The location of the baby at 31 weeks of gestation. All about the thirty-first week of pregnancy. Development of sensory channels

31 weeks pregnant - delivery is getting closer. Every day the baby grows, gains weight, and it becomes more and more difficult for the mother to walk and breathe. Just a little more patience. How many months is this? 7 full obstetrics plus 3 weeks.

Tum happy family getting ready for the maternity hospital
hard care uzi
feature weight in position

The growth of the baby for a period of 31 weeks is about 40 cm, its weight is about 1.6 kg. How does a child develop.

  1. The child actively accumulates muscle mass.
  2. Facial features become thinner, the nose takes on a certain shape, the neck lengthens, ears grow.
  3. The brain continues to improve. Protective sheaths appeared around the nerve fibers, and the transmission of impulses accelerated.
  4. The baby's lungs are already highly developed. Epithelial cells appeared in the alveolar sacs, forming a surfactant. And this means that the chances of a baby's life when born at 31 weeks have increased significantly. The surfactant will allow the child to expand their lungs and take their first independent breath.
  5. By 31 weeks, the baby is already capable of learning, he uses all five senses. Reacts to sounds, can show joy or displeasure, distinguishes the voices of mom and dad.
  6. A sufficient amount of adipose tissue has accumulated under the skin, so the baby's skin acquires the pink color characteristic of infants.
  7. The kidneys work well, removing urine into the amniotic fluid.
  8. The number of cells of the pancreas increased, its mass increased. This organ is already able to provide the fetus with insulin, maintains blood sugar levels.
  9. The liver has completed the formation of lobules responsible for removing toxins from the blood.
  10. The baby responds well to light, however, the ability to distinguish colors will appear in him only a few months after birth.
  11. A child's sleep is represented by a phase of REM sleep with increased brain activity, which means that he is dreaming.
  12. The periods of wakefulness become longer. Moms notice them by the activity of the movements.
  13. The reproductive system continues to develop. In girls, the clitoris becomes visible, but the labia covers it. In a boy, the testicles move to the inguinal region, and then to the scrotum.

Belly in the third trimester

Pregnancy with twins at 31 weeks can be a little different than for those who are expecting one baby. Since there are two children in the uterus, it is natural that they gain weight more slowly, therefore, tangible deviations from the norms generally accepted for this period of pregnancy are not excluded. Carrying two children, a woman experiences a great load, by this time she is tormented by back pain, it becomes difficult to walk. It is desirable for such mothers to be observed by a doctor throughout the third trimester.

It is possible that with twins, childbirth will begin ahead of schedule - at 37-38 weeks.

31 weeks pregnant is the next prenatal test. But you can do an ultrasound at 32 weeks. At this time, a woman visits a gynecologist every two weeks. The doctor now treats a pregnant woman like a crystal vessel, closely monitoring her condition and the child.

Ultrasound examination at this time allows you to determine the presentation of the fetus. If the baby is head down, then most likely, childbirth will be carried out naturally. If the presentation is pelvic, you should think about a caesarean section.

In addition, the uzist doctor:

  • looks at how the internal organs of the baby develop;
  • measures the size of amniotic fluid;
  • examines the degree of maturity of the placenta;
  • checks if there are any pathologies with the internal organs of the mother and if there is an entanglement of the child with the umbilical cord.

Also find out if you need to do and everything about the right thing.

If you look at the photos and videos of ultrasounds taken at 31 weeks of gestation, you can see how the baby makes funny faces, hiccups, swallows amniotic fluid, moves, sucks his thumb. If the baby is in a good mood, you can see his smile.

Woman's well-being

At 31 weeks pregnant, a woman's discomfort intensifies. What happens to her body during this period.

  1. The uterus is about 12 cm above the navel, the total weight gain is 9-12 kg.
  2. Sometimes a woman feels contractions of the uterus, the so-called false contractions. They usually last 0.5-2 minutes. So the uterus prepares for childbirth. If you feel discomfort during contractions, try breathing exercises. Inhale deeply through your nose, exhale slowly through your mouth.
  3. This period is accompanied by tangible pain in the back and lower back.
  4. A common occurrence at 31 weeks of gestation is varicose veins. It occurs due to a strong relaxation of muscle tissue and vasodilation.
  5. Many women note the irregularity of the stool - once every few days. This is the result of two factors. Firstly, the hormone progesterone greatly slows down intestinal motility. Secondly, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the intestines, preventing it from emptying normally.
  6. Discomfort, heaviness in the abdomen, flatulence are observed.
  7. In the supine position, many expectant mothers begin to feel dizzy, dark in the eyes. This happens due to compression of the inferior vena cava by the uterus. Therefore, women in late pregnancy should rest on their side.
  8. The uterus increases pressure on the diaphragm, resulting in heartburn. To make its manifestation less pronounced, you need to eat often and little by little. Then the food will be easier to digest, and the stomach will not stretch.
  9. The hormone relaxin relaxes the pelvic bones, preparing a woman for childbirth. This causes pain in the pelvis.

A happy family

If we talk about the feelings of a woman by the 31st week of pregnancy, then they become her constant companions.

  1. Fatigue. The weight of the baby is already quite large, the load on all organs, the spine increases significantly.
  2. Fear of losing balance. Quite reasonable, by the way. Due to the large belly, the displacement of the center of gravity, the woman's gait becomes awkward. Try to walk slowly, watch your posture.
  3. Feeling hot. The metabolic rate increases, which is accompanied by a feeling of heat, increased sweating. Together with sweat, harmful substances and toxins leave the body, so this is a good sign.
  4. Headache. Frequent companions of late pregnancy are jumps in blood pressure. This is not surprising, given that the kidneys and heart of a woman work for wear and tear. You should control the level of pressure, consult with your doctor.

RecommendationWhat to do?
Eat rightTry to eat only natural products. Take a special place in the diet of dairy, meat, fish products. Do not eat fried, spicy, heavy foods that put additional stress on the body.
Don't OvereatControl your appetite. 31 weeks of pregnancy is a period when a woman wants to eat something all the time. However, it is at this time that extra calories are deposited in the most inappropriate places.
Avoid swelling

At every opportunity, try to raise your legs to the level of the body.

Limit your salt intake. Clothing must be loose. You can also wear compression stockings and tights.

Edema is a sign of preeclampsia, so if you notice that no measures help get rid of them, consult a doctor.

Learn relaxation techniquesIf you're worried about your upcoming birth, or just can't sleep, learn a relaxation technique that will help you relax and bring peace of mind.
Help baby roll over

If by this time the fetus has not yet laid down head down, help him. There are many ways that will stimulate the baby to take the right position: swimming, special exercises.

Music helped many women: they put headphones with a pleasant melody to the lower abdomen so that the baby would strive with his head there.

Do yoga

Pregnant women noted its amazing ability to reduce back and lower back pain.

In extreme cases, you can purchase a special bandage for pregnant women.

Take care of babyThe task of the expectant mother is to do everything possible so that the child spends in the stomach the period that is predetermined by nature - 40 weeks. After all, by this time the baby's lungs will be completely ready for independent breathing, all organs and systems are fully developed.
Be ready31 weeks is pretty late. It's time to start collecting things for the hospital. Believe me, childbirth always begins unexpectedly, so if you collect your “alarm suitcase” in advance, you can get to the hospital in a short time without forgetting anything you need.

But what about sex at 31 weeks pregnant - is it possible or not? Many couples minimize intimacy by this time for fear of harming the unborn child and provoking premature birth. However, doctors are not so categorical. Consult a doctor: if the pregnancy is proceeding normally, the woman feels well, there are no contraindications to sex.

Remember, the baby is reliably protected by the uterus and the amniotic sac, so the risk of damaging it is minimal. In addition, by the seventh month of pregnancy, women experience a hormonal surge, which manifests itself in increased sexual desire.

Getting ready for the hospital, there may be frequent fatigue

Discharge or how to recognize childbirth?

By week 31, the amount of vaginal discharge may increase slightly. It is necessary to learn to distinguish between discharge from leakage of amniotic fluid. Water - liquid, transparent, odorless. If you suspect a water leak, go to the hospital immediately, as your baby is at risk of intrauterine infection.

Almost all women find thrush at this stage of pregnancy. You can determine it by mucous, cheesy secretions with a specific beer smell. Thrush needs treatment, as the baby during childbirth can become infected with the Candida fungus.

What should really alert a woman is this.

  1. Bloody discharge from the vagina. With light discharge, observe your condition. If they do not go away, you need to see a doctor. If there is strong blood, this indicates a placental abruption or placenta previa. A dangerous condition, fraught with premature birth. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, and do not move until it arrives.
  2. Pain in the abdomen, especially accompanied by bloody discharge. They indicate an increased tone of the uterus, so they require a visit to the doctor.
  3. Departure of amniotic fluid.

If it so happened that your baby was born at 31 weeks, no need to be upset. Be ready to nurse a newborn - now more than ever he needs your care and attention. Learn and.

The baby will spend some time in the incubator, where he will be artificially kept alive. After the doctor decides that this is no longer necessary, you will be discharged, and the happy parents can go home with the baby.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

Every week of the third trimester of pregnancy is very important, because very soon the baby growing in my mother's belly will be born. This article will talk about the features of fetal development at 31 weeks.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Anatomical features

By this stage of pregnancy, the baby is already quite large. Interestingly, with each subsequent day, the weight of the child increases more than its length. This feature is due to the upcoming preparation of the child's body for an imminent birth.

The parameters of the fetal body can be determined using special ultrasound studies. An examination of the fetus, in which the specialist makes the main measurements of the child's torso, is called fetometry. With the help of this study, doctors evaluate how well the intrauterine development of the baby is proceeding.

During this examination, the doctor necessarily determines the weight and height of the child. It also measures the size of certain parts of the baby's body. The normal values ​​of the studied clinical parameters are presented in the table below.

How is it developing?

Quite interesting changes begin to occur in the baby's brain. This organ can be compared to a computer that coordinates the work of all vital organs and systems. In the cerebral cortex, the child appears quite a lot of furrows and convolutions. Such a specific structure of the cerebral cortex contributes to the fact that every day the baby develops more and more reflexes. They are necessary for the child so that in a few weeks he can adapt to the new external environment.

Features in the changing behavior of the baby are also due to the fact that quite a lot of specific contacts arise between nerve cells. It also increases the number of synapses. Such a complex system of nervous activity leads to the development of certain changes in the baby's sense of self.

The formed sense organs can respond to various stimuli. A baby who weighs only one and a half kilograms is already able to experience a whole range of different sensations: he can determine the taste, turn away from a strong light source, or even not “love” a certain smell.

Scientific experiments have proven that the fetus at 30-31 weeks is already able to react quite strongly to various odors. Too strong perfume, for example, can cause discomfort to the fetus. He will definitely “inform” his mother about this - he will begin to push harder.

By this stage of pregnancy, the fetus already has the ability to experience pain. This feature is due to a fairly good development of the peripheral nervous system.

Another interesting manifestation of the fetal life is the appearance of hiccups. Baby hiccups after swallowing amniotic fluid. During the day, he is able to swallow about 500 ml of liquid.. The baby's kidneys are already formed and functioning, which means that the fetus is already able to urinate.

The appearance of hiccups in a baby can be perceived by his mother. Usually a pregnant woman feels at such a moment that the baby kicks or becomes very active. This reaction of the baby is quite normal and indicates the physiological course of its intrauterine development.

Various reasons can lead to increased fetal motor activity. The most common of these is tissue hypoxia. This condition is accompanied by oxygen starvation of internal organs and tissues, which arose due to insufficient oxygen supply to the blood. The fetus usually reacts to severe hypoxia by increased motor activity. So the baby is trying to attract the attention of the mother and thereby communicate that he is experiencing severe discomfort.

If a pregnant woman begins to feel that her baby has become much more frequent and harder to kick, then she should discuss this with her doctor. It is very important to monitor the development of pregnancy even in the third trimester. Any adverse symptoms that appear in the expectant mother should be a reason to seek medical help.

It is not worth delaying medical advice if there is leakage of amniotic fluid or severe pain in the abdomen.

A baby born at 31 weeks is already viable. He already has his own heartbeat, and the main internal organs have formed. However, these babies usually have imperfect breathing after birth. In order to leave a child in the first days after his birth, special medical conditions are required.

What does it look like?

The baby's skin becomes lighter every day. This is due to the accumulation of not only brown, but also white subcutaneous fat. The amount of fat in the child's body is gradually increasing. This is necessary so that the baby can be born and not get cold.

On the face of the child, the cheeks are already clearly visible. Every day they become more and more plump. The baby's eyes cover the eyelids. During wakefulness, the eyes of the fetus are ajar. In those moments when the child is sleeping, the eyelids are almost completely closed.

Dimples appear near the elbow bends of the child. Every day the skin of the baby becomes more and more smooth. The child's body is still covered with lanugo - special downy hairs. The skin of the baby is still covered with wrinkles, as he is still in the aquatic environment.

How is it located in the womb?

During pregnancy, doctors determine several times how the baby “lies” in the uterus. The fact is that the position of the fetus is a very important clinical criterion. A correct assessment of the location of the fetus is necessary for the selection of an adequate method of delivery.

Not all presentations are equally functionally beneficial to the fetus. With some of them, independent natural childbirth can be very dangerous due to the development of a number of complications and injuries.

Doctors call the head presentation the most anatomically advantageous presentation of the fetus in the mother's womb. With it, the head of the child is below. In this case, during childbirth, the head of the fetus passes first, thereby making it much easier for the rest, smaller parts of the baby's body to be born.

The transverse arrangement of the fetus is already considered a less favorable option. In this situation, the fetus is located perpendicular to the longitudinal line of the uterus. The location of the main parts of the baby's body across the birth canal is fraught with difficulties at birth. In this case, the risk of birth injuries is quite high.

Also not very favorable from a physiological point of view is the breech presentation. In this case, the fetus is upside down, and the baby's pelvis is first towards the birth canal. In this case, during childbirth, the natural movement of the fetus through the birth canal is disrupted. In this situation, the baby may become "stuck" in the birth canal at birth.

In order to prevent complications, doctors resort to an assisted delivery method, which has been known for many centuries - caesarean section.

You can learn about what happens to mom and baby at 31 weeks of gestation from the following video.

I have already passed the 3rd trimester, and the moment of childbirth is inexorably approaching every day.

At the 31st week of pregnancy, the baby has already formed all the organs and systems, he gradually begins to take a head-down position, preparing for childbirth.

Mommy feels the fetal movements well, although she herself is no longer able to lead an active lifestyle, she gets tired very quickly, sleeps a lot and is also preparing for the upcoming endless sleepless nights.

Pregnancy 30-31 weeks, everything is in detail: the female body does not give itself rest: now the hormone relaxin is synthesized in it, which prepares the birth canal and the uterus itself for the upcoming birth of the baby - it relaxes all the muscles, the pubic bones begin to slowly diverge and move apart, thereby increasing the space for the passage of the baby.

A woman at this gestational age of 31-32 weeks may feel false Bregston-Higgs contractions: the uterus may periodically tone up, begin to harden and “stone”, but after 2-3 minutes it relaxes again.

What happens to the fetus at 31 weeks

Pregnancy 31 weeks, the development of the fetus and the woman's feelings: every week the baby is getting stronger and stronger, although the time has not yet come, he already has a good chance to adapt in this world in case of premature birth. Pregnancy 31 weeks, what happens to the baby?

The internal organs have almost formed, but still continue to improve their function:

  1. The eyes of a child are quite capable of distinguishing between darkness and light, he already knows how to open and close his eyelids, as well as squint. Reflexes are formed - if the eye is open and the baby touches it with a fist, the eye immediately squints.
  2. The brain convolutions continue to actively form, nerve cells are constantly differentiating, and the central and peripheral nervous systems are improving.
  3. The lung tissue begins to secrete surfactant, which will help the baby at birth to take its first breath with the chest, this substance will not allow the lung alveoli to stick together.
  4. The liver begins to synthesize bile acids and is ready to remove toxic substances from the body of the fetus.
  5. The pancreas began to produce its own insulin, so mom needs to be careful with eating chocolates.

Height and weight

31 weeks of pregnancy, fetal development, weight and height: the height of the baby is about 40 cm, and the weight fluctuates in the amount of 1500-1600 gr.

Deviations of 200 grams are permissible, this is considered the norm for the weight of a child during pregnancy for 31 weeks.

The baby adds about 100-150 grams every week, while mommy should add no more than 300 grams weekly.

At 33-34 weeks, you will be sent for a 3rd screening ultrasound, where you can find out if the weight and height gain is consistent with the 31st week gestation.

If the weight of the baby at 31 weeks of pregnancy exceeds the figures, most likely you have a large baby!

If during pregnancy at 31-32 weeks the size and weight of the fetus is less than standard, do not worry, it will still have time to get into the desired shape.

At this time, the baby is trying to get upright with his head down, preparing for the upcoming birth, but this may take some time, so do not worry about this.

baby movements

Pregnancy 31 weeks, fetal development: the mother of the baby feels the movements of the fetus very well.

The baby begins to form a sleep and wakefulness regimen, which is finally set to.

Mommy may notice an increase in activity at certain hours or times of the day.

Since the child becomes cramped, he begins to stretch his limbs, you can feel an elongated heel or handle somewhere under the gallbladder or pancreas.

By the 33rd week of pregnancy, the baby will begin to behave in a slightly different way: for 50-60 minutes he will be awake, then sleep for 30-40 minutes.

At this time, in the antenatal clinic, the woman is offered to do cardiotocography, which will record the activity of the baby.

Pregnancy 31 weeks, what happens to the baby and mom?

In this case, the mother should carefully listen to the movement of the fetus: frequent and persistent blows of the same localization may indicate that the child is uncomfortable, he asks you to change position.

Be sure to control the number of movements of the fetus! On average, there should be 4 - 5 movements per hour or 20-24 movements per day, the permissible "time of silence" is up to 4-6 hours.

If the baby does not make itself felt for a longer period of time, you should be worried and immediately go to the doctor of the antenatal clinic, he will measure the heart rate of the fetus and find out if everything is in order with him.

Feelings in the expectant mother at 31 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy 31 weeks, what's going on? Mom at this time should already go on maternity leave, and this is no accident: she gets tired quickly, the 20-minute process of washing dishes seems like a 2-hour session in a fitness club, her lower back often hurts, a constant feeling of drowsiness, heartburn and shortness of breath are very exhausting.

There may be emotional outbursts in connection with the next restructuring of the body now for the upcoming birth, relatives should carefully handle the future mother and not pull her for nothing. It is this time that is given to a woman to get enough sleep and stock up on energy, very soon there will be no time for sleep!

Be careful on the street, especially in the winter season: there is a very high chance of falling! Walk slowly, carefully and very gently, preferably with a companion to support you, especially if you are pregnant with twins at 31 weeks.

It is also recommended to wear a bandage during walks, this will facilitate the distribution of the load on the spine; however, not all babies perceive it well, some begin to express their opinion and actively move, in this case they will have to abandon the bandage.

Remember that the child perceives the emotional state of the mother very well, any mood swings and her condition affect him. Talk to your belly button every day, confess your love to him, take up a hobby - drawing, modeling or reading books.

Scientists have long proven that the established intrauterine connection has a positive effect on the thinking processes of the child in the future.

If during pregnancy at 31 weeks, the legs swell, what should I do? We pay attention to swelling on the limbs, monitor blood pressure and our internal sensations.

In the event of the slightest non-standard situation, we immediately turn to a gynecologist. Your doctor will ask you to do a urinalysis to check for proteinuria.

During the 3rd trimester, try to sleep on your left side, since lying on your back or on your right side significantly compresses the inferior vena cava, this can lead to serious complications, both for the fetus in the form of hypoxia, and for the mother in the form of death.

Pain in the expectant mother

If you feel pain in your back, especially in the lower back or sacrum - do not worry about it, the load on the spine increases every day, and the pelvic bones begin to diverge, which causes painful irritation. In this case, only rest on the left side will help.

Pregnancy 31 weeks, pulling the lower abdomen: the appearance of pain in the abdomen may indicate peristaltic waves in the intestines or the tone of the uterus.

Pain in hypertonicity is similar to pain during menstruation, so it will not be difficult for you to determine the source of these sensations.

At the same time, the uterus hardens, “hardens”, and may even descend to the level of the navel.

If you have the above symptoms, do not delay thinking - go to the antenatal clinic or call an ambulance, it could be premature birth or pre-eclampsia, where medical care is vital!


Normal discharge at 31 weeks of pregnancy is of a light shade, homogeneous consistency, without a specific smell.

A change in the color of the discharge indicates the appearance of an infection and / or a violation of the microflora of the vagina.

During the visit of the gynecologist, it is necessary to pass smears to determine the infectious agent and carry out appropriate treatment.

If the discharge turns red or brown, you should not delay visiting the hospital either.

Bloody discharge is a serious sign of preterm labor or placental abruption. Timely medical assistance will help stabilize the situation.

If the amount of discharge has become larger, and they have become more liquid, amniotic fluid may leak. In this case, a laboratory test is carried out in the hospital, during which the nature of the discharge is determined.

If the test is negative, then there is no amniotic fluid, you will be allowed to go home, since with a 99% probability, delivery will not occur within the next week. If the result is positive, you remain in the hospital for preservation.

Required tests at 31 weeks

At this period, the pregnancy is 31 weeks, everything needs to be re-examined in detail by all somatic specialists - a general practitioner, dentist, ophthalmologist and ENT.

In the presence of any extragenital diseases, the obstetrician-gynecologist may prescribe a consultation with a number of other specialists.

In the antenatal clinic, it is necessary to donate blood again for syphilis, HIV, AIDS, smears are taken again for the degree of purity from the vagina, and blood is also donated from a vein for biochemical analysis. 3 screening ultrasounds are planned for 33-34 weeks.


Thus, for pregnancy terms 31 - both the baby and the mother's body begin to prepare for childbirth, mommy can only sleep a lot during this period and gain strength.

During pregnancy, 31 weeks, women's reviews say one thing: less activity, more communication with the child - that's all that is needed now!

Video: 31 weeks of pregnancy what happens, movement, shortness of breath, pain, pain relief in childbirth

The pregnant woman is becoming more and more clumsy, so you need to do everything with double caution and do not hesitate to ask others for help. Constant fatigue is now a familiar state. The uterus continues to push back the internal organs, and discomfort may intensify. Sweating may increase, so you should give preference to outfits made from natural fabrics and take a shower more often. Despite the discomfort, which remains to endure quite a bit, the woman looks excellent.

The condition of the skin and hair improves, and the roundness of the figure gives the pregnant woman a very feminine and touching look. The increased pressure on the kidneys can cause swelling, and to reduce them, more rest is needed. Fear of childbirth and hormones can make a woman more emotional. Do not keep everything in yourself: share your experiences with loved ones who will understand and support you. If the feeling of fear of the upcoming childbirth and motherhood is very strong, contact a psychologist working in the antenatal clinic.

At 31 weeks, under the influence of the hormone relaxin, the joints of the pelvic bones begin to weaken. Thus, the body is prepared for the passage of the child through the pelvic ring, which becomes more extensible. Also, this hormone can trigger breast enlargement. Discharge from the chest is completely natural. But if there is no colostrum, you should not worry either, this is also quite normal.

Nutrition and bad habits

During the maternity leave, many pregnant women begin to snack frequently, which leads to weight gain. Try to control yourself, as excess weight is harmful, both for you and for the baby. Do not eat a lot of sweets, buns and dishes with spices. It is better to snack on yogurt, which will improve metabolism, you can replace sweets with dried fruits, unsweetened fruits and nuts. The latter are undesirable to eat in the evening, as they are hard to digest. Also, in the evening it is better not to eat apples and not to drink too much liquid, because this can increase the nighttime urge to go to the toilet.

The basis of the menu should be meat, dairy products, cereals and vegetables. Some women believe that soda should not be drunk during pregnancy. In fact, carbonated drinks are allowed, but they don't have to be sweet. There are a lot of dyes in sweet drinks, and besides, they are too high in calories. But you can drink a little non-alcoholic kvass or mineral water with gas. It is better to refuse mushrooms, as they are hard to digest and often cause poisoning. Spices can increase heartburn, and some of them have an abortive effect.

The main source of discomfort at this time is the stomach, which increases every day. It is now very difficult for a woman to perform her usual actions, and in many ways she needs the help of others. Constant shortness of breath, fatigue, frequent urination and heartburn become the norm by this time. It didn't take long to endure this state of affairs. Stretch marks may appear on the body; for prevention, you can use special creams or olive oil. But you should not rub aromatic oils into the skin: some of them can cause burns on sensitive skin.

intimate life

Many couples stop having an intimate life in the third trimester, fearing for the child. But if there are no medical contraindications, then you can have sex. The child is reliably protected by the pubic bone and the thick wall of the uterus. Comfortable postures at this time are from behind or on the side. Penetrations should be gentle and shallow.

31 weeks of pregnancy: how many months is this and what is typical for this period?

The thirty-first week most often proceeds calmly in all respects: the expectant mother is already resting from work, being in anticipation of the wonderful moment of meeting with the baby. It is not necessary to expect any completely new sensations at this time, however, the increased weight of the baby is already felt. The bandage becomes an urgent need, more and more often you want to lie down, relax. Let's see what characterizes thirty-one weeks of waiting for a child and what happens to the baby.

  1. 31 weeks pregnant: what happens to the mother-child duet
  2. 31 weeks pregnant: what happens to the baby
  3. Ultrasound at 31 weeks pregnant
  4. Diseases at 31 weeks

31 weeks pregnant: what's going on with the mom-baby duo?

At 31 weeks, the development of pregnancy goes on as usual. The expectant mother knows that her pregnancy has reached 7.5 months.

The third trimester is in full swing. The onset of the 31st week means that it is time to gradually collect a bag with things for the hospital. You can check out.

By this time, the woman had gained about 10-12 kg. She experiences sometimes not too pleasant sensations:

  • shortness of breath
  • pain and cramps in the legs;
  • heaviness in the calf muscles;
  • recurrent abdominal pain;
  • heartburn.

Heartburn and shortness of breath are typical for this period, these phenomena occur due to the rise of the uterus into the abdominal cavity and the displacement of internal organs. During peristaltic movements, tilts, and when the position of the body changes, the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus. The diaphragm lifts the lungs and partially compresses the lung tissue. With the help of raw carrots or its freshly prepared juice. They have an alkaline environment and neutralize the contents of the stomach without consequences.

If the lower abdomen hurts, pulls the lower back, the pubic bone and back hurt, you should know that the joint tissues and ligaments soften, the center of gravity shifts more and more. The birth canal is getting ready for the baby to pass through. All these sensations and pains do not add joy, but the expectant mother should be reassured that this will soon pass. The uterus continues to train - the stomach hardens for a short time and becomes soft again.

The circumference of the abdomen is from 85 to 95 cm. At this time, the skin quickly stretches and becomes thinner. A woman can be upset by striae - stretch marks on the stomach and other places prone to the most rapid build-up of subcutaneous fat: on the hips, on the shoulders, on the back. You should not worry too much about this: you need to buy a cream for stretch marks and use it more often, then the skin will suffer much less.

Periodically, the expectant mother feels the movements of the fetus. They should be observed daily, often enough. Since the weight of the fetus is already significant, the child is able to push quite strongly. If the breech presentation of the fetus is established, he will push the mother with his head under the ribs. If the location of the child is head down, then he will “kick” the mother with his legs, and these are not the first gentle movements. Some mothers note that the child moves less. The baby is growing, gaining weight and it is not so easy for him to "swim" and somersault in his mother's stomach, as before.

31 weeks pregnant: fetal development

Looking at any ultrasound photo taken during this period, a woman can be sure that the child is almost fully formed. What does the future inhabitant of the Earth look like? He resembles in his appearance an ordinary newborn who appeared on time, only a little smaller and “slenderer”.

The child has:

  • urinary system;
  • liver;
  • nervous system;
  • organs of hearing and vision.

The blood-forming organs are working, the respiratory organs are almost ready to start functioning. The immune system is ready to defend the body.

The child's gaze is focused. Interestingly, all unborn children have gray-bluish eyes. Only then, some time after the birth, the baby acquires the eye color that he will have for life.

Delivery at 31 weeks pregnant

31 obstetric weeks of pregnancy not so rarely ends with the birth of a baby. Of course, this is a bit early. However, at the 31st week of pregnancy, the development of the child is such that he is quite ready to “say hello” to this world.

Premature birth with a breech presentation of the fetus should not be independent, but carried out using a caesarean section. Despite the fact that the fetus has still reached its full development, it is quite large, and if not positioned correctly, it can cause serious injuries to the mother's birth canal. In addition, there is a danger for him too.

A baby at 31 weeks of gestation is capable of surviving if it is suddenly born. He has many chances. Therefore, if the expectant mother noticed such signs of an upcoming birth as:

  • regular contractions;
  • profuse discharge (meaning that the waters have broken), -

need to go to the hospital urgently. You can’t panic (although you really want to in such a situation): everything will be fine with the child, even if he didn’t “wait” for the time measured by nature, but “decided” to be born ahead of schedule.

Fetal weight at 31 weeks gestation: normal

The weight of a child at 31 weeks of gestation is approximately 1500-1700 g. But there is no absolute norm: this is an individual indicator. If the parents are thin, then the child is likely to have a small one. If they are overweight, the fetus increases the risk of gaining a little more than expected. How much the baby weighs, you can find out exactly after his birth. So far, the data is still very approximate. The weight of the child, calculated on ultrasound, is close to the true one, but this indicator of ultrasound also has an error.

The height of the baby reaches 41 cm.

Sex at 31 weeks pregnant

Sometimes a woman notes with surprise that the changes taking place with her have also affected her libido. If the libido is increased and the orgasm has become more vivid than before, no one interferes with making love with your spouse. Of course, the doctor must give permission for this. Any deviations in the development of pregnancy impose a ban on this pleasant pastime.

31st week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby?

What happens to the mother - we have already found out, but what is the condition of the fetus during this period? The fetus at 31 weeks of gestation has taken the position that is likely to remain until childbirth: it is difficult for him to “swim” freely in the uterus, since he is already large.

The baby develops physiological sleep, similar to the slow phase of adult sleep. Most of the time the child sleeps, occasionally waking up to change position.

Every day there must be periods of wakefulness when the mother feels regular tremors. What happens to the fetus? He moves his arms and legs, opens and closes his eyes, listens to sounds from outside, often hiccups. The child hiccups - this is a normal phenomenon, so there is a "training" of his digestive system to function. The hiccups of the fetus are noticeable to the mother: she feels it.

If the weight of the child during pregnancy at 31 weeks is somewhat different from the norm, do not be afraid: the main thing is that the doctor on the ultrasound should note that the deviations are not pathological. A baby at 31 weeks of gestation may weigh less than normal if he is not alone in the womb: twins are often born a little smaller than "loners", but they quickly "gain" the missing grams after birth.

A fetus that is too large may mean that mom has begun to get involved in various goodies. The doctor may recommend that she reduce portions and switch to fractional meals.

Ultrasound at 31 weeks pregnant

The procedure is desirable at 31 weeks. It allows not only to determine the weight of the fetus at 31 weeks of gestation, but also to find out other sizes and parameters.

In the transcript, the doctor will write what size the child has. These indicators are called "fetometry of the fetus." There are many, to name a few:

  • biparietal size (it must be at least 73 mm);
  • head circumference (from 280 to 300 mm);
  • the length of the femur (54-64 mm).

After explaining to the woman what month it is - 31 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor will tell you about pregnancy -31 weeks in detail. The expectant mother will find out, she will be able to calm down, realizing that everything is in order with the child. The doctor will note how long the bones of the fetus's nose are. This is the last time such an indicator is informative. After - weeks, usually such an indicator is no longer measured.

If symptoms such as:

  • uterine tone;
  • high degree of maturity of the placenta;
  • premature aging of the placenta, -

the doctor will definitely note them in his conclusion. He will explain what to fear, whether to expect an early birth. The card will record the weight and height of the baby at 31 weeks pregnant.

An ultrasound will show that the umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck. This is a dangerous phenomenon, and the doctor will explain what measures to take.

When it comes to 31 weeks of pregnancy and a woman knows that she is pregnant with twins, she should be ready for a possible early birth. In this case, she often has training contractions and there are other signs of the imminent onset of labor. Premature maturation of the placenta, noted on ultrasound, indicates an imminent birth. The stomach dropped, it became easier to breathe - also a sign of the imminent birth of an heir.

The twins will be clearly visible on the ultrasound. At this time, the doctor will tell you which children should be born: if it says: “dichorionic diamniotic twins”, this means that the woman had two eggs at the same time and were fertilized by two sperm. In this case, children can be of different sexes and not at all similar to each other. Monochorionic twins - children developed from one egg. They are always of the same sex and almost indistinguishable from each other.

Diseases at 31 weeks

Sometimes the expectant mother can lie in wait for illness, so it is reduced. Among them, colds are leading, accompanied by cough, fever, runny nose. not terrible if it is treated in time.

Another danger, more serious -. Signs of its appearance:

  • nausea;

Preeclampsia can lead to serious problems if you do not take action in time.

Often, due to the increased load on the body of a pregnant woman, diseases of the urinary system are exacerbated. After all, the fetus is already excreting waste products - they are filtered by the mother's kidneys, which significantly adds work to the kidneys. If cystitis appears, the doctor may prescribe fosfomycin.

To reduce the load on the kidneys (and at the same time unload the spine), you can periodically take a knee-elbow position for 10-15 minutes and sleep on your side.

And hemorrhoids are common problems of the third trimester. For the treatment of these diseases, there are special drugs, but they must be prescribed by a doctor.

A frequent companion of pregnancy is thrush. Which candles to use - the gynecologist must decide.

So, on the pregnancy calendar - the eighth month. Premature maturation of the placenta and the birth of a child are quite likely during this period. Of course, this is not the norm, but there is no need to be afraid: if your little blood is born at such a time, doctors will be able to come out of it.

If there is no reason for alarm, then try to relax as much as possible and get only pleasure from life. Now you need rest - after all, soon you will need a lot of strength.

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