy. Even if you get sick with SARS or acute respiratory infections, a runny nose, do not self-medicate. Taking any medication is possible only under the supervision and after the recommendation of a doctor.

Refrain from procedures involving the use of anesthesia (for example, dental treatment).

Now your future baby is forming a semblance of marigolds on the arms and legs. Only they are not located in the usual place, but from the side of the palms and heels.

The baby is already actively moving its limbs. Of course, the movements are still too weak, but the embryo can even raise its arms above its head. And even move your lips and swallow amniotic fluid.

Frequent urination is due to the fact that the uterus (which has now grown to the size of an orange) is pressing on the bladder. Mood swings are caused by a change in the hormonal background in the body of a pregnant woman. Nausea and extreme selectivity in food are not found in all expectant mothers, but only in 65% of pregnant women. Increased fatigue and headaches are explained by an increased volume of blood in the body of the expectant mother, and an increase in blood pressure is possible. Changes in the mammary glands are a consequence of preparation for lactation. Rhinitis of pregnant women is caused by vasoconstriction. Cramping in the lower abdomen (sometimes radiating to the lower back) is a consequence of an increase in the size of the uterus. The belly at the 9th week of pregnancy does not yet betray itself with its size - others may not guess anything. Edema of the legs is still unlikely (they should be expected in the second half of pregnancy).


Normally, when carrying a baby, the discharge from the vagina of the expectant mother should be mild, colorless, and not have a specific smell.

Cheesy white discharge may indicate the development in the body of a pregnant woman of an infectious disease called "thrush".

Scarlet, red and red-brown vaginal discharge at the ninth obstetric week of pregnancy indicates a pathology (or an ectopic pregnancy, or a threat of miscarriage - spontaneous abortion). If an increase in body temperature over 37.5 degrees is added to these symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

The next menstrual cycle will be only after childbirth.

Pain and bleeding

At the ninth obstetric week of pregnancy, with a healthy course of gestation, it is permissible that a pain sensation occurs in the tummy. For example, after loading a certain group of muscles (lifting an object of moderate weight, walking fast, climbing stairs), it may feel like the stomach is turning to stone. This is due to the tone of the uterus. However, if after the load is stopped, the pain in the lower abdomen intensifies and becomes more acute, this is a very alarming symptom that requires immediate consultation with a gynecologist.

Especially if these painful sensations are accompanied by secretions of the following shades:

  • bloody;
  • red-brown;
  • scarlet or light red.

In such a situation, it is impossible to postpone a visit to the doctor!

Colds and fever

Now, in the ninth obstetric week of pregnancy, it is acceptable that the immune system of a pregnant woman is weakened. Therefore, at this time, as well as at all subsequent ones, the expectant mother needs to take special safety measures so as not to catch a cold or a viral disease.

  • ventilate the room daily;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning of the room;
  • wash your hands when you get home and before eating;
  • get vaccinated against influenza in a timely manner in a medical institution;
  • during the epidemic season, do not visit crowded places;
  • avoid contact with people who have the flu;
  • Take more vitamins with healthy foods (such as seasonal fruits).

And if you still get sick, in no case do not self-medicate. If you have a fever, antipyretic drugs should only be taken after consulting your gynecologist. A lot of medications that could now have the desired effect are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Chorion at 9 weeks pregnant

Chorion is in the language of obstetricians a placenta, or a child's place. The chorion is connected by the umbilical cord to the fetus, that is, it is also a connecting element between the body of the expectant mother and the intrauterine child, through which nutrients are supplied to the latter.

If the ultrasound shows that the chorion is closer than six centimeters to the uterine os, this location is called placenta previa (chorionic previa).

What is the danger of this presentation:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • caesarean section during delivery;
  • the threat of placental abruption and severe bleeding.

intimate life

Intimate life at the 9th week of pregnancy for young spouses from a medical point of view is not contraindicated in the healthy and normal course of childbearing. However, if doctors inform the expectant mother about the threat of miscarriage, it is better to refrain from having sex now. Remember that you do not need to completely exclude physical activity from your life. But they must be moderate. Physical activity, including sex, improves blood circulation in the body, saturates with oxygen and improves the psycho-emotional mood of a pregnant girl.

Physical activity

There is an opinion that pregnant girls are shown complete rest and abstinence from any physical exertion. This myth is cultivated in every possible way by older relatives (mothers, grandmothers, mothers-in-law, and so on). The expectant mother should not be led by incompetent recommendations. Now we will debunk this myth.

Gynecologists of all countries recommend maintaining moderate physical activity throughout pregnancy. Morning exercises, regular classes in special sports, daily walks - all this will only benefit both the expectant mother and the fetus.

What kinds of sports do we call special:

  • walking;
  • swimming;
  • yoga;
  • Pilates.

Of course, during the period of bearing a child, you should not skydive, climb, descend into caves or go diving. In everything you should know the measure, listen to yourself - exhausting loads are not necessary. You will notice that regular light physical activity improves your mood and improves your health.

Necessary analyzes and studies

At the period of the seventh - eleventh week of pregnancy, you should register in the antenatal clinic with the district obstetrician-gynecologist. At the first visit, the doctor will ask you about symptoms, sensations, complaints, collect an anamnesis, enter your card, confirm the presence of pregnancy, make an examination, take smears for flora and cytology.

At each visit to your gynecologist, including the first, you will be measured:

  • arterial pressure;
  • pulse;
  • body temperature.

All these data will be entered into the exchange card.

At the first visit, the gynecologist will send you for tests:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • blood chemistry;
  • bacterial culture of urine;
  • tests for HIV, syphilis, viral hepatitis, blood type, Rh factor;
  • analysis of feces for eggs of worms;
  • blood test for hCG hormone.
  • cardiologist;
  • otolaryngologist (smears for staphylococci will be taken);
  • ophthalmologist;
  • dentist.

Fetal ultrasound at 9 weeks pregnant

An ultrasound examination of the fetus at the ninth obstetric week of pregnancy (the first week of the third obstetric month) is performed only with special indications. At this time, usually a gynecologist does not prescribe this study. It is almost impossible to see the sexual characteristics of an intrauterine baby in the photo of the 9th week of pregnancy. However, you can see if the expectant mother has a singleton or multiple pregnancy. This method of research is now uninformative. A planned ultrasound examination in a antenatal clinic is usually carried out at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, at the time of the eleventh or twelfth week.

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