Nutrition at 5 months pregnant. The fifth month of pregnancy, the development of the fetus and the sensations of the mother. Your appearance and feelings

During the fifth month (weeks 18 to 22) of pregnancy, your baby will actively show improvement in motor coordination as their muscles and skeleton become stronger and their nervous system more advanced.

First movements

Your baby already has good physical activity and can even throw out small "tricks"; you can already feel how its tiny legs are hitting you on the inner surface of the abdominal cavity! At the site of his small bumps, small tubercles may occur. The first time you will be very surprised and excited, but then it will turn into a kind of game: you will catch this moment to pet him and thereby let him know about you. Periods of activity are replaced by periods of sleep, naturally longer. And of course, they will not match yours. During your sleep, he may begin to hiccup and disturb your sleep.

Change continues

He is still growing, and by the end of the 5th month, his length will be about 18-24 cm. By adding in height and weight, your baby's body takes on more proportional shapes, so that the head no longer seems so big. The child can already make faces and wrinkle his eyebrows, fine hairs can already be distinguished in the head. Nails are being formed. The skin is pink and wrinkled, but still a little translucent (by the end of the fifth week it will no longer be possible to distinguish capillaries on it). The skin is covered with lubrication, a whitish fatty substance rich in vitamins that protects the baby's skin from amniotic fluid.

If it is a boy, the testicles descend from the abdomen into the scrotum. If the girl - begins the formation of the vagina.

Fetal movements

  • The alarm associated with waiting for the first shock quickly turns into the alarm of waiting for the next one, if there is no one for some time. With a period of 5 months, such anxieties are often not justified, although they are quite understandable.
  • The oscillation frequency may vary. The fetus is active almost constantly, but only its particularly strong movements are palpable. Some of them you may not notice, especially if you are busy with something at this time.
  • You also need to know that your activities, such as walking or moving a lot, soothe and care for your baby.
  • Finally, most often the fetus is active at night when you sleep (this happens in most cases).
  • If you haven't felt a baby move during the day and want to feel it, drink a glass of liquid (such as milk) and lie in bed for about an hour. At rest, you will feel his movements better.
  • Before the 20th week of amenorrhea, you may not feel fetal movements for one to two days, up to four.
  • After the 28th week, his movements become more distinct, and every day you feel them better and better.


The description of the development of the embryo begins with the week of probable conception. To follow the progress of your pregnancy, simply add two weeks: eg. The 18th week corresponds to the 20th week of amenorrhea.

Mom's well-being in the fifth month of pregnancy

The unpleasant symptoms of the first trimester are over, the second ultrasound is done, and maybe you even already know the sex of your unborn child. Nevertheless, not all unpleasant moments are behind us, and new inconveniences may appear in this period. You are still working, no doubt, and sometimes you feel tired. This is another reason to find time and take care of yourself.

New inconveniences

Even if your health has improved and morning sickness no longer bothers you, your stomach is still not so big, and you still lead an active lifestyle, but you begin to tire quickly, and you have to reduce physical activity. Start doing relaxation exercises, they will help you breathe easier.

You may also experience back and abdominal pain, heartburn, spasms and cramps in the limbs, heaviness in the legs, varicose veins, swollen legs, nosebleeds. These are the most common symptoms in pregnant women at this time. You have no doubt become more susceptible to heat: you are often hot, you sweat more.

Dont be upset. There are many ways to get through this period and alleviate your condition. Feel free to ask for advice from your doctor and your friends who have already gone through similar experiences.

Fifth month: the number of nerve cells in the brain has increased, and everything is in its place.

Scattered attention

You are already starting to forget the keys, you cannot concentrate while reading, food is burning in the kitchen... Is your pregnancy the reason that you find it difficult to concentrate on anything? Yes, the child takes place not only inside you, but also in your thoughts. Sometimes you do not recognize yourself: now you live in constant expectation of the birth of your baby.

It's time to talk to the older child. Use simple words. try to put yourself in his place and take into account his age. Choose the right moment and let him ask questions.

your silhouette

At the 5th month, your rounded tummy is already clearly visible, and everyone around notices that you are pregnant. In some women, the belly is almost invisible, and this is also normal.

Usually at this time you finally have to think about clothes in large sizes or new styles.

The shape of the abdomen may be different. It depends on the structure of the woman, her height, weight, as well as the position of the child in the uterus (horizontal, vertical, upside down or down).

Thalassotherapy and massage

Who, if not a pregnant woman, deserves to be able to take care of herself (unless a young mother, but it is difficult for her to find time for this). Do you want a massage that relieves pain, stress and tension? You can do it safely if you follow a few guidelines.

Make sure that you have no contraindications to this procedure, for this, consult with your doctor.

When you come for a massage for the first time, specify that you are pregnant. Make sure all staff around you are aware of this. Especially if your stomach is not too noticeable yet. Make sure your massage therapist is trained and skilled in prenatal massage techniques.

Do not use essential oils, as their effect on pregnant women and long-term side effects have not yet been studied.

  • Don't lie on your back for too long. The massage of the face and limbs can be carried out not in the lying position, as usual, but in a sitting position, in a comfortable chair where you can stretch your legs.
  • No need to go to the sauna, bath, take too hot baths and do herbal wraps. However, warm baths as hydrotherapy are quite safe and have a relaxing effect on your body as a whole and on some muscles in particular.
  • Keep the area well ventilated and be careful with products containing chemicals.
  • If you want to massage regularly, find an experienced therapist licensed by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Find a certified massage therapist licensed to give pregnant women sessions. It's good if your girlfriends can advise a trusted professional, but if there are none, then pay attention to the following points. His office should be equipped with a special table on which it is convenient to massage the back. He should not massage the abdomen, as a last resort, do it with great care. Finally, he should not use essential oils.

I have dark spots on my face. I am afraid that they will not go away after childbirth

Beware the sun!

After exposure to the sun, do you have dark spots on your forehead, temples, cheeks?

Chloasma (mask of pregnancy) occurs in 70% of women out of 100. It appears from the 4th month. Women with dark skin color are especially sensitive to pigmentation. This is due to the strong release of hormones that increase the production of melanin in a woman's body.

What can be done to prevent stains?

First of all, avoid sun exposure. As soon as the days get sunny, start using sunscreen. Moreover, apply them to open areas of the body before going outside, even when you are in the city.

Wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat.

If, despite all the precautions taken, spots still appear, reassure yourself that they will disappear about six months after childbirth.

If the number of spots increases, ask your doctor to recommend a special anti-pigmentation cream. Apply it to your skin every day for several months.

After childbirth, when the spots disappear, do not take oral contraceptives that contain estrogens (check with your gynecologist).

Mom's ailments in the fifth month of pregnancy

During pregnancy, point pains often appear, for each woman this happens in different ways: some suffer from back pain, others have spasms, and others feel pain in the abdomen due to sprains of some ligaments of the small pelvis. In most cases, good rest helps with this kind of pain.

Everything hurts me"

Pain in the abdomen

They always cause anxiety, as you are afraid of contractions. Pain during contractions is very characteristic in that it spreads to the entire uterus, and it becomes like a hard ball. It is better to consult with your doctor, who will most likely reassure you. About half of women in the first months of pregnancy suffer from sudden jerking pains, and starting from the 5th month from severe pain in the abdomen and groin. Sometimes these pains are associated with indigestion, but often sprains can be the cause. In this case, the pain gives to the lower abdomen and under the ribs. The doctor will prescribe you vitamins and drugs that relax the muscles. But first of all, you need rest.

Back pain

Often they occur at the beginning of the 5th month. The uterus continues to grow, the load on the spine increases, and its bend becomes more noticeable.

Some exercises or swimming on your back will help strengthen the muscles under stress. As a preventive measure, avoid standing for a long time and carrying heavy loads.

When you need to lift something heavy, bend your legs, but not your back.

When sitting down, keep your back straight and do not stay in a sitting position for a long time, try to reduce it to 1 hour, walk more and stretch. Watch your weight: every extra kilogram increases the load on the spine, which already hurts.

If the pain is severe, lie down in bed, take cover warmly and rest, this is the best remedy. If the pain starts in the buttocks and radiates down to the very toes, it is possible that the sciatic nerve is affected, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Heartburn and cramps

Unlike morning sickness and fatigue, heartburn worries women more than other ailments. Between the 4th and 9th months of pregnancy, it increases due to the increasing pressure of the uterus on the stomach. If after eating you have heartburn and a sour taste in your mouth, then we are talking about gastroesophageal reflux: the sphincter (a kind of valve) located at the bottom of the esophagus does not close well, and acidic gastric juice penetrates into the stomach.

Heartburn will bother you less if you stop eating fatty foods, soda, tea, coffee, dishes with sauce and pepper, smoked meats.

It is also advisable not to go to bed immediately after eating.

Some medicines help with heartburn, but it is better not to take anything without the permission of a doctor, and first of all sodium bicarbonate (soda).

Leg and foot cramps most often occur at night when you are lying down. If you wake up at night, ask someone nearby to help: lift your leg and pull your fingers in the opposite direction, massaging the shin from the bottom up.

If the cramps recur frequently, your doctor will prescribe vitamin B and magnesium.

Pregnant women often suffer from back pain, usually in the lumbar region (feeling like kidney disease).

I have a three and a half year old girl who wants me to carry her up the stairs. But it is already heavy for me, especially for the back.

Carry an older child

It is better if the girl gives up this habit until your back hurts completely. You are already carrying a child inside, and it is not at all necessary to add another 13-18 kg to its weight. To prevent the girl from hating her brother or sister in advance, explain to her that you can no longer lift her because of her back pain. Come up with some song that you will sing on the stairs (“We are walking along the stairs, singing a song!”) Or a dwarf song from the movie “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, play “who will reach the top faster” ... Do not forget to praise when she agrees to go herself.

Of course, the girl can refuse. In this case, if the doctor allows, you should carry it in only one way: with your legs apart and slightly bent, otherwise your body will be unbalanced. By bending your knees (not at the waist) and keeping your back straight, you can lift weights with your arms, legs, but not your back.

For various ailments (back pain, insomnia, digestive problems...) you can turn to healers, if only they are recommended to you by friends.

Other "side effects" in the fifth month of pregnancy

Shortness of breath, increased salivation, nosebleeds - all this can be called minor troubles. It is almost impossible to get rid of them, you just need to think more about how to feel more comfortable. However, problems in the genitourinary system and the appearance of severe itching should be reported to the doctor immediately.

Frequent urge to urinate?

The longer the period, the heavier your future baby becomes, press your weight on the bladder. Therefore, it is not surprising that the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, and you are forced to go to the toilet when the bladder is half full. It's annoying, but you'll have to get used to it. During urination, a slight "tingle" is possible. Drink more fluids. If the burning sensation becomes severe, you need to be tested for the presence of genitourinary infections.

Train your perineal muscles

Sometimes a small amount of urine is passed involuntarily on coughing or exertion. Some women face this kind of trouble. In the meantime, there is a solution, whether you are pregnant or not. There are many exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of the perineum both during pregnancy and after the birth of a child.

Vaginal discharge

Due to a hormonal shift, discharge can sometimes appear more abundant than usual, whitish and painless.

In this case, it is not worth talking about an infection, unless the discharge that appears is accompanied by itching or burning. It is recommended to do vaginal irrigation and not wear synthetic underwear, as it provokes the development of fungal infections and herpes.

How to distinguish discharge from amniotic fluid?

Do not confuse vaginal discharge with amniotic fluid. The outpouring of water indicates a violation of the integrity of the amniotic sac. When the hole is small, the liquid flows out very slowly, but,. unlike ordinary secretions, it is warm, with a fresh smell and clear like water. If you are unsure, contact your doctor as soon as possible.


Skin itching usually appears at the end of pregnancy and is of varying intensity. Often it can be observed in the abdomen at the site of stretch marks. To reduce the intensity of itching, do not use cosmetics that can cause an allergic reaction (soap, deodorant) and moisturize the skin well. Wear ] cotton. If you are worried about itching not only in the abdomen or it gets worse at night, consult a doctor: maybe there is a liver disorder.

Sweating, fever, shortness of breath

I'm too hot!

If you sweat a lot or have a fever, talcum powder, a refreshing alcohol-free lotion, and a warm bath will help. Sometimes, being in a cramped and stuffy room, you can feel intense heat. When you go out, don't forget to take a water bottle, moisturizing wipes and facial spray with you, especially in summer.

I have shortness of breath

For a period of 5 months, this is not a rare occurrence. But do not think that you have heart problems! It's just that the uterus is now squeezing the diaphragm - the muscle responsible for proper breathing. Since there is not enough room for her now, it becomes more difficult to breathe. To feel better, inhale deeply through your nose and then exhale slowly through your mouth.


Bleeding from the nose during pregnancy is quite common, but there is nothing to help here. The blood vessels in the nasal cavity are very thin and become even more permeable during pregnancy. To stop the bleeding, for at least 10-15 minutes, gently squeeze the nostrils just below the bridge of the nose with your fingers. Dryness of the nasal passages can provoke a problem - in this case, use a cotton ball to apply emollient oil to the nasal mucosa. If bleeding is repeated too often; see a doctor.

Bleeding gums

Your gums often bleed while brushing your teeth. The situation will improve if you change the brush to a softer one and massage the gums. With the exception of gingivitis, there should be no dental problems during pregnancy.

Increased salivation

Salivation is observed especially in the last weeks of pregnancy. After giving birth, everything will return to normal.

From the very beginning of my pregnancy, I noticed terrible lines of purple in the form of cobwebs on my legs. Is this what they call varicose veins?

Varicose veins?

These unaesthetic lines are not knots. Small varicose veins (dilated veins) appear due to hormonal changes. The tendency to their appearance can be inherited. After childbirth, they should disappear.

Regular exercise is the best way to forget about varicose veins even during pregnancy.

Otherwise, procedures such as laser or saline injections can be used. It is useless to use creams based on vitamin K (its molecules are too dense to penetrate the skin).

Causes for concern

  • Some women are worried about constantly red palms, and sometimes the soles of their feet. The reason for this is all the same hormones. Sometimes redness is accompanied by itching. In fact, there is nothing wrong with these temporary changes. After giving birth, everything will return to normal.
  • Your nails grow very fast, but they are either very brittle and break easily, or vice versa, they are too hard. Similar changes are typical for this period of pregnancy. Remember - quick-drying varnishes and nail polish removers with acetone dry out nails and make them brittle, so it's best to stop using them now; it is enough to cover the nails from time to time with a colorless varnish or a special therapeutic composition. If you do paint your nails, choose gentle nail polish removers and make sure you don't suffer from a calcium deficiency.
  • Increased sweating can cause irritation on the skin, as the body's thermal regulation is disturbed. After a shower, apply talcum powder to irritated areas: the glands under the arms, under the mammary glands and inguinal glands will sweat and smell less.
  • During pregnancy, dermatoses and irritations of various kinds are possible. It is unlikely that they can cause any concern, but they should be shown to the doctor if they do not go away and interfere with sleep.
  • Visual impairment is also common during pregnancy. This is due to a hormonal shift. If you wear hard contact lenses, you will notice that they are not very comfortable for you, the mucous membrane is dry and reddened. Replace them with glasses or soft contact lenses for the time being. After giving birth, everything will be fine again. If you are considering laser vision correction surgery, you will need to wait six months from the time your baby is born.

Nutrition for the fifth month of pregnancy: we monitor weight

During pregnancy, you will constantly put on weight. Fighting this increase is useless and even dangerous. From your body, the child receives all the substances and elements necessary for development. But still try to make sure that your diet is balanced and of high quality.

More calories?

Like any living being, your child needs energy. It takes this energy from your food and the calories it contains. Calories are a kind of fuel for the body, without them it will not be able to function normally.

The optimal number of calories a woman should consume during pregnancy is 1800-2000 calories per day. Of course, the number of calories necessary for the body of the expectant mother and child depends on the weight of the woman, her age, physical activity and is more accurately calculated on an individual basis.

The increase in the need of the body of a pregnant woman in calories is due to the need to improve cellular metabolism and nutrition of the child, which is carried out through the placenta.

However, given that your physical activity decreases in the 2nd trimester, you should not greatly increase the amount of food you eat. Even if you follow your usual diet, you can safely endure pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.

In a word, if you did not have problems with weight before pregnancy, you do not need to deal with complex calculations. Keep a balanced diet and listen to your body.

How many kilograms?

For a long time it was believed that, on average, during pregnancy, a woman should add 12 kg. It is now believed that weight gain, which ensures the normal development of the child, depends on the physical structure of the woman and the individual characteristics of the body. If you are very thin, you can add up to 18 kg. If, on the other hand, you are overweight, you will need to watch your weight. A large weight gain can cause high blood pressure or the development of diabetes, not to mention the fact that it will be much more difficult to lose the gained kilograms after childbirth ...

Gain weight at the right time

Weight should be gained unevenly. The number of kilograms gained at the beginning and at the end of pregnancy should not be the same. In the 1st trimester, you will gain 3 to 4 kg, which is normal. Over the past 4 months, the weight will gain faster.

At the beginning of pregnancy

For the first 4 months, fat stores will form in the adipose tissue in the abdomen and thighs. In other words, extra pounds will be deposited on your body, while the weight of the fetus will not increase much. This is the preparatory phase for the second half of pregnancy and, in the future, for the lactation period.

After 4th month

During this period, the fetus will intensively gain weight: if at the beginning of the 4th month it weighs 400-500 g, then by the end of the 9th month its weight will be 3-4 kg. Thus, the reserves of fat made in your body will be used for intensive growth of the fetus.

At the end of pregnancy

With the approach of childbirth, the weight will be distributed as follows: baby (3 kg), placenta (0.7 kg), water (1 kg), increase in the volume of the uterus and mammary glands (1.6 kg), increase in blood mass (1.5 kg ) and, finally, fat reserves (3-4 kg).

And then what?

After childbirth, several kilograms may remain, which will be difficult to lose. This will depend on hereditary factors, age and number of pregnancies. If you were at a normal weight before pregnancy and did not suffer from extra pounds, you will easily get into shape in a few months. If you were curvaceous before pregnancy, it will be more difficult to lose the gained kilograms, in which case you will have to control your weight during pregnancy.

Be careful with diets!

During pregnancy, you may experience dissatisfaction with your own figure, but remember: too strict diets can be dangerous for the normal development of the fetus.

Please check with your doctor before changing your diet in any way.

You do not need to completely exclude any type of food from the diet, just try to follow a few basic rules:

  • reduce the consumption of sweet and fatty foods;
  • do not put a lot of oil in salads;
  • eliminate sugary desserts and drinks from your diet;
  • choose lean meats (beef, veal, skinless game), lean ham and fish;
  • give preference to low-fat dairy products;
  • limit your intake of bread and high-fiber foods;
  • eat more greens, green fruits and vegetables, which can “fill” the stomach well;
  • cook food in a double boiler or in the microwave, without adding fatty oils.

Truth or lie? A pregnant woman should eat for two.

Is it true. But this does not mean doubling the quantity of food, but its quality, so that the child receives everything necessary for his development. Therefore, it is important to know how to eat during pregnancy.

  • Optimal weight gain is that which ensures the normal development of the fetus without harming the mother. It depends on the physique of the woman.
  • How to determine the optimal ratio of your height and weight? You just need to calculate your body weight BMI by dividing your weight (in kilograms) by your height (in meters) multiplied by two.
  • If you have a normal physique, you can add 10 to 15 kg.
  • If you are the owner of a thin physique, then you can add a little more: from 16 to 18 kg.
  • If you have a large physique, you can add a little less, from 4 to 6 kg.
  • If you are under 20, your own growth is not over yet. You can add 15-16 kg.

Nutritional supplements

  • Food supplements will never replace a balanced and healthy diet.
  • They are not really necessary if you eat right.
  • However, taking folic acid during the 1st trimester of pregnancy reduces the risk of neural tube and other abnormalities in the fetus.
  • Be sure to consult your doctor before deciding to take nutritional supplements, even if these drugs are sold over the counter in pharmacies.
  • At the 4th or 5th month of pregnancy, your doctor may prescribe iron supplements if you have anemia or lack of iron in the body.

Taking them can cause constipation or diarrhea. In this case, you need to choose the optimal form of release and take these drugs separately from food.

Psychology: your couple in the fifth month of pregnancy

Emotional bonds are formed throughout life, but during pregnancy they change dramatically. These changes, which affect both mother and father, are an integral stage in the life of the family. Spouses will have to re-build emotional balance.

Change of world view

It is not surprising that during pregnancy, all the thoughts of future parents are only about the baby. What lies ahead is unknown, but it is tempting and promises thousands of new prospects. However, sometimes there are less pleasant moments that may be unexpected for the young parents themselves.

The expectation of a child can remind them of their own childhood and forgotten feelings of the distant past. Maybe they will remind you that it's time to settle your hidden problems with your parents. All this can negatively affect the psychological well-being of the couple and disrupt the former balance.

From duet to trio

Expecting a child changes the emotional atmosphere that prevails in the family, and not always for the better. The couple lives in anticipation of the addition of a family and is preparing to become a full-fledged family. If we use the terms of psychology, the "dyad" - a union formed from two people - turns into a triad. The unborn child takes place not only in the mother's belly. Soon he will take his place in the family, and parents should be ready for this.

Views are changing

You were a woman, loved, and now you are preparing to become a mother. Also, the man next to you, whom you love, will soon become a father. This metamorphosis will make you reconsider some ideas and look at each other from the other side. To take on the role of father and mother means to fully realize your feminine and masculine destiny. Of course, future parents are well aware of the responsibility of this moment and want to be on top.
The need for attention

During pregnancy, you especially need attention. The reason for this is hormonal changes: sometimes you feel so fragile, defenseless and you may experience an urgent need for affection and care. If your partner is nearby, you can become even closer to each other. However, sometimes you feel lonely and want to see your parents or friends.

Your partner: the support you need

The support of a loved one will help you stay calm. Especially in recent months, when it becomes more difficult for you to move and see friends and you get tired quickly, you will especially need the support of a loved one. At the end of the term, when it is more and more difficult to do household chores, he will equip the nursery, go shopping and, of course, give you maximum attention and tenderness.

Ideally, your partner will serve as a kind of cocoon for you, reliably protecting mother and child. By performing this function, the future father will fully feel himself in a new status and help the woman feel like a mother. In addition, by providing a woman with spiritual comfort, a man thereby forms an emotional connection with a child who, while still in the womb, is able to feel these emotions. The state of mind of a woman is of great importance in terms of the initial relationship between mother and child. Thus, the role of the father is very important. But don't expect your spouse to behave the way you want them to. Your requirements will not always correspond to his capabilities, especially since during this period he also has a busy inner life.

Rapprochement between daughter and mother

At this point, there is often a rapprochement between the daughter and her mother, who gives her great support. In order to become a mother in turn, the daughter needs to feel like a little girl, surrounded by warmth and attention. In some cases, this may be not only the mother, but also a friend or relative.

Don't forget about dad

The behavior of men during this period can be very different. Some take an active part, others seem indifferent. Still others experience mixed feelings - jealousy, envy, fear of future responsibility. But for all of them, this period is just as exciting as it is for women.

Feeling isolated

Some men feel abandoned. During pregnancy, a woman not only switches all her attention to the unborn child, she is also able to attract the attention of the people around her. Relatives first of all think about her health, psychological state and rarely pay enough attention to her husband.

What can a man feel during this period, experiencing the most important period in his life?

Some begin to see a rival in a woman: “She has everything,” they say to themselves, “a child, attention, but I have nothing left.”

A little... "Pregnant"?

It happens that men begin to experience the same symptoms that a woman experiences during pregnancy: an enlarged stomach, nausea, intestinal upset, headaches and abdominal pain. This is the kuvad syndrome (syndrome of the "pregnant" man). As the birth approaches, they become anxious, unable to find a place for themselves, trying to cope with growing anxiety.

In search of a new balance

Some dads-to-be have a hard time accepting the responsibility that falls on them. Will he be able to provide for his family and devote enough time to his child and wife? It would be nice to take a moment and talk about it, but do it delicately, as he may be shy about this topic.

Desire to run away

Sometimes, feeling isolated, not finding answers to many questions, a man feels like escaping responsibility. While the expectant mother prefers to stay at home, he meets friends, travels, trying to show that nothing special is happening and life goes on as usual. This can cause tension in the relationship between spouses. But with the birth of a child, the situation is likely to change for the better.

Such thoughts can cause depression in a man or even provoke him to show aggression towards his wife. To cope with unusual and conflicting emotions, the future dad can turn to a psychologist - and it is better that the spouses come together for a consultation.

If the situation is not critical, and you find the strength to figure it out on your own, a few simple tips will help you.

  • Be honest and open with your husband about all the feelings and emotions you are experiencing. The ability to build a sincere dialogue will come in handy now more than ever.
  • Do something that brings your couple together and brings joy to both - pregnancy does not cancel other aspects of your life. It is possible that right now you will have new common interests.
  • Relax - “turn off” for a while from the daily bustle: go to the cinema, visit an exhibition or organize a weekend in nature with friends.
  • Dedicate the future father to all the events related to the preparation for the birth of the baby. But do not force or persuade him to take part in them.

During this period, some women realize how important mother's support is for them.

Answers to frequently asked questions in the fifth month of pregnancy

I've been constipated for the last weeks. Is this usually for pregnant women?

Fight constipation

In pregnant women, constipation occurs frequently, they are caused by various reasons. On the one hand, elevated levels of certain hormones - especially. progesterone - helps to relax the muscles of the intestine, which makes it difficult to remove the fecal mass. On the other hand, an enlarged uterus puts pressure on the intestines and prevents it from contracting.

Contrary to what most pregnant women think, constipation is not a fatal condition that nothing can be done about it. The following tips will help you have regular bowel movements and thus avoid hemorrhoids.

  • Eat fiber. Eat less refined foods (white rice, white flour bread) and more fiber-rich foods. Useful fresh fruits and vegetables (raw or slightly poached); whole grains; bran bread; legumes (beans, peas) and dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots, figs). If until now your food was poor in fiber, introduce these foods gradually so as not to disrupt digestion.
  • Drink a lot. Your constipation problem will be safely solved if you drink a lot during the day. Drinking - water or juices from vegetables and fruits - softens the stool, not allowing food to stagnate in the digestive apparatus. In the morning, drink a glass of water with a few drops of lemon juice, or eat 1 coffee spoon of olive oil on an empty stomach. With severe constipation, it is useful to drink plum juice.
  • Make sure your stool is regular. Try to have it every day and at the same time. Make the bowels work: do not hold back the urge, this contributes to constipation.
  • Pay attention to medicines. It happens that the consumption of certain supplements (calcium, iron), medicines or remedies for stomach pain causes constipation. Ask your doctor to change your medication if possible.
  • Be physically active. The ideal is to walk for about 30 minutes daily and do special exercises that do not lead to risk.

If all else fails, contact your doctor or gynecologist, he will prescribe you a laxative (most likely an enveloping agent).

After getting pregnant, I try to eat a balanced diet, but this is almost impossible, since I eat out almost every day.

Eating out

Most pregnant women do not have the opportunity to replace the aperitif with the mineral water they need. What's more, they find it hard to find diet food on menus of rich gravies and mouth-watering pies. A few guidelines will help you find the balance.

  • Choose bran or rustic bread, it is rich in fiber; if not, don't eat too much white bread.
  • You can start or - better - end your lunch with a green salad and ask for seasoning to be given separately (so as not to overdo it with fats). Eat a salad after the main course, it speeds up digestion.
  • If you're ordering the first, opt for the broth or vegetable soup. Avoid greasy condiments.
  • Choose a main course rich in protein and low in fat, preferably fish, chicken or beef. You can almost always ask for fish or chicken cooked in the oven without fat. If you are a vegetarian, you can order whole grain cereals and legumes (beans, split peas, etc.), cheese and tofu.
  • As a side dish, ask for fresh vegetables, whole rice, pasta. Needless to say, you should avoid places that do not inspire confidence in terms of the freshness of the products offered.
  • If you eat out of the house every day, try to consume fresh or processed fruits without sugar. And if you suddenly want to eat sorbet, to your health, moreover, invite your friends!

I have spots on my face. Will they stay after childbirth?

Be careful with the sun!

Brown spots on the forehead, temples and cheeks when first exposed to the sun? This is the so-called pregnancy mask. It is also called "chloasma".

This happens in 70% of women, starting from the 4th month of pregnancy. Dark skin is especially prone to this kind of pigmentation. The reason for this is a hormonal push that stimulates the synthesis of melanin.

What can be done to prevent this phenomenon? Above all, avoid the sun. On sunny days, even in the city, wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat.

If age spots continue to appear despite the precautions, do not worry, after six months they will disappear.

When there are too many, use a special cream recommended by a dermatologist. Apply it every evening for several months (in addition to daytime protection). Typically, hydroquinone-based creams are used in combination with corticoid, vitamin A, or alpha hydroxyacids (AHAs).

After childbirth and the disappearance of pigmentation, avoid taking estrogen-based contraceptives (check with your gynecologist).

A friend told me that she had a 3D ultrasound. Is it better than classic?

Sonography in 3D

Ultrasound in 3D allows you to better consider the type of fetus, but does not clarify the diagnosis. In most cases, future parents, apart from the pleasure of looking at the face of a child, do not get anything from ultrasound. For some couples, the sight of a child on an ultrasound scan, to put it mildly, does not bring any joy.

In general, ultrasound is used to monitor the development of the child and detect deformities of the limbs or face (oral fissure, for example).

I have the impression that my mouth is constantly filled with saliva, because of this I feel nauseous. What's happening?

Profuse salivation

Excessive salivation is common in pregnant women. This is unpleasant, but not dangerous, it will pass in a few months.

This symptom is more common in women who suffer from nausea in the morning, which is often caused by abundant saliva. There is no medicine for her. Brush your teeth with mint paste, rinse your mouth often, or chew sugar-free gum. Homeopathy can also help.

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The fifth month can rightfully be considered the golden mean of pregnancy, because half of the responsible path has already been passed, and now the expectant mother is increasingly looking at the calendar, trying to determine how much time is left before the expected date of birth. In addition, at a period of 5 months of pregnancy, the woman must have already felt the first movements of the baby. This important event can occur at a period of 18-20 weeks, and sometimes a little earlier.

The figure of the expectant mother is undergoing dramatic changes, because the belly is getting bigger every day. Now people around can notice that a woman is pregnant, which means they will pay more attention to her.

The fifth month of pregnancy is relatively comfortable for the expectant mother, because in the second trimester the risk of any complications is not as high as in the first or third trimesters, so right now you can visit the dentist, take a short trip, please yourself with shopping in clothing stores or just relax, not forgetting about basic security measures.

weight gain calculator

Fetal development

In the fifth month of pregnancy, active growth of the fetus occurs. At a period of 19-20 weeks, the endocrine glands begin to function actively. The spleen produces lymphocytes and monocytes and sorts red blood cells produced by the bone marrow.

The period from 21 to 22 weeks is characterized by intensive growth of bones and muscles of the fetus. Passive immunity is formed due to immunoglobulins that enter the child's body from the mother through the placenta. But the baby's defenses are not yet strong enough to withstand serious infections, so even illnesses such as the flu or a complicated cold can seriously harm the baby.

At week 23, the fetal body is gradually rounded. Vellus hair on the body begins to gradually darken. The appearance of the child is now very wrinkled, as the layer of subcutaneous fat is still quite thin.

The growth of the fetus by the end of the fifth month of pregnancy reaches 20-25 cm, and at the same time it weighs 450-500 g. increased almost 500 times. Thus, starting from the fifth week, the organism of the future person has come a long way of development from a microscopic embryo to an almost viable fetus.

Changes in a woman's body

The fifth month of pregnancy is distinguished by the following changes in the body of the expectant mother:

  • The weight gain of a woman at the end of the current month from the moment of conception can be from 5 to 7 kg or even more.
  • The pulse of a pregnant woman at this time may be somewhat rapid. If the usual pulse rate in an adult is 60-80 beats / min., Then for a future mother at this time, the norm is 80-90 beats / min. An increased heart rate is caused by an increase in the load on the vessels and an increase in the total blood volume.
  • A blood test may show a slight increase in white blood cells, as well as a decrease in hemoglobin. Minor deviations from the norm are quite acceptable at 5 months, but with a significant deterioration in performance, the doctor may prescribe special medications.
  • Some women may experience increased skin pigmentation. After childbirth, the condition of the skin is normalized, so there is no need to take any measures to improve the appearance of the skin now.
  • Periodically, the lower back hurts and pulls, because the center of gravity of the woman's body changes as a result of an increase in the size of the uterus.
  • In the fifth month of pregnancy, the woman's appetite is quite good, because the symptoms of toxicosis are long gone. However, 15-20% of expectant mothers may feel nausea even at the 5th month, and 5% of pregnant women - right up to the very birth.

Well, the most important feeling of a woman in the fifth month of pregnancy is the first movements of the baby. At a period of 20 weeks, pregnant women who are expecting their first child usually begin to feel fetal movements, and with a second pregnancy this can happen a little earlier, at 16-18 weeks. Some pregnant women compare their feelings with the fluttering of a butterfly, the first movements of the baby are so light and barely perceptible. In the future, the movements will become clearer and more noticeable. The expectant mother is advised to monitor the frequency of movements, because their absence for a day or more may indicate the cessation of the development of the baby, and excessive frequency - the appearance of some complications, such as oligohydramnios or fetal hypoxia.

At this time, artificial abortion at the request of a woman is prohibited, except in cases where there is a danger to the life of the pregnant woman. This information may be relevant for girls who decide to get rid of the child at a later date. At the fifth month, the baby is almost a viable person, so such actions are unacceptable.

Analyzes and examinations

If the expectant mother at the end of the fourth month has not yet had time to undergo a second prenatal screening, then it's time to do it now, at the beginning of the fifth month of pregnancy. The optimal time for passing the specified comprehensive examination occurs in the period from 16 to 20 weeks.

The second screening includes a blood test that measures free estriol, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). Ultrasound is also performed, during which the specialist determines the size of the fetus, draws attention to the degree of development of its organs and identifies possible deviations.



After processing the results of the second prenatal screening, it is possible to determine the risk of serious pathologies: Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, etc. If the expectant mother finds out that the baby has signs of possible anomalies, it is advisable for her to undergo an additional examination at the genetic center.

Additionally, during an ultrasound scan, the doctor should pay attention to the condition of the placenta and can re-specify the gestational age, determining how many weeks are left before the expected date of birth. Also, a specialist can tell the pregnant woman what gender the unborn baby has, and with a fairly high degree of accuracy.

In addition, in the fifth month of pregnancy, a woman will be given a blood test for hepatitis B and a urine test to detect protein and sugar. As usual, during the next examination, the doctor will measure the weight and blood pressure, determine the height of the uterine fundus and other indicators.

Possible dangers in the fifth month of pregnancy

During the current month, there is a possibility of the following pregnancy complications:

  • Hypertension of the uterus. An increase in the activity of the walls of the uterus for a period of 5 months occurs due to increased physical or emotional stress, disorders of the endocrine glands, low placentation, and infectious diseases. With an increase in tone, a woman may notice that her lower abdomen hurts, brown discharge has appeared, the uterus often becomes stony. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor who can offer treatment in a hospital with the use of special drugs.
  • Preeclampsia. The causes of preeclampsia in pregnant women can be very diverse: impaired kidney function, heart and vascular disease, endocrine diseases. At the same time, a woman develops edema, blood pressure can rise sharply, which often leads to a life-threatening condition, preeclampsia or eclampsia. It is desirable to treat preeclampsia in a medical institution, seeking to reduce the manifestation of the above symptoms and improve the woman's well-being.
  • Low water. The abdomen at the 5th month of pregnancy is already quite large and grows very quickly, but at the same time the risk of oligohydramnios increases, in which the volume of amniotic fluid is insufficient to ensure the normal development of the fetus. Severe oligohydramnios can cause termination of pregnancy, therefore, if there are sharp pains in the abdomen during the movements of the baby, an additional examination should be performed to establish their cause.

With the onset of the fifth month of pregnancy, the following tips become relevant for the expectant mother:

  • It is necessary to refuse to lift weights, the weight of which exceeds 5 kg.
  • Nutrition at the 5th month of pregnancy should be complete and balanced. Especially necessary for a pregnant woman are products such as cottage cheese, sour cream, chicken meat, eggs. If the content of protein and calcium in the diet is not enough, the woman's teeth suffer, and hair loss begins, because the baby takes all the necessary nutrients from the mother's body for its development. Additionally, the doctor may recommend calcium-containing preparations to the pregnant woman, but it is undesirable to use them on their own.
  • It is necessary to be very careful in the choice of drinks. It is better to exclude coffee from the diet, black tea can only be drunk weak, and herbal teas can only be taken after consulting a doctor, because even seemingly harmless plants can turn toxic to the baby or lead to an increase in uterine tone.
  • Time of work at the computer should be strictly dosed. If a woman's work activity is related to being at a computer desk, then you can ask management to reduce the working day or change the type of work.
  • It is highly recommended to avoid wearing high heels. A high heel can cause a woman to accidentally fall, which can be extremely dangerous during pregnancy and even cause a miscarriage. Shoes on a high platform are also unsafe, since in such shoes you can stumble and twist your foot, losing your balance.
  • After sleep, you should not get out of bed very abruptly. It is better to rise slowly in order to prevent an excessive increase in the heart rate and the appearance of a pre-fainting state.
  • Sleeping on your back should be avoided. In this position, the inferior vena cava is compressed by the uterus, which worsens the condition of the woman, she may even faint. The optimal posture for rest is lying on your side.
  • The expectant mother needs to regularly visit the toilet in a small way, otherwise bacteria may develop in the organs of the urinary system, followed by the appearance of pyelonephritis.
  • It is better to stop using panty liners, which can cause thrush or other bacterial infection, because they interfere with normal air exchange in the intimate area. In extreme cases, you can use special breathable pads made from natural materials.
  • Intimate relationships at a gestational age of about 5 months are possible if the pregnant woman feels good and does not experience any discomfort. You should choose the safest postures in which there is no pressure on the abdomen.
  • To prevent the bra cups from getting dirty due to the release of a small amount of colostrum, if it is secreted intensively enough, you can use special pads that are easy to make yourself from a clean cloth or paper napkins.
  • Fingernails should not be painted with varnish, because the nail plates are very vulnerable during this period.

For a period of five months, it is advisable to draw up another action plan for the next period in order to have time to complete the preparation of the room for the child before the expected time of delivery, purchase the necessary things and clothes, choose a maternity hospital, watch a video about the pregnancy and childbirth process and perform all other important things.

The 5th month of pregnancy is the middle of the 2nd trimester, the most calm and easy during pregnancy.

Although you already feel good, the baby continues to actively grow and develop, and the growing tummy may become noticeable to others for the first time. This month starts from the 17th week and ends on the 20th, marking the equator - the very middle of yours.

Baby at 5 months pregnant

Your baby has already formed all the organs, and now they are growing and improving. Thus, the bronchial system develops in the lungs.

The heart works perfectly at a speed of 130-150 beats per minute, and its beating can already be heard with the help of an obstetric tube. The body of the baby is covered with a special white lubricant that protects the skin from bacteria and will cover it until the moment of birth comes.

Thanks to the connection of the spleen to the digestive system, the baby develops its own immunity from diseases that can be transmitted to it through the mother's circulatory system.

Of course, this immunity is still very weak and helps the baby to resist only minor infections, and the main responsibility for protection, as before, lies with the mother.

The nervous system of the child during this period develops very actively, the formation of the sense organs, the vestibular apparatus. Your baby already feels the taste of amniotic fluid swallowed by him. His hearing can distinguish distant sounds and the voice of mom and dad, as if they are coming from the water column.

This is amazing, because now you can turn on good music for your child, or sing for him.

With loud and sharp sounds, the child will flinch, try not to frighten him. Of course, the sound of a running blender will not frighten him, but it is better to cancel watching action movies in the cinema.

For 5 months, the child develops the rudiments of future teeth, and for this he needs calcium.

Mom should try to eat all foods rich in this vitamin and monitor the intake of vitamin D in the body so that the baby does not experience disturbances in this system.

At 20 weeks of pregnancy, or at the end of the 5th month, the baby will be 20-25 cm tall and weigh 300 grams.

First fetal movements

Although your baby is still sleeping most of the time, he is already actively connecting to the world around him. And when he wakes up, he can behave very actively, his arms and legs get stronger every day and during movements they touch the walls of the amniotic sac and uterus.

The most common problems that can be avoided are pain in the back, as well as in the abdomen due to a shift in the center of gravity towards the abdomen, and, accordingly, stretching of the ligaments of the uterus.

There are simple ways to avoid or deal with this problem - switch to shoes with a small heel and wear a brace.

If the pain in the abdomen is not stabbing, but pulling, this may mean an increased tone of the uterus and the threat of premature. In this case, you need to go to the hospital and observe the condition of the woman under the supervision of a doctor.

Interesting! Diet for pregnant women in trimesters

During this period, there is a possibility of edema, especially in obese women and in those who are prone to kidney disease.

If edema appeared in such a short period of time, you urgently need to reconsider your lifestyle and diet.

The formation of edema contributes to: the consumption of too sweet, salty or spicy foods, sitting at the computer for a long time or in one place, not drinking enough clean water, and the abuse of sweet tea and coffee. It would be useful to do a urine test to detect signs of preeclampsia.

At the 5th month, a woman may be disturbed for the first time by heartburn, as a result of a change in the anatomical position of the internal organs.

The growing belly pushes the stomach up and the angle between the stomach and esophagus changes. As a result, stomach acid can back up into the esophagus after eating, causing a burning sensation, a sour taste in the mouth, nausea, and vomiting.

During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the acidity of gastric juice also changes, which further exacerbates the problem. To alleviate the condition, and before resorting to medication, try adjusting your diet.

Exclude fried, smoked, sour foods, soda, strong black tea and the same coffee.

The fifth month of pregnancy becomes one of the most pleasant periods of waiting for a baby. Now pregnancy is no longer just a state of the future mother's body. The baby has grown a lot during pregnancy: from a small cell, he turned into a tiny man. The baby's organs are practically formed and now they continue to improve and develop. Along with the growth of the baby, the uterus also increases, so now the tummy of the expectant mother becomes noticeable to others. In addition, the fifth month of pregnancy also brings pleasant discoveries for future parents. Right now, they can find out the gender of the unborn child and lovingly prepare for its appearance, choosing clothes and other pleasant little things.

It's great if the expectant mother has a lot of rest and walks in the fresh air, but many pregnant women are still working. At the fifth month of pregnancy, if the woman has not done this before, it is already worth discussing the upcoming changes with the manager. The doctor observing the pregnancy can already tell the exact date when he will issue a sick leave to the expectant mother.

Fifth month of pregnancy how many weeks

The fifth month of pregnancy lasts from the 16th to the 20th week of pregnancy. By the end of the month, the mom-to-be can celebrate half of her pregnancy. Now is the time to completely abandon high-heeled shoes, sit less, limit yourself from stress, walk more in the fresh air, relax and enjoy your pregnancy. After all, now is the most favorable and problem-free time. Despite this, a pregnant woman needs to take care of her health. What happens in the fifth month of pregnancy in a woman's body and how the baby develops, we will learn in this article.

fetus in the fifth month of pregnancy

A baby in the fifth month of pregnancy already resembles a tiny copy of a person. His limbs are formed and the baby perfectly moves his arms and legs, opens his eyes, puts his finger in his mouth and even knows how to frown.

The kidneys are actively working independently, the lungs are intensively developing and at the end of the month they will episodically begin to make the first movements. The endocrine system is also approaching the final stage of formation, and very soon most of its organs will begin to synthesize hormones on their own. The immune system is also actively developing, and by the end of the month, the baby's body will be able to produce the first substances necessary to fight viruses - interferon and immunoglobulin. But nevertheless, the defenses of the tiny man are still very weak.

The baby's brain is actively growing and developing. In addition, the baby has taste buds and now he can distinguish between sweet and sour food. The hearing aid continues to improve and in the fifth month of pregnancy, the baby can hear and distinguish sounds. Now there is a formation of molars under the rudiments of milk teeth. The baby's heart works great, producing 130-150 beats per minute.

The baby's skin continues to thicken little by little. While it's still red and wrinkled, covered in grease. Now the lubricant secreted by the sebaceous glands serves as a protective barrier for the baby from the effects of amniotic fluid and microorganisms, due to its bactericidal property, but at birth this lubricant will help the baby move more easily through the birth canal.

How much should a baby weigh in the fifth month of pregnancy? By the end of the month, the baby should weigh 270-300 grams, and its height reaches 20-25 cm. The movements of this tiny person are already very noticeable by the mother. During the wakefulness of the child, the expectant mother clearly feels his movements 4-8 times per hour. The movements of the baby should be given special attention, because the excessively active movement of the fetus may indicate a lack of oxygen, and low activity should be the reason for contacting a specialist. Many pregnant women notice that the baby can move in response to various stimuli, such as a loud sound, etc.

Signs of pregnancy in the fifth month

The expectant mother is very often worried about the question: in the fifth month of pregnancy, what symptoms will accompany her? and nausea in the fifth month of pregnancy, with its normal course, do not make themselves felt at all. The emotional state of a pregnant woman in the fifth month of pregnancy stabilizes, while a change in the physical state is increasingly making itself felt. The woman's breasts continue to grow even more, and the expectant mother may notice droplets of colostrum secreted from the breast. Now is the time to get a special bra to support the breasts, and colostrum must be blotted with sterile wipes.

Hormonal changes continue to affect the woman's body and in the fifth month of pregnancy, pigmentation on the skin may appear. In addition, the skin can become excessively dry and itchy or itchy due to stretching. Therefore, now is the time to purchase special products for stretch marks, if the expectant mother has not yet bought them.

Due to increased pressure on the stomach and a decrease in intestinal motility, it may appear in the fifth month of pregnancy. As a rule, now she is not very strong and can be dealt with by changing the diet of the expectant mother. For some women, taking milk or water helps to get rid of heartburn, for others, seeds or cereals. If you can’t cope with heartburn on your own, then, after consulting a doctor, you can start taking medications to get rid of heartburn.

Some women complain about the unpleasant symptoms of the fifth month of pregnancy: leg cramps, nasal congestion, bleeding gums and stuffy ears.

Belly in the fifth month of pregnancy

As a rule, in the fifth month of pregnancy, the belly is quite large and it is quite difficult to hide it from the eyes of others. The woman's uterus has increased significantly, which means that the belly of the expectant mother is rounding more and more every month. Along with this, there is a change in the appearance of the navel, it can protrude or, on the contrary, smooth out. It will remain that way until the end of the pregnancy. For most women, the stomach is significantly rounded by this time, but there are those who are tormented by the question: why does the stomach not grow in the fifth month of pregnancy? The fact is that the fullness of the abdomen depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. It happens that the size of the abdomen is influenced by the anatomical structure of the expectant mother. For example, the stomach of a woman of short stature with a narrow pelvis will be more noticeable than that of a tall woman with lush hips. However, most often the size of the abdomen is affected by the weight gained during pregnancy. Weight in the fifth month of pregnancy will increase by 2-4 kg, if its increase is much higher than the norm, then the expectant mother should pay special attention to this and change her diet.

In addition, there is an opinion that the size of the abdomen can be influenced by which wall of the uterus the egg is attached. For example, if the attachment occurred on the front wall of the uterus, then the stomach is more noticeable, and if on the back, then despite the fact that it is already the fifth month of pregnancy and the stomach may be small for a long time.

Nutrition in the fifth month of pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman should carefully monitor her weight gain and the fifth month requires special attention. For a week, an increase in a woman should not exceed 500 grams. Therefore, it is still better to give preference to healthy, natural food. It is advisable to avoid eating salty foods, processed foods, confectionery and fast food.

Pain in the fifth month of pregnancy

Most often, a pregnant woman may experience pain in the lower back or abdomen, which occurs due to weakening of the femoral-sacral joints and stretching of the supporting ligaments and muscles. Experts recommend from now on to avoid such pain. However, if a woman has a constant stomach ache for the fifth month of pregnancy, then you should definitely consult a doctor to exclude the possibility of abortion. A miscarriage in the fifth month of pregnancy is already considered a premature birth, but in this case the baby cannot be saved. Termination of pregnancy in the fifth month is a great tragedy for future parents. Therefore, if the fifth month of pregnancy is pulling the belly of the expectant mother, it is worth resting as much as possible, if the pain becomes regular, you should immediately go to an appointment with a specialist.

Sometimes, a pregnant woman in the fifth month of pregnancy leaks water. This is a rather alarming signal and with such a symptom it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Allocations in the fifth month of pregnancy may become more abundant. Beli can have white, yellow, beige and other shades. A change in the color, smell, consistency of the discharge may indicate an infection, a change in the hormonal background, or a disease of the cervix. Beige discharge in the fifth month of pregnancy is a sign of inflammatory diseases. If such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor, he will prescribe a smear, according to the results of which the reasons for the change in discharge will become clear.

Visiting a doctor in the fifth month of pregnancy

This month, a pregnant woman expects a traditional trip to an observing specialist. In addition to measuring blood pressure and measuring the weight of the expectant mother, the doctor will examine the legs and arms of the pregnant woman to identify a tendency to edema, determine the shape and height of the uterus, and also listen to the baby's heartbeat. The expectant mother will need to pass standard blood and urine tests.

Now, a second planned ultrasound can be scheduled for the fifth month of pregnancy. But the most favorable time for the study is the period of 19-22 weeks. Many future parents do not want to delay the passage of an ultrasound, because right now, with a high degree of accuracy, a specialist can determine the sex of the unborn child. Although some prefer to keep the sex of the baby a secret until the moment of birth.

Sex in the fifth month of pregnancy

Is it possible to have sex in the fifth month of pregnancy worries many couples. Only a doctor who observes pregnancy can answer this question for sure. However, if the pregnancy is normal, without any complications, then the couple has no reason to abstain from intimacy.

You can have sex in the fifth month of pregnancy, but the positions should be chosen, those that will avoid pressure on the growing belly of the expectant mother. In addition, during physical intimacy, it is worth excluding sharp and deep penetrations. The spouse now needs to be especially attentive and affectionate with a pregnant woman.

How to treat your wife in the fifth month of pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman experiences not only physical changes, but also profound psychological changes. At this time, the support and care of a loved one is very important for her. It is no secret that during pregnancy, women become more capricious, emotionally unstable, so the spouse needs to be patient and stay close throughout the pregnancy.

The fifth month in this regard does not stand out much from the rest of the months of pregnancy, but in addition to affection and attention to the condition of the expectant mother, the man will need to protect the woman from hard housework. Also, do not smoke in the presence of a pregnant woman and do not arrange noisy gatherings with friends. Remember that the expectant mother needs rest, a calm environment.

Expecting a child is a very important stage in the life of parents. This is a big and difficult job for both spouses. The changes that take place often have a great impact on the expectant mother. Now, more than ever, a woman needs a caring and reverent attitude, the support of her husband and his care are very important for her. The patience of a loving spouse can sometimes be simply envied, but it is so important at this stage in the life of a family.

Emotional support, attention, outdoor walks, positive emotions - this is what a man should protect his wife during pregnancy.

Fifth month of pregnancy video:

Author of the publication: Polina Zelenina 

It is the fifth month since a very tiny “resident” “settled” inside the mother’s belly, at first, and now it is already incredibly similar to a little man. The kid has grown a lot during this time: today he squints, actively moves his legs and arms, clenching and unclenching his fists. All organs of the child are formed and are now growing and improving. The development of the fetus will continue until the end of pregnancy, and, therefore, the mother should be careful not to overwork, monitor her well-being, and follow all medical recommendations.

You can’t hide your belly at 5 months of pregnancy. The uterus has grown significantly, and resembles a small melon in size, the uterine fundus has risen above the navel. The abdomen is noticeably rounded, the navel protrudes or smoothes, in this form it will remain until the end of bearing a child.

Now the woman is strongly recommended to ventilate the room more often and regularly visit the fresh air - in order to prevent the development of hypoxia in the fetus. It is also desirable to leave in the past wearing shoes with heels, sit less at the computer, and generally sit, and relax more and enjoy life. A grown belly at the 5th month of pregnancy can cause some inconvenience during sleep, from now on it is advisable to sleep on your side.


· First fetal movements during pregnancy

Congratulations! You have waited for the moment when you clearly feel the first stirrings of your blood during pregnancy. The expectant mother at the 5th month will surely feel the first movements during pregnancy, if this did not happen a month earlier. These movements of the fetus, as the duration of pregnancy increases, will become more noticeable and even sometimes painful. Within half an hour, a five-month-old fetus can carry out 20, or even all 60 “shocks”. The first movements let you know when your baby is awake, and when he is napping, and you gradually begin to understand his life rhythm, soon you yourself will have to adapt to it. The 5th month of pregnancy is characterized by great fetal activity: the child somersaults, plays, stomps on his mother's stomach with his legs, explores the space around him. He can cross his legs, lean back and do somersaults. During periods of high activity, the baby's tiny heart beats faster, and blood pressure rises. This intrauterine "physical education" has a particularly beneficial effect on the development of the muscular system and the brain of the fetus.

The first movements during pregnancy are usually felt at 18-22 weeks, but this can happen earlier. A woman who is not in a position for the first time can feel much earlier signs of stirring that are already familiar to her. Feelings of joy of the moment before the 18th week can be experienced by a thin mother.

The first movements of the fetus during pregnancy have a different rhythm and strength, which change throughout the day, but, most strikingly, depending on the mental and physical well-being of the mother. From now on, the relationship between the fetus and mother is not limited to metabolism. A child long before the birth begins to feel, feel, rejoice and grieve. All this is reflected in the nature of the movements. The fifth month of pregnancy is an incredibly important period, as the child becomes dependent on the mood and well-being of the mother. The baby reacts to voices and music coming from outside, experiences various emotions together with the woman. From now on, he actively “talks” with his mother in the language of movements, informs her about his well-being, pleasure, anxiety .... Fear, anxiety, irritability of a woman are instantly transmitted to her child. Therefore, now, more than ever, mom needs to take care of the exceptional positivity of her own emotions. Think thrice about your baby before getting involved in an argument, or God forbid, a scandal.

The development of the fetus at 5 months is very badly affected by the lack of oxygen, and the child reacts to these situations. At such moments, the nature of fetal movements changes, and with it the frequency and rhythm of heart contractions. Mom should attend classes that teach breathing techniques - it will come in handy both during pregnancy and during childbirth. Now breathing will help to improve the well-being of both, provide both organisms with the necessary amount of oxygen, deliver nutrients to the child, and improve the blood supply to the brain.

Already at the 5th month of pregnancy, you should carefully listen to the movements of the baby. The mother already feels the movements of the baby clearly: within an hour up to 4-8 times. Their intensity needs to be monitored - too frequent fetal movements can be a signal that the child does not have enough oxygen, too rare or poorly felt, they say that something bad is happening to his well-being. If the motor activity of the fetus is not observed for close to 24 hours in a row or longer, urgently go to the hospital! This is a very worrying signal.

To learn to hear and understand a child, to cope with anxiety, worries, excessive irritability, you can already sign up for courses for pregnant women. During the courses, a woman will be introduced to relaxation exercises that are special for pregnant women, they will learn how to rest properly and quickly recuperate.

· Development of pregnancy and baby at 5 months

The development of the fetus at the 5th month is focused on the formation of the respiratory system - the bronchial tree is actively formed, the bronchi and lungs develop and grow. The little heart works great, producing 130-150 beats every minute. The heart of the fetus can already be heard not only with a stethoscope, it is perfectly audible if an obstetric tube is attached to the mother's stomach.

The sebaceous glands of the child work hard: his small body is abundantly covered with original lubricant, it accumulates on the head and skin folds. It consists of the secretion of the sebaceous glands and epidermal scales, and has a strong bactericidal property. The lubricant protects the delicate skin of the crumbs from harmful microorganisms, the effects of amniotic fluid, mechanical damage, and forms skin immunity.

At 5 months of pregnancy, the nervous and endocrine systems continue their development. Almost all endocrine glands are already functioning: pituitary, pineal, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, sex glands. The spleen is connected to the work of the hematopoietic organs, which carries out the "assembly" of monocytes and lymphocytes - their white blood cells, are responsible for the protective function of the human body. Since that time, infectious diseases of the mother are no longer as terrible for the fetus as before - its own immune system comes into play. From now on, the small organism will independently produce interferon and immunoglobulin.

The growth and development of the child's brain continues, the vestibular apparatus is formed. At the gestational age of 5 months, taste buds appear in the fetus - now it distinguishes tastes and separates, for example, sweet from sour. Already at this stage, the rudiments of real molars of a person are laid under the rudiments of milk children's teeth - the latter have already been formed.

When the fifth month of pregnancy comes to an end, the weight of the baby will be 270-300 grams, and the height will reach 20-25 cm.

· Possible problems and sensations during pregnancy 5 months

If the emotional background stabilizes at the 5th month of pregnancy (from the past months only a certain absent-mindedness and slight irritability can remain in the “legacy”), then the sensations associated with physical discomfort are more and more felt. Breast augmentation continues, even droplets of colostrum are possible. They are recommended to be blotted with a sterile napkin, and to purchase a reliable bra, of the appropriate size to support the chest.

Hormonal changes can be manifested by pigmentation on the skin, and the skin itself can become dry, itchy and itchy on the stomach and chest due to stretching. If you haven't done this before, now is definitely the time to start using special skin care products if you don't want to deal with stretch marks in the future. Hormones can also affect a woman's vision, its sharpness may decrease, but do not be alarmed - this is a temporary phenomenon.

In the fifth month, it is quite possible that vaginal discharge during pregnancy, the so-called leucorrhoea, will increase somewhat. Some women may already be experiencing. Such sensations during pregnancy for 5 months appear due to the fact that the uterus begins to slowly “warm up” before the upcoming birth. Training fights are short-term, irregular and are not accompanied by pronounced sensations of pain in the lower abdomen. If they have a different character, the sensations are painful, frequent and periodic - urgently see a doctor! So it is necessary to exclude the risk of abortion.

Feelings of pulling pain in the lower back and lower abdomen can also become a problem at this time. Normally, these sensations arise due to the weakening of the femoral and sacral joints of a woman, stretching of the supporting ligaments, nodes and muscles of the uterus. You can alleviate them by using a special bandage for pregnant women to support the stomach at the 5th month of pregnancy. Now it is important that mommy monitors her weight, does not stay on her feet for a long time in an upright position, and puts off high-heeled shoes until the appropriate time for this.

Other discomforts characteristic of this period may be associated with bleeding gums, leg cramps, ear congestion, nasal congestion, and even cases of nosebleeds.

Leg swelling is common. To reduce swelling, you need to choose the “right” shoes without a heel: loose, cloth or leather with orthopedic insoles.

Another very unpleasant sensation at the 5th month of pregnancy is the appearance of heartburn and constipation, due to pressure on the abdominal cavity of the enlarged uterus. If heartburn only causes inconvenience, then constant constipation is dangerous for the development of hemorrhoids. Therefore, a woman needs, first of all, to carefully monitor her own diet.

· Nutrition at 5 months pregnant

One of the main “tasks” of this period is careful monitoring of her own weight gain: a mother should not gain more than 0.5 kg per week. Preference in food, as before, should be given to natural and natural food, avoiding all sorts of temptations such as store dumplings and in general any semi-finished products, sandwiches, smoked sausages, canned food, eclairs and so on.

In the diet of a pregnant woman, protein must be present, the sources of which should be boiled lean meat and fish. The high need for calcium will be “covered” by fermented milk products, milk, cottage cheese. Nutrition at the 5th month of pregnancy should be rich in vitamins and microelements to provide the body of the mother and the child growing inside her with everything necessary, so you will need a lot of fruits and vegetables, and mostly in raw form. Beef and liver, green apples, pomegranates and tomato juice can protect against anemia. Well, if only nutrition is unable to meet the needs for nutrients, the doctor will recommend taking a multivitamin preparation and determine the necessary regimen.

To avoid heartburn, characteristic of this period, you will have to give up fried, fatty, sour and spicy foods. Since at the 5th month of pregnancy there is a high risk of progression of dental diseases and bleeding gums, it is advisable to free the diet from sweets and refined sugar. It is better to give preference to foods that are rich in vitamin C (it strengthens the gums). At a minimum, sweets and flour products should be reduced or completely excluded from the diet, in order to avoid rapid weight gain.

The nutrition itself at the 5th month of pregnancy should be organized so as not to provoke digestive disorders, the development of constipation and flatulence. Therefore, enough fiber (vegetables and fruits) should be present in the diet of a pregnant woman; kefir can be drunk at night to improve intestinal motility. From foods that cause increased gas formation - cabbage, legumes, onions, fried foods - it is also better to refuse.

· Sex in the fifth month of pregnancy

Closer to the middle of pregnancy, the woman's condition and well-being improves markedly. Not surprisingly, the question is whether sex is permissible in the fifth month of pregnancy. The doctor can give an exhaustive answer in your specific case. But if the pregnancy is normal, without complications and deviations, there are no immediate threats to its development, the tests are favorable, and the pregnant woman feels the desire and need for intimacy, then sex in the fifth month of pregnancy is allowed, and the joys of physical intimacy are available for a woman.

The belly at the 5th month of pregnancy is growing more and more, which means that there is a need to select special positions for sex that exclude pressure on the stomach. These searches can bring new colors to sexual life and revive personal relationships. Remember that positive emotions are especially important for you during this period. But, do not forget that physical proximity should now exclude excessively sharp movements and excessively deep penetrations.

Some women during this period are able to get an orgasm easier and faster, others, on the contrary, achieve full satisfaction from sex more difficult and longer. Both are normal and correct - it all depends on the specific state of the psyche, and the individual characteristics of the woman's body.

· Examinations and tests at 5 months of pregnancy

A pregnant woman is waiting for the already traditional visit to the antenatal clinic for the delivery of a "standard" set of examinations and analyzes by the doctor leading the pregnancy. The specialist will listen to the baby's heart, determine the shape and height of the uterine fundus. At the appointment, the woman will be weighed and her blood pressure will be measured, her arms and legs will be examined to detect swelling and control for possible varicose veins.

You will also need to take a blood test, in particular in order to assess the level of hemoglobin and determine the need for additional intake of iron supplements. Urinalysis will assess the activity of the kidneys and the entire urinary system.

Despite the fact that the most appropriate time for a "triple test" to assess the levels of hCG, estriol and alpha-fetoprotein is considered to be 15-16 weeks, a woman can receive a referral for analysis even now - at 5 months of pregnancy. This is possible if the woman is at risk, the analysis has not been done before, or to clarify the already obtained results of the “triple test”, which require confirmation.

Starting from the 19th week, a second planned ultrasound may be prescribed. The optimal time for a second ultrasound examination is the period from 19 weeks to 22 inclusive. Therefore, a pregnant woman can receive a referral for an ultrasound scan both at 5 months and the next, at the beginning of the sixth month of pregnancy.

Yana Lagidna, especially for mymom . en

5th month of pregnancy video:

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