Cycles of human life. Seven years in a woman’s life What is it - the cyclical nature of the Universe

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Have you ever heard phrases like this:
- I haven’t seen him for 10 years - he’s a completely different person! I know him well, he was such and such! And now he’s changed so much that he’s completely unrecognizable...
- My husband (wife) has become a completely different person! I married (married) so-and-so (detailed description), and he turned out to be so-and-so! Well, a person cannot change like that!

No one is immune from drastic, drastic changes. But some people change over time without thinking about this process, while others strive to change and make great efforts to do so.
Man is like a river, flowing and changing all the time: after all, in addition to the spiritual, he is a water-protein formation and consists of 80% water. A person flows like a stream of water, and everything in him changes. And where there is a flow of water, there is a movement of energy that passes from one state to another.

Every 7 years the human body and all its cells change almost completely. There is a renewal of all its constituent organs. And every seven years, one or another number of tissue elements, which can be roughly reduced to the concepts of earth, water, fire and air, determine the psychophysical state of a person.
Therefore, sooner or later the moment comes for changing your social circle. As a rule, it occurs irrevocably; again, this upsets some people, but not only does this not bother others, but it makes them happy. You can't stand still! Every person should change with age, not only externally, but also internally. Every normal and thinking person should not just change, but develop and move on. And in order to move on, many old memories simply need to be discarded! You cannot step into the same river twice.

Does it ever happen to you that you don’t want to stir up your memory, revive the past, communicate with those with whom life has long separated you in different directions? And what do you think about uh energetic structures corresponding to the elements of the twelve signs of the Zodiac ? They are listed below. And it seems to me that there is... something in this! I know that not everyone has the time and desire to read so much text from beginning to end, weighing all the pros and cons of those arguments. I, too, would not like to agree with many things, but, unfortunately, a huge number of examples from the lives of acquaintances, friends and relatives are indicative. Judge for yourself!

We, biological-energetic earthly beings, have a sevenfold cycle of life. Since ancient times, people have noticed and systematized the influence of vibrations of the number seven on almost all rhythms of life on the planet. Seven colors of the rainbow, seven chakras, seven notes in the octave, seven days in the week, seven is a lucky number, seven lamps at the Throne of the Lord.
Seven is a perfect number according to Pythagoras, which contains the entire beginning of the Primary Mind.
Seven basic human emotions according to Lao Tzu, which determine his psychophysical state as the basis of health and success.
And, apparently, the same seven days of the phases of the Moon, which set this sevenfold cycle for all life on Earth.

Every seven years a person acquires a new energy structure corresponding to the elements of the twelve signs of the Zodiac:

Aries - (0 - 7 years) . From birth we are lambs, rams, lambs. Pretty, fluffy, affectionate, round. Everyone loves us, pets us, caresses us. Children under 7 years old in the house are carriers of the element of Fire, a symbol of hearth, comfort, and a symbol of the Sun. This is probably why they are affectionately called: “you are my sunshine”, “you are my little lamb”. Children are fast, active, eat and drink a lot.

Taurus - (7 - 14 years) . Calves. They stretched out, became angular, self-willed. They run away wherever they want, or just wherever they look. The aggressiveness of a teenager is the key to his survival. The psyche remains at the level of Aries, and the appearance - that of an adult. Thinking does not keep pace with the growth of the physical body. Vulnerability, amorousness, suspiciousness. I want to grow up quickly and I’m scared that no one needs you like you’re big, and you want to be loved like you’re little. First love and falling in love. The first tragedies.

In the family, parents are at that age when the partner they chose at 20-22 years old is no longer satisfied. There is only one reason: the Elements and their properties have changed, but people do not know this and are looking for a reason where there is only a reason (fell out of love, tired, not satisfied, does not correspond).

And the Taurus teenager has a tragedy because of his parents. The first disappointments, self-doubt (who needs (needs) me so awkward and ugly?!) Touchiness. Irritability. Closedness. Depression - why live? Cruelty reaching the point of absurdity, incomprehensible to adults, with which teenagers cover up their inner defenselessness, vulnerability, and helplessness.

Gemini - (14 - 21 years old ). The constellation is named after the twin sons of the god Zeus: Castor and Pollux. One brother is mortal. The other is immortal. Unity and struggle of contradictions, opposites. The age when a person becomes physically adult, but the psyche, the soul is young, just blossoming. Maximalism. The world has only two colors - white and black.
We finish high school, go on to further studies, and go to serve in the Army. Romance. Brigantines. Scarlet sails and the eternal: “He (s) doesn’t love me!” Or "Love for life!"
First marriages. We are starting to look for a mate. The time has come to pay back our debt to the continuation of our biological life on this planet.
Search for the meaning of life: poetry, music, festivals, picnics, relaxation. Just a fairy tale! The tale of Cinderella and the Prince, the Bear and the Princess. Age of absorption of knowledge. Any information is easily perceived, but all through the prism of interpersonal relationships.

Cancer - (21 - 28 years) . We search and find a couple. Weddings. All my friends and girlfriends got married. Children. Who was left alone, quickly, quickly, just for someone, just not to be alone. Time for creation. Family.
We graduate from specialized secondary and higher educational institutions, return from military service, and work. Those who do not realize themselves biologically, like father and mother, realize themselves professionally - career, graduate school, dissertation. Work, business.

Leo - (28 - 35 years old) . The first children have grown up, the second ones are born.
First divorces, dissatisfaction: everyone is married, but I am not. Everyone is a business person, and I... Everyone has dissertations, and I...
Disappointments: if I knew that you would be like this, I would...

Second dissertations, inventions. Big business. Policy. Confession. Or the darkness and grayness of everyday life, hopelessness, no prospects. There is a sharp stratification into successful people and losers. The time of suicides, the first serious illnesses and deaths.

Searching for new life partners. Lovers, mistresses, i.e. partners that we need during the age of “Air” - Gemini, often become uninteresting. We ourselves are different. And we want everything in our lives to be unchangeable, constant, indestructible. But “everything flows, everything changes,” and “you cannot step into the same river twice.” And we suffer from the fickleness of life. From its rapid movement, not noticing that we are changing too, we don’t want to see it and we don’t want to change ourselves.
We are entering the age of Virgo.

Virgo - (35 - 42 years old) . A time of apparent stability. Children grow and grow up, become independent, enter the age of Taurus (7-14 years) or the age of Gemini (14-21 years). Parents have a certain status and financial situation. It seems that life has improved: familiar acquaintances, a way of life, an established “mine is yours.” Your own house, your own car, your own dacha, your own wife, your own tennis and preference partner, your own social circle. A time of relative peace and... stagnation.

40 years is a critical age for a woman.
42 years is a critical age for a man.

Women with complexes of grievances, such as “they don’t love me, life is not a success, my children and husband don’t understand,” get sick, self-destruct, and die.
When grievances accumulate in the mother, illnesses accumulate and develop in children. Loving mothers diligently treat their children and husband, visit all famous doctors and healers, and buy expensive medicines. And nothing helps.
Just as the husband took a sip from the saving glass, he continues to find consolation from it, from the glass. And the woman suffers. Everything is not working out the way she would like. Her emotions, trapped inside, turn into serious illnesses.

Likewise - a man!
The stronger sex is a very fragile energy creature. Men suffer in silence, they are reluctant to be treated. They courageously overcome obstacles, overcome barriers, build careers and family well-being. They patiently wait for love from their wives and other women.
But a man is always unloved! He lacks the energy of love, the very energy that for him is the energy of creativity and creation. They love him during the period of grooming, in the first months of marriage. And then his wife, the mother of his children, loves children.

The husband fades into the background; he is the convoy of material support in the family. He owes everyone everything. But there is no time to love him: first one small child, then children, then work plus children, plus illness, plus everyday life.

Love as the necessary energy of a man’s life leaves him and from him. He, love, looks for it “on the side,” and finds it very rarely. Because A small number of women are capable of loving a man just like that. Not for money, not for material well-being or position in society, not for..., but simply to love, to give him the joy of jointly realizing the great gift of life on Earth.

A man is always a child. He plays with life. Little boys play with small cars, in "war games". Big "boys" play with big toys - cars, planes, big wars. And they very quickly waste their vital energy and often die at the age of 42!
Living a vibrant life, giving everyone around them the fire of their hearts, their souls, they leave us in the prime of their lives: Joe Dassin, Vladimir Vysotsky, Andrei Mironov and others.

The slogan "Take care of men!" was not born out of nowhere. They really need to be protected, educated and loved. Boys need to be raised in love so that this potential of maternal love will be enough for them throughout their bright lives!
Dear women, love your men, and they will respond to you with attention and light. For the element of any man is Fire. According to the worldview of the ancients, a man is the Sun, a woman is the Moon, and shines with the reflected light of the Sun, the Luminary.

Libra - (42 - 49 years old) . We survived the time of Virgo. Much was overestimated, much was understood. Those who survived live on. And life somehow became simpler, easier, because the time of fast Air had come. But in order to maintain the apparent balance of life at this time, you need to weigh all your actions.
Libra - two bowls, are in constant oscillation, trying to find a balance point. Most people at this age strive to balance the “yoke” by adding weights to one or the other bowl.
The time of Libra is a period of revealing the analytical abilities of the mind, a time to appreciate everything beautiful. But this is still the time to “throw stones.”
The children became adults, the first grandchildren appeared. Life is Beautiful! New achievements, new victories! New achievements, new searches for love. But love is not so much physical as spiritual. When meeting with a new chosen one, we hope not only for a night of love, but above all for an evening with pleasant humor, leisurely conversation, a glass of wine and warm candlelight.
Search for the meaning of life in religious and philosophical teachings. Understanding the depths of existence.

Scorpio - (49 - 56 years old ). It's time for "gray hair in the beard, devil in the rib."
The time of decline of human reproductive abilities. Climax. Fears. Neurotic conditions. Women are busy with their problems: “Life is gone, but I haven’t seen anything yet.”
Men experience an unprecedented increase in sexual desire. There are no more candles and spiritual conversations. Sex. As a way to restore the outgoing energy of life. They find partners much younger than themselves. Both women and men.

Scorpio time is “time to collect stones.” We reap the fruits of all our thoughts, words, deeds, desires and actions. And if it suddenly seems that you have done everything in this life, there seems to be no point in living.

Sagittarius - (56 - 63 years old) . Fire is bright, strong, festive, solemn. Lightning. Beautiful grandparents. Pensioners. The service and career are over. They gave way to young people. The grandchildren are growing up. And the old people live for them, “for their grandchildren.” Rarely - for yourself. It’s the custom here: buy your children an apartment, a car, a dacha, look after your kids and grandchildren. And let the children live for themselves.
Civilized people of advanced age live for themselves. They travel, learn new and interesting things. They live the life that they simply could not afford when they had to pursue career growth. Life is very interesting! And they live brightly and freely!

Capricorn - (63 - 70 years old ). Life goes on. The grandchildren are already adults. Great-grandchildren appear. Relative peace. Are we making it? But no, this age still has a lot of energy! This is a time of active social and political life.
Wisdom multiplied by literally youthful activity and aggressiveness - remember the time of Taurus!
Falling in love. New marriages. Maximalism. We get carried away by new ideas. We read new literature, but very carefully. Don't forget to criticize everything.
- In our time it was... And the music is not the same now, and the hairstyles with trousers are different. And the Sun shone 360 ​​days a year.
Yes, this is how we remember our youth at 70 years old, and in our time cherry blossoms bloomed all year round...

Aquarius - (70 - 77 years old)
. Time to leave. Our loved ones, our dear and lonely grandparents, are leaving one by one. But those who have mastered the practices of longevity in their time: fasting, prayer, proper breathing and communication with nature, hold on to life with all their might. They live and share the wisdom of their years with the new, younger generation, who do not always, oh, how they do not always hear the wisdom of their elders.
But it has always been like this. Everyone must gain their own life experience. Listening to the stories of others will not teach you how to drive a car yourself.

Pisces - (77 - 84 years old) . Deep wisdom. We listen more than we talk. For, enclosing the circle of the Zodiac, Pisces has absorbed all its stellar wisdom.
Misunderstanding no longer causes deep emotional wounds, although we greatly depend on loved ones. The most self-absorbed and secretive period of life, when all the information accumulated over a lifetime is transformed into knowledge.
As a rule, people live to this age who treat everything around them with love, understanding and gratitude. Prone to everything mysterious, transcendental: healers, herbalists, scientists, composers, artists.

Aries - (84 - 91 years old) . And life begins again...


Presents a new book by orientalist psychologist V.O. Ruzov.

"7 crises in the life of a person, society, organization."

Ruzov V.O. - a widely known lecturer in Russia and abroad in the field of psychology, philosophy, management and oriental studies, who has been engaged in this activity for 15 years. Since 2001, he has served as director of the Far Eastern Center for Oriental Studies.
Vyacheslav Olegovich is the author of 25 books in these areas.Every year, a research group under his leadership makes expeditions across India, studying the original nature and philosophy of the eastern sages.

Ruzov V.O. underwent many years of training in India in the specialty of psychonumerology and palmistry with the famous teacher of esoteric disciplines Koladvipa Das and is an active teacher in these sciences in Russia. Vyacheslav Olegovich has more than 100 students in this direction. In 2005 he received the status Jotish Guru (Teacher of Atrology).

At least twice a year, Vyacheslav Olegovich and his group tour Russia with lectures and presentations. Currently, he has given 900 public lectures in more than 40 cities in Russia and abroad.Ruzov V.O. is an honorary member of the International Club of Intellectuals (MKIRO) and chairman of the board of directors of its Russian branch.Works closely with commercial and network organizations in Russia in terms of team building, team spirit and effective management.According to experts, Ruzov V.O. has a unique style and approach to presenting material.

Poverty is the cure for greed. Of the three famous vices of lust, anger and greed, greed is the most dangerous, since only after it does repentance not come.
Moreover, this is a feeling that is capable of stability. Lust and anger are temporary and there is time to think, but greed completely consumes a person.

Try not to stand out in society, and if someone else does, be lenient with him.

Try not to judge others, and if they judge you, show gratitude.

Don't seek justice, try to give more than you receive.

Strong manipura means, first of all, good business qualities. Don't go overboard to complete your tasks.

Control the desire to continuously talk, reason, prove, explain, argue, justify. Better start writing books or a diary. Prove to yourself and if it is valuable, then others will appreciate it too.

By studying at this time, you can tune this chakra through accuracy and diligence.

For a person during this period, recognition, positions, money, and the attention of others are valuable. He gets insulted when no one notices him. Therefore, consult him no matter what you do. Notice all his successes.

When helping others, do not try to enjoy gratitude or control, but if someone helps you, thank them a hundredfold.

Don't become a sycophant, it will have a bad effect on your future development. Don't decide your desire to lead through proximity to management. And most importantly, do not stand at the head of the revolution. This is simply an unfulfilled desire to lead independently.

This may also be expressed in the desire to open your own business or department. Nobody may need it, but it’s mine. And I can feel like a complete master in it. This is usually accompanied by the following logic - give me independence, then I can take responsibility. It's just a desire to assert oneself.

You should be proud that you work in a job you love and are passionate about. Don't just try to stand out through competition - who is cooler. This is the most common phenomenon among teenagers. I can't be smarter, I'll buy an expensive player!

Don't talk too much about yourself. Remember that I am the last letter in the alphabet.

When communicating with others, try to understand the other first. Usually a person in this period considers his own problems to be serious, and other people’s problems to be nonsense.

Do not try to justify yourself with sophisticated logic, which awakens in this period, but often manipulates general terms. (We must do this because society, the organization needs it...)

Try to think in concrete facts and talk about specific people or plans. Otherwise, everything will turn into a pompous speech at a Komsomol meeting about peace, labor and May.

If you are doing science or art, don't try to do it just to show off your importance. Otherwise it will simply turn into narcissism.

Do not argue or defend your position to the death. Be tolerant. If you don't understand something, don't criticize it.

Remember that duality at this stage can bring you many problems. There is not only white and black, there are many shades and you need to learn to notice them.

We must try to listen to others and look at ourselves from the outside.

Arguments become futile or lead to compromises. Arguing is futile because compromise is simply a form of continuing the argument.

In the end, a compromise is just a mutual lie. You cannot build real relationships on this basis. This is a banal pretense.

So at this level everyone is just pretending. Test Describe your experience of passing this stage. Describe how people you know go through this stage or have gone through this stage. Anahata (22-28). This is the chakra, the fourth from below and the fourth from above, which means it is responsible for the harmony of the entire body and consciousness. Accordingly, its secondary influence manifests itself at 11,18,25,32,39,46 years. These are the most important years, as they define the middle of each period in human development. This year, a person should understand his purpose during this period. If this does not happen, the person begins to fall into stress or depression. Harmony. Harmony is the pursuit of beauty and balance. Therefore, a person must at this stage achieve harmony in all areas of his life. He must ensure that all the needs of soul and body are satisfied. It is necessary to ensure that the body is physically healthy, that relationships with others develop harmoniously, that the mind receives enough knowledge, and that the soul receives its share of spiritual philosophy. We will talk about this separately in a special lecture. It is necessary to learn to see beauty and harmony in others and in the world around us. A person at this stage must learn to find commonality in differences. In fact, one must see that there are no friends or enemies, there are simply different objects of love. He begins to understand that it is easy to love the good and he wants to learn to love the bad. The time has come for a comprehensive assessment of everything that is happening. Joy and sorrow are perceived as exams that must be passed in this life and become truly happy. The world should be seen as a beautiful creation of God, where everything is perfect. This requires an understanding of karma, the connection of everything that happens. A person must understand that everything that happens to him is simply the consequences of his own activities. At this stage, you can finally understand that happiness comes from loving others, not myself. And then everything that a person dreamed of suddenly begins to come true. People begin to reciprocate his feelings. Plans are easily implemented and every step becomes pleasant and easy. There comes an understanding that all people are brothers and sisters, which means that we should all love each other. It also means we have to tolerate each other's stupidity. This is kindred love. Ultimately, at this time a person must come to the truth, since only divine love can fully develop this chakra and bring the entire body to harmony. The body is like a swing, where anahata is the center on which it rests. And if this center is not balanced or weak, it is unlikely that you will be able to ride. Therefore, this is the time when a person must turn to spiritual values ​​and learn to love all living beings: animals, people and the Truth, in the end. We must learn to derive joy from communicating with people, not objects. Our life values ​​must be finally determined. People are more important than machines. The perception of other people's opinions should become calm and even pleasant. We should be pleased with other people's opinions, as it is very interesting. What to do? The most important thing is not to drink. Failure to cope with this period of love leads to persistent alcoholism. In 1975, alcohol was recognized by the World Health Organization as a drug of the 1st degree (in terms of harmfulness), nicotine was recognized as the second. Mortality from diseases caused by the use of intoxicating substances is at least 300 thousand cases per year. If we take all the causes of death associated with intoxicants, then the mortality estimate reaches 1 million per year. According to experts, up to 50% of the Russian population is now dependent on alcohol and tobacco. Moreover, the unspoken assertion that prohibition brings only harm and causes moonshine is not based on reality. During all the prohibition laws, the situation in any country improved, the number of crimes decreased, people got sick and divorced less. And moonshine always increased when the ban on the sale of alcohol was lifted. And the most interesting thing is that Russia has only really been drinking for the last 40 years. In the early 50s, we ranked 60-70th in terms of alcohol consumption in the world. By the end of the century, we had come to the podium of alcoholic honor. One Soviet family consumed more than 100 liters of alcohol per year. And according to independent estimates, there are now 18 liters of alcohol per capita. Moreover, the situation in the country can only be controlled up to 8 liters per person. By the end of the century, it turned out that there were 4 times more orphans in Russia than there were left after the Second World War, and 95% of orphans have living parents who were deprived of parental rights for alcoholism. Our country once made it possible for sports organizations to import alcoholic beverages with minimal duties. And 15 times less money is spent on combating the consequences of using intoxicating substances than on their advertising. Is this why men in Russia now live less than 100 years ago? From 60 to 88% of divorces are caused by drunkenness of one or both spouses. Also interesting is the new “plague” of our time - beer alcoholism. You've probably noticed that beer advertising has become not just intrusive - there's simply nowhere to escape from it. As a result, a wave of beer alcoholism is ready to cover the entire country. At the moment, beer is one of the most consumed drinks in Russia. Per capita, including frail old people and newborn babies, today there are more than 40 liters, and in Moscow - 60 liters. According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the frequency of alcohol consumption by children under 14 years of age has almost doubled over the past 5 years. And what is most dangerous is that addiction in childhood is more persistent than in older age. For this reason, teenage alcoholism is practically not treated. “Parents must understand that for a teenager, even two bottles of beer a month is already a very dangerous system!” - warns the chief children's narcologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. It is no longer uncommon for a child to say “drink beer” instead of the first words mom and dad. Brewing philosophers argue that by drinking beer, a person will drink less strong drinks. In the Scandinavian countries, this postulate was tested in practice. For experts, the result did not come as a surprise: the amount of beer consumed increased sharply, while the consumption of strong drinks did not decrease at all. Many people still believe that alcohol is good for health. But according to WHO, alcohol can only be accepted by the body at an older age and no more than 12.5 ml of pure alcohol per week. What can be used as medicinal tinctures. In Krasnoyarsk, university staff surveyed 4 thousand people and it turned out that 48% of first-graders were already familiar with the taste of beer. Continuation of the lecture. Disappointments from an inharmonious approach lead to depression and cynicism. The wrong attitude towards your achievements at this stage can lead to self-enjoyment and, ultimately, to a fall. A person must really rise to the stage of perceiving the world when it becomes clear that happiness comes when the people who surround us become happy. That is, this is active happiness. It is the happiness that comes from persistently wanting to make others happy. If this understanding does not come, the person does not progress and his happiness is colored by the lower chakras, which leads to the mentality - don’t touch me, I’m happy and everything is fine with me. Health. Strange as it may seem, human health depends on the balance of this center. In Ayurveda it is associated with ojas. Ojas is the vital energy that exists in the area of ​​the heart chakra. If ojas is normal, the body recovers, but if it is lacking, it gets sick. For this reason, ojas can be attributed to the body's immune system. A significant lack of ojas leads to the death of a person, and replenishment of its supply leads to longevity. For this reason, harmony is the secret of a healthy life. Harmonious life acts on the human body as the nectar of immortality (soma). Nowadays, some of this energy is manifested through cow's milk, so ojas can be partially restored through dairy products. Harmony is destroyed by anger, grief, fatigue, malnutrition or killing animals for food, unregulated sexual activity, intoxicants and anything that causes stress. The first signs of a lack of ojas are fear and overwork. Because of this, his feelings get out of control and the person commits many reckless acts. There is an opinion that a prolonged lack of ojas leads to such inexorable diseases as AIDS. Reference. Moreover, in the fight of humanity against AIDS, the latter is winning so far. As reported in the UN report at the international AIDS conference, in 2003 the epidemic set another record: 4.8 million new infections. In total, by the end of 2003 there were about 38 million carriers of the virus on Earth. Plus also a record 3 million deaths in 2003. It is interesting that the epidemic “changes gender”: if in 1981, at the very beginning, AIDS was mainly infected by homosexual men, today almost half of the carriers of the virus are women. And the AIDS vaccine is still very, very far away. Only one “candidate” panacea has reached human testing, and about 30 are undergoing various stages of testing. So-called T-cell vaccines that trigger immunity will not be available until 2010 at the earliest. Cause? States do not adequately fund the AIDS program: less than 1% of all “medical money” is spent in the world on these developments. If AIDS patients do not gain wider access to treatment, 48 million people of working age will die from it by 2010, and 74 million by 2015. By the way, in Russia today there are about 860 thousand HIV-infected people (UN data). In three years, according to forecasts, they will be 5% of the total population. Main. At the age of 25, the first half of the development of human consciousness ends. The body and feelings have become stronger and are ready to begin polishing the human mind. This is a laid foundation and you cannot leave it, which means that all subsequent development must be based on love and harmony. This is a condition for success and prosperity in the future - to stand firmly on this foundation. We must live on for the sake of the happiness of others and this is what will make us happy. Let this be the motto of our life, the motto of our organization or society - we are ready to sacrifice our convenience for the sake of your happiness, which means we are ready to cooperate. Cooperation is the ability to find harmony in everything. But the most important thing is ahead, we must learn to make people happy. This is what the following stages of development are intended for. How communication occurs at the chakra level. At 4 (22-28) satisfaction from communication begins to come. We begin to understand that diversity is interesting and beautiful. Monotony is boring and boring. We are different and show ourselves unexpectedly and illogically. As we begin to value unity in difference, we begin to truly grow in our consciousness and communication. Everything that happens to us, everything that is told to us, that is pointed out to us, is a kind of hidden clue from fate. At this stage we begin to understand them. This in turn makes us interested in the opinions of others and grateful for them. In anahata society, everyone tries to take care of each other's needs. This society is designed to bring harmony and care. At this stage, everyone begins to care about the benefits of the product. The seller becomes able to offer the product to a third party, caring for the benefit of the buyer. It’s a pity that sometimes, behind beautiful words and mutual care in such societies, they forget about the needs of other people. Such a society becomes self-enslaving and turns into a closed club for the elite. This is a common mistake at this stage. To avoid it, the love and harmony of the group must be directed towards spreading it outside the group. Four factors of harmony. As an individual, as a family and as a society, they will be able to stand on this platform if they take care of the harmonious development of all spheres of their life. There are 4 main aspects of harmonious development. First of all, attention should be paid to the physical aspect. The body must be healthy. You need to take care of him. This means that the organization must take care of its members. Just as the physical body needs daily exercise and three meals a day, an organization must regularly take care of its employees. If this does not happen, a disease, or a union, is born. In the worst case scenario, the body simply dies. The dissatisfied parts of the social body no longer want to work without care. The social aspect requires a respectful attitude towards each member of the team. There are 2 reasons for wanting to work in a team for a long time. 1 - a person wants to be respected. The formation of a stable team rests on this and, in fact, its development begins from this moment. 2 - a person must be free. No one should interfere with his freedom and blame him for the freedom of his choice. For this reason, there is nothing worse than the public humiliation of a person after he leaves the team. No one will ever come back to you freely if you do not allow them to leave freely. If a person is satisfied socially, this affects his emotions. You get a feeling of happiness from doing your work in this team. The intellectual aspect requires constant learning and improvement of one's professionalism. This can be compared to a boat in a river; if you stop, the boat begins to drift away. Let everyone grow, educate, and this crisis will not happen. Boredom and monotony are the main enemy of stability. Stability should only come from constant growth. The spiritual aspect is characterized by the fact that we must see the connection of our activities with the highest values ​​of human life. Work must turn into asceticism, preaching, missionary work. This will give satisfaction to the main aspect of our personality - the soul. Good structure presupposes unity in difference. Sociologists note that a community that can maintain unity and at the same time respect diversity becomes very strong. Relationships should be built on the principle of simultaneous unity and difference. Only in this case will they be healthy and strong. A meaningful community must recognize different ways of thinking. People have different interests: economic development, training, some are more inclined to work with their hands or to lead. When people are encouraged to act according to their inclinations, they can better discover their qualities and abilities. And if at the same time a single goal is maintained, people’s activities bring real bliss to them and those around them. And don’t demand good qualities from people! In a relationship, it makes absolutely no difference what set of qualities a person has. The main thing is not what qualities a person has, but how he treats you. So what if someone has 10,000 advantages over others, if he doesn’t love you, it won’t help you at all. And another may seem to have only 1 good quality, but he respects you, and the relationship becomes pleasant. Therefore, relationships can be developed with the set of qualities that we already have, and not wait for a certain moment and, just in case, treat everyone around us badly. Joke. Three yogis walked past one simple man in turn. The first one said - I am a great yogi. Every night my brain glows red. There are two yogis walking behind - these are my friends, but they are still far from such success. When the second yogi approached, he said that every night his brain shimmers with thousands of colors, and in order not to upset the first yogi, he does not tell him about this, since this level is much higher. And when the third one came up, he said that there was nothing wrong with him, but he didn’t smoke drugs at night. Failure to accept someone else's individuality leads to inexorable poverty. According to experts, poverty in Russia has two underlying causes: the state’s unobtrusive social policy and the negative psychological attitude of the majority of Russians, which prevents them from achieving success, including in the professional field. According to the Institute of Integrated Social Research (ICSI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, currently a quarter of our country’s population (35 million people) live below the poverty line. The average age of the poor is 47 years. Let's look at the reasons. The majority of the working poor are performers, on whom almost nothing depends at work. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer responsibility for your area of ​​work to a specific person. Moreover, under no circumstances should you often interfere with how he achieves the required result. This should be his freedom of choice. More than 40% of the poor believe that their jobs have no prospects. This means that no one is motivated by a calling, which always has a future. The poor pay much less attention to their professional growth; only 8% of them devote part of their free time to self-education - they are simply not interested. At any moment, having received a more advantageous offer, they will give up everything. Therefore, create a team of those who are looking for a calling, and not a warm place, and you will achieve great results. Quality will always develop into quantity. Work on the quality of work and get quantity. Understanding vocation is a cultural aspect of human life. Focus on cultural education and vocation-oriented people will be drawn to you. Forget about culture and conduct only seminars on management and sales techniques, and fly-by-night stars will flock to you. Having hit their jackpot, they will move to a more prestigious organization. Plus, they often only want their children to get a profession that would simply give them a “guaranteed piece of bread” and that’s all. Society at the anahata level develops according to economic laws. At this stage, everyone is concerned about social guarantees. And if society cannot rise to this level, then losses of people are inevitable. An organization representative (or salesperson) cannot inspire peace of mind and reliability if neither he, nor his family, nor his children are properly protected. For example, Russia was unable to implement the ideas at the Manipura level and had to slide back to its previous levels. Protection of subordinates should be carried out in several directions. "Raksha" in Sanskrit means "protection" and is manifested in the following. During illness, a person should not feel unwanted, abandoned or a burden to the entire team. If a person finds himself in an unpleasant situation, perhaps even a legal one, society should not declare him an outcast or excommunicate him, as in the church. This should be seen as a common problem. A person should feel that they are always ready to forgive him, and that they are expected to take steps in this direction. If a person has problems on the personal front, this should not be made public or become a reason for ridicule. If a person is unable to perform the work in his position for some reason, it is better to transfer him with a promotion. This will give him more strength and self-esteem, which will result in good returns. If your subordinate has something stolen, treat it as a common problem and help him financially, then he will take better care of his property. If you entrust someone with a leadership position, always protect and praise him in front of his subordinates. Protect not those who are successful from envy, but those who are unsuccessful from attacks. Society must learn to rejoice in the successes of others and jointly worry in the event of someone else's failure. The meaning of protecting others is that we receive a response from nature in the form that it protects us. In short, nature protects those who protect its children. And when we are protected, good luck comes to us. Therefore, in a team with well-established protection of its members, success and prosperity emerge. As you remember from previous lectures, women, the elderly, children and teachers need special protection. And since protection is a parental function, such a leader will be loved and respected like a father. Protection in society is akin to the immune system in the body; if it weakens, the body begins to be unable to cope with problems. And if the protection disappears - AIDS. A society without protection is mortally sick!!! This is leadership. A leader is a protector. If a leader is not a protector, he is a tyrant and exploiter. Test Describe your experience of passing this stage. Describe how people you know go through this stage or have gone through this stage. "Vishuddha (29-35)." This chakra is responsible for the formation of ideas and judgments in a person, as well as for communication and speech. This is the period of maturation of a person as a philosopher. By this time, our understanding of what is good and what is bad should be fully formed. A person must understand what position he occupies in this world, what his purpose is and what exactly he must do to achieve his happiness. Philosophy is something through which a person must discover the meaning of life. Moreover, the word "philosophy" is taken from the Greek "philosophia" (love of truth). Story. One day King Yayati was dying. He was already a hundred years old. Death came, and Yayati said: “Perhaps you will take one of my sons? I have not yet truly lived, I was busy with the affairs of the kingdom and forgot that I would have to leave this body. Be compassionate!” Death said, "Okay, ask your children." Yayati had a hundred children. He asked, but the elders had already become cunning. They listened to him, but did not move. The youngest - he was very young, he was only sixteen years old - came up and said: “I agree.” Even Death felt pity for him: if a hundred-year-old man has not yet lived, then what can we say about a sixteen-year-old boy? Death said: “You know nothing, you are an innocent boy. On the other hand, your ninety-nine brothers are silent. Some of them are seventy to seventy-five years old. They are old, their death will come soon, it is a matter of several years. Why you? " The young man replied: “If my father did not enjoy life in a hundred years, how can I hope for this? All this is useless! It is enough for me to understand that if my father could not make a living in the world in a hundred years, then I will not make a profit, even "If I live a hundred years. There must be some other way to live. It seems like you can't make money with life, so I'll try to achieve it with death. Let me, don't create obstacles." Death took his son, and the father lived another hundred years. Then Death came again. The father was surprised: “So quickly? I thought that a hundred years is so long, there is no need to worry. I have not lived yet; I tried, I planned, now everything is ready, and I began to live, and you came again!” This happened ten times: each time one of the sons sacrificed his life, and the father lived. When he was a thousand years old, Death came again and asked Yayati: “Well, what do you think now? Should I take away one son again?” Yayati said, “No, now I know that even a thousand years is useless. It is all in my mind and it is not a matter of time. I get involved in the same vanity again and again, I have become attached to the waste of being and essence." It is quite easy to determine true philosophy from artificial ones. True philosophy must be based on undeniable authority. And this authority is one - the revelations of the great sages, following which , a person rises to the level of holiness. And philosophy is needed precisely in order to translate revelations into a language accessible to simple human consciousness. Revelations are written at the level of the soul and are not always understandable to a simple person, and the task of philosophy is to translate it into the language of reason and enable a person to use it knowledge. Moreover, the philosopher himself receives great benefit from this, since through a logical explanation of spiritual truths he gets rid of unnecessary illusions, which, in particular, can manifest themselves in the form of fanaticism. In addition, there are also secondary signs of true philosophy. Firstly , true philosophy must begin with the theory of healthy and non-violent nutrition.If philosophy does not address the issue of nutrition, its existence is useless and only wastes the precious time of the seeker. Secondly, philosophy should talk about what happiness is, where its source is and how to become happy by connecting with its source. All other questions are secondary and do not solve the pressing problems of real human life, since life is the search for happiness. Thirdly, philosophy should teach a person to solve his problems through improving relationships. He must understand that if a problem comes into his life, it means his relationship with someone is going wrong. It can be animals, people, and even God. For this reason, real philosophy should teach man the nectarean relationship with all other living beings. Modern psychology teaches conflictology, but we are not interested in simple conflict resolution, we are interested in nectarology. We don't just want to stop fighting, we want to make our relationships nectarean. And in the end, philosophy must teach us to take God seriously. If philosophy presents God in a funny and absurd way, it is not philosophy, it is madness. Philosophy without religion, Srila Prabhupada argued, is dry speculation; religion without philosophy is sentimentality and sometimes fanaticism. In a word, real philosophy should teach a person to renounce nonsense. If this understanding does not come and Vishuddha does not open, he does not tell anyone what he is thinking, or develops the belief that everyone should listen only to him and accept only his opinion. At this age, a person must make major discoveries about his life. He has brilliant guesses about the fact that this world is based on sacrifice. That we were born to give, not accumulate. At this age, a person must make the first victory over his consciousness. He must see for himself the weak points in terry materialism. He must understand that he cannot build his own happiness on someone else’s pain. His spiritual logic must begin to overcome his mind, which is drawn to violence and exploitation. This is the time when the brain requires precise definitions. Bright quotes and sharp definitions. For this time in Eastern philosophical thought there is a whole series of works that consist only of short quotes on which you can build your development during this period. During this period, a person must finally focus on some kind of philosophy, some kind of activity, some kind of worldview and some kind of religion in the end. If development stops during this period, a person becomes disillusioned in the search for truth. Everything seems familiar, boring and understandable to him. The phrase appears - I’ve already been through this... And the midlife crisis comes into its own. If a person is able to pull himself together and continue his development, through turning to real wisdom, public recognition comes to him. Moreover, sometimes they may not understand it right away, but real discoveries are made precisely at this age. This is the time when a person must discover the secret meaning of prayers, meditation and religious works. This will strengthen his ability to love and understand others. During this period, a person must make his first philosophical discoveries, see the essence of what is happening in his life. He must set priorities and begin to strive for the highest, perfect and pure. What to be afraid of? The most important thing is not to get carried away by quotes from real scoundrels, who are a dime a dozen in modern philosophy. During this period, it is important not to become an all-knowing cynic who considers everyone half-educated and is ready to criticize for a long time any other people’s statements. Story. One day in one village all the animals started talking about birds that fly south in the fall. “Perhaps next year I’ll fly there myself,” said one hen. And then one day in the fall, the north wind blew, and the chicken, spreading its wings, ran out of the chicken coop. Flapping her wings, she jumped out onto the road and ran along the village road to the south. In the evening, breathing heavily, she returned back and told the inhabitants of the chicken coop how she had flown south all the way to the swamp and seen amazing birds standing on one leg. Moreover, she ended up in the garden. There were roses in it and she was lucky enough to see the gardener himself. Now, when real migratory birds appeared in the village and talked about the southern regions, no one believed them. "Listen to our chicken!" - they said. The chicken has now become an expert. She knew what it was like there in the south, although she didn’t even leave the village, but simply crossed the road. Continuation of the lecture. This is also a time of dry relationships, melancholy, and blues. The struggle between soul and body manifests itself in a person. He begins to rush and neglect little things, which leads to a deterioration in relationships with others. This is the first harbinger of a midlife crisis. If you don’t focus on the meaning of life, your calling, then it will certainly come. Story. A wise man once knocked on the house to ask for a piece of bread. “This is not a bakery,” the owner said. "How about a glass of milk then?" "Does this look like a cowshed?" "Can you give me some flour?" "Can you hear the millstones?" "Water?" "This is not a well." Whatever the sage asked, the man responded with stupid mockery and refused to give anything. Finally, the sage ran into the house, lifted his robe and sat down, as if he was about to relieve himself. "Hey Hey!" - the owner of the house shouted in horror. “What are you worried about, the place you described can only be a clean field, and the field is perfect for relieving yourself, since it needs fertilizer.” How communication occurs at the chakra level. At 5 (29-35), communication leads to philosophical mutual enrichment. The exchange of wisdom and deep understanding is always very interesting and attracts like a magnet. A certain standard of communication appears in the team, when obvious stupidity and vulgarity are no longer accepted. At this stage, the main thing is not to neglect communication with those who are not capable of being at this level of communication. At the Vishuddhi level there are groups that were able to develop a product philosophy. In fact, it is no longer a product that is being sold, but a philosophy, the idea of ​​a healthy and happy life. At this stage, everyone understands that simply eliminating the symptoms will not help the person. It is necessary to remove the root of the disease. This can only be done through changing human behavior. The group develops standards of cleanliness, nutrition and communication. Everyone becomes tolerant of other people's philosophy and is ready to exchange and dialogue. If the product does not have its own philosophy, then sellers, as a rule, use the act of selling to convey their ideas and views to the buyer. Finally, the understanding comes that goods are needed when there are no comrades. We are simply trying to fill the void of our relationship with goods. But the real product - comrades - is not bought or sold. The world of real relationships is higher than money, which is why there are so many unemployed seekers of truth in the east. They are looking for a relationship with God and this does not require any money. In a word, at this level we understand that we have the most important product - companionship. And, if we are able to sell our product, explain to him that all his problems arise at the level of his relationships, consider that the philosophy of the product has taken place. In the West, some stores post an advertisement that if you bought a product and didn’t like it, you can bring it back and you will get a refund. And some people take advantage of this. They buy a suit, wear it for a few days, then return it and get their money back. We should not make ourselves a friend only when a person buys something from us. We must be prepared to maintain our relationship with him further, sometimes even at the expense of our salary. If we have a product philosophy, then relationships with people should be higher than material gain. Organizers must take care of this aspect of the organization's development in a timely manner. Test Describe your experience of passing this stage. Describe how people you know go through this stage or have gone through this stage. Ajna (36-42).
This is the time of manifestation of true intuition and deep philosophical understanding of the entire world order.

Subperiods occur at 6,13,20,27,34,41,48 years.

Once upon a time, a sage lived on the banks of the Saraya River. The sage was free from any desires. By chance, Shiva, the Lord of the Universe, spoke highly of him in the presence of Parvati. Parvati expressed a desire to meet the great sage.

The divine couple immediately set out in search of the great sage. They found him on the river bank. The sage was sitting under a tree and sewing up torn clothes. Seeing the divine couple, he greeted them warmly and offered them a mat for them to sit down. He gave them water. spoke kindly to them, although not for long. After that he continued sewing.

Mother goddess Parvati was surprised by his behavior. Usually, when she appeared before mortals, everyone asked for her favor. And this time she appeared, ready to show mercy in advance. She whispered to Shiva to tell the sage about their readiness to fulfill any desire. Shiva conveyed this to the sage.

The sage smiled and, thanking for the offer, said that he did not need anything. This worried Parvati and she asked Shiva to force the sage to accept the gift from them.

Shiva told the sage that they would leave him only after presenting the gift. “Very well,” replied the sage, “please make sure that when I insert a needle into the fabric, the thread follows the needle.”

Parvati was very surprised and exclaimed that there was no need to show mercy for this. The thread following the needle is based on the existing order of things.

The sage immediately replied that his every action was also verified by time and he saw no reason for any intervention. Parvati realized that she was dealing with a person whose entire life was based on the existing order of things.

The divine couple said goodbye to the sage and left.

Continuation of the lecture.

This is the time to systematize knowledge. If the system is correct and obtained from the correct source, such systematization leads to the fact that a person is able to see the future.

His understanding of karma becomes perfect and the person has the ability to give answers to questions that he has never heard.

Intuition tells him a solution in situations in which he has never been.

Such a person is called a sage. The peak of wisdom should occur at 41 years of age.

The Vedas describe that even one second of communication with a real sage can change our life for the better.

Such a sage can give simple advice that may seem incomprehensible at first, but will later change our lives.

You need to listen to such people and hang on their every word.

The Persian king Darius lost his beloved, beautiful wife. The monarch was inconsolable. Democritus promised to bring the deceased back to life if the king gave him everything he needed.
Darius gave orders not to spare any expense. Then the philosopher noticed that now he was missing only one thing: Darius must write on the tomb of his wife the names of three people who had never experienced grief. As soon as this is fulfilled, the beauty will immediately come to life.
The almighty king, of course, could not accomplish this. Then Democritus laughed as usual and said: “Why, you most absurd person, do not stop crying, as if such a misfortune happened to you alone, because you cannot find even one person who would not have to experience some kind of sadness.”

Mystical practices.

Ajna chakra, developed artificially - under the influence of newfangled exercises, can lead to severe mental disorders, in particular schizophrenia.

And instead of getting into the world of the spirit, a person will end up in the world of spirits.

Spiritualization must be natural and gradual, otherwise a person will become spiritualized, but not by spirit, but by spirits.

Clairvoyance, or "opening the third eye."
Looking and seeing are philosophical terms that need to be understood.
Looking is a function of the eyeball as such, and seeing is a philosophical concept of perceiving the world as a function of the mind. And between them lies a huge gap.

What can you see?
Vision is distributed across 4 levels of consciousness purification.
The three levels are material and are influenced by the qualities of material nature - gunas. There are a total of twenty basic combinations of vision in the gunas.

Guru - I just don’t see anything because I want to sleep.
Manda - I see something, but I just can’t understand it.
Shita is something. what do I see. It really scares me.
Othula - I see it, but I can’t figure out what to do about it.
Avila - I see, but it’s very cloudy, illegible, I can’t concentrate.
Singha - I want to help, but I don’t know how, so I act pointlessly.
Othira - under no circumstances am I going to change my beliefs (fanaticism).
I was quiet - what I see makes me angry and take quick action.
Ushna - I see that others have something that I don’t have, and this envy pushes me to evil and thoughtless actions.
Katkhina - dissatisfaction with what I see in my life. pushes me into cruel and insensitive treatment of others.
Sandra - the desire to prosper gives the vision that strong and active people who take a thorough approach to their work achieve success.
Chhala - deprives a person of faith, makes him restless, makes him rush around and perform thoughtless actions.
Ruksha is everything. What a person sees causes anxiety, nervousness, compassion and a desire to help.
Laghu - everything seems new, fresh, a person becomes agile, light, wants to love and believe.
Slakshna - generates meekness, non-violence, love, faith, tolerance, tranquility.
Vishadan - gives vision purity, clarity of perception, renunciation, peace, faith in God.
Mruda - generates virtue, kindness, non-violence, faith in God.
Sukshma - generates emotionality, sensitivity, touchiness, and a subtle perception of reality.
Drava - generates affection, compassion, feeblemindedness.
Khara - gives rise to frivolity, cruelty, fanaticism, intolerance to the opinions of others, a person becomes harsh.

The first level is called seeing in ignorance.
This is the lowest level of perception and in quality corresponds to the animal or even more subtle level - the level of rakshasas and pishachas (ghosts).

It is characterized by a state of helplessness, as there is a complete lack of vision of the goal. The saying for this level is - if you want to work, lie down, sleep and everything will pass.

This level is easy to achieve. It is enough to use alcohol or drugs for a while and the “vision” is guaranteed. A terrible and smelly world of homeless people, scum, spirits and ghosts will open before your eyes. Green men will appear in front of you, and invisible creatures will sing their thoughts to you, trying to take over your body.

Activity at this level of vision is characterized by the effect of destruction, both external and internal. A person likes intoxication, killing animals - by which he completely destroys his body. Lost, tasteless, smelly, killer food, which is very attractive at this level, has a particularly destructive effect.

And attachment to rudeness, violence, dirt and terrible music leads to degradation of consciousness.

One problem: this doesn’t last long and the person either goes crazy or goes to visit someone he really wanted to see.

A person becomes insane: he does not understand simple things, for example, that we are souls and exist forever, which means we need to think about the future.

Laziness manifests itself - there is no time for spiritual life or achieving any other purity.

Sleep and depression sets in. A person begins to eat in bed and generally spends half his life lying down, which he perceives as happiness.

No matter what he does, everything is bad, both for him and for the others, which attracts the arrival of his own death.

And as a result, in the next birth he gets the body of an animal or worse.

The second level is vision in passion.
This is the vision of a "businessman". A person sees only what can improve his material and sensory life.

The eye picks out financially beneficial aspects from a huge amount of information, and the consciousness immediately analyzes the degree of effectiveness of the new idea. If the efficiency is not great, then the mind rushes to search for a new investment option.

Activity becomes the personification of happiness. And unlimited desires require more and more costs and effort.

Folds in the shape of $ appear on a person's forehead.

Friends are chosen based on their income level, and those who do not meet the bar are forever forgotten and ridiculed in every possible way as losers.

The eye becomes especially clingy to the opposite sex. And the relationship is independent and non-binding. If such a person has a family, then cases of betrayal are not uncommon. Lust clouds consciousness and makes it revolve around active and lusty women.

Beauty is determined by the degree of nudity and hairstyle.

Attraction to the opposite sex causes a thirst for material pleasures. To achieve them, you need money, power and property, and for this you need to work hard.

The eye especially notices elements that cause envy. New things from neighbors or co-workers and, in general, any success they have. This causes an incredible thirst to buy the same or even better and more expensive. Vision at the level of prestige.

Strong attachments to the insignificant develop. Having lost nonsense, a person remembers and worries for a long time. Man lives in constant hopes of prosperity. This is evident in popular television series about the rich.

The trouble with this level is that a person who is constantly dissatisfied with his position burns out. Constant politics and careerism exhausts his nervous system.

Improper nutrition: too bitter, spicy, salty, hot, sour foods disrupt digestion.

External and internal fire burns his enthusiasm, vital energy, sexual potency, vision deteriorates and a stage of complete disappointment sets in, which leads to binge drinking and, often, suicide in middle age.

Greed and dissatisfaction lead to suffering, unhappiness and disease.

A person feels the ghost of happiness: he constantly chases after it, but cannot catch up, and if he catches up, then it immediately disappears.

In the next birth, at best, he receives a human body.

The third level is vision in knowledge and purity. Preliminary stage of clairvoyance.
This is the level of purification of the vision from the polluting influence of the previous stages and, accordingly, the mind highlights useful, healing and cleansing aspects.

People are attracted to diets, health-improving techniques such as dousing or fasting, physical education, healthy outdoor recreation, air and water purifiers, and clean foods.

In communication, a person becomes selective and tries to make acquaintances in intellectual circles, where there are constant conversations about purification, philosophy, and wisdom.

A vision comes that the use of intoxicants such as alcohol, tobacco or drugs is harmful; that gambling causes hypocrisy and deception; that killing animals for food is immoral, and extramarital affairs are unacceptable.

Such a person tries to act wisely, based on the experience of sages and elders.

The ability to develop knowledge appears.

Constancy and perseverance in adversity comes.

A person tries to achieve purity of body and thoughts with the help of intellectual activities.

The desire to do good and charity naturally arises.

Cows and dairy products become a source of purity and health, which makes people want to care for and protect them.

Food at this level of vision: attracts sweet, oily, healthy, pleasant-tasting, fresh, fruits, vegetables, milk, honey.

And as a natural result, a person comes to joy, knowledge, health, enlightenment, liberation from sins and satisfaction from his work.

Having received a new body, the soul can go to the higher planets of the material world, however, not forever.

The trouble with this level is that instead of developing humility and turning to God, a person can become proud and, thereby, cancel his achievements in the field of purification and knowledge.

To summarize, we can say that without being in goodness, we still see, hear and feel incorrectly, although we stand on the preliminary platform of spiritual vision.

Having understood the qualities and characteristics of activity at these three levels of material vision, we come out of their influence - birth, death, old age and illness and are able to feel spiritual bliss. In fact, this is a transitional step to the spiritual level through the practice of yoga - restoring the right relationship with God.

The fourth level is spiritual vision. Complete clairvoyance. (sat-chit-ananda: eternity-knowledge-bliss)

Clairvoyance is, first of all, seeing the difference between the soul and the body. At this level, a person clearly realizes that he is a soul and, accordingly, acts like a soul. The soul is eternal, which means it must engage in eternal activity - serving God. Only in this will she find complete satisfaction.

Clairvoyance is to see the root of all diseases - ignorance and, accordingly, convey knowledge that can cure a painful state of soul and body.
In the same way. clairvoyance is expressed in the ability to speak certain words to a certain person, so that the person is inspired to give up sinful desires. This ability comes from God himself.

Clairvoyance is seeing the past, present and future. There is no big secret about this. The secret of this vision is that a person begins to clearly see how he behaved incorrectly in the past, how he does not behave correctly enough now, and what this or that behavior may lead to in the future.

Clairvoyance is an understanding of how one food differs from another and the ability to choose the purest food for yourself. Ideally, this is the ability to distinguish consecrated food from food prepared simply for one’s enjoyment.

Clairvoyance is the vision of holy teachers and the acceptance of one of them as your Spiritual teacher. A vision of your path to satisfy the Spiritual Teacher.

Clairvoyance is seeing the importance of the Holy Scriptures and their difference from worldly literature. At this level, a person completely switches from the useless to the sacred, from newspapers and novels, to primary sources and revelations.

Clairvoyance is an invocation of the Holy Name of God. A vision of his power and ability to change the consciousness of humans and other living beings. At this level, a person begins to pray intensely and chant the names of God.

In behavior, this level of vision is expressed in the desire to communicate with saints and seekers.

In the desire to visit places of pilgrimage in order to communicate with saints.

In the desire to study the revealed scriptures in order to understand who I am, who God is and what our relationship is.

Right action at this level, continuous and unmotivated, with the desire to fulfill God's plan and please Him, leads to the feeling of ananda - an ocean of bliss that never decreases, but always increases, never repeats and is eternally new.

In general, we can say that clairvoyance is seeing the difference between spirit and matter, which should be expressed in appropriate behavior.

Methods for gradually achieving clairvoyance: through purification of consciousness, through leaving the influence of material energies.

To become clairvoyant, you need to get up before dawn - to get out from under the influence of the night, since clairvoyance decreases during the night.

For the same reason, in order to restore clairvoyance, after rising you must immediately take a complete bath. Otherwise, drowsiness and slow-wittedness are guaranteed. Keep in mind that soap containing animal fat defiles, not cleanses.

The sight of a naked body kills clairvoyance, for this reason, even when taking a shower alone, it is necessary to cover your body and thus get out of the influence of the mind. Otherwise we will forget about our spiritual nature, and we will think that I am a man or a woman, old or young, etc.

The clairvoyant cannot stand dirty clothes, so he dresses in clean clothes after bathing - this way he can get out of the influence of the external environment. Clothing is something that touches us from the outside world.

When a clairvoyant woman dresses in long and covering clothes, she comes out of the influence of lust. The longer the clothes, the deeper the clairvoyance and vice versa.

Clairvoyance does not tolerate disorder. Cleaning up your apartment means balancing your mind. Clutter in front of your eyes causes clutter in your head.

A clairvoyant is able to distinguish between the habitats of different living beings. See the difference between human habitation and animal habitation. Therefore, he cleans the apartment and lights incense, thus getting out of the influence of ghosts who live off unpleasant odors and dirt.

Repeat the mantra, pray - go beyond karma, which will make it possible to rise to the level of clairvoyance and protect yourself for the whole day from external polluting influences.

Clairvoyance develops from regular visits to the temple (at least once a week). To make a visit to the temple most beneficial, bring fruits or flowers with you, bow to the altar, buy and eat prasad (consecrated food), listen to a lecture-sermon.

Clairvoyance in the morning is restored by reading books written by other clairvoyants. Before breakfast, read the holy books (Srimad Bhagavatam was written by the clairvoyant Vyasadeva) - this will be your philosophical armor for the whole day.

Clairvoyance is destroyed by non-vegetarian and other dirty foods. Have a vegetarian, sanctified breakfast and escape the influence of the karma of killing innocent animals. Cook yourself, or eat what people who love you or God have prepared, otherwise the cook's dirty vision enters into the food.

The clairvoyant perceives his work differently: he works not for money, but for the sake of fulfilling his duty, for the sake of his calling, intends each of his actions to satisfy others and, most importantly, to satisfy God.

Clairvoyance makes you think differently about the fruits of your labor. Money is a test of our consciousness, and it needs to be cleansed. It is necessary to donate part to God immediately; spend part on spiritual books, prasadam, or helping others, and spend the rest on your needs (naturally, excluding sinful activities).

Clairvoyance influences our communication - respect everyone's freedom of choice, and your freedom will also be respected. Listen to everyone with respect, but do not accept the mentality, do not be influenced by the vision of the defiled person - remaining firm in your positions. Having clairvoyance, we will want to constantly communicate with saints and sages, which is possible through reading books. But the most important effect of clairvoyance is that a person sees that one can communicate with God by repeating his Name.

Clairvoyance will show you that during the day we are forced to communicate with polluting factors and clairvoyance can become dull, so in the evening it is necessary to return to clairvoyance again - wash (the dirtier the communication, the colder the water), in the evening be sure to read the sacred scriptures (Bhagavad Gita), pray with an assessment of accomplished deeds, ask everyone for forgiveness and draw conclusions on how best to live the next day. In order for clairvoyance to be maintained, real daily work must be carried out. So, in the evening, along with clairvoyance of the purpose of life, clairvoyance for tomorrow is laid.

In order for clairvoyance to manifest itself during sleep, it is necessary to take evening milk (hot, sweet and with spices) and read a book describing the transcendental deeds of God or Saints (Source of Eternal Pleasure) - this will calm the mind and bring pleasant dreams in the spirit of clairvoyance.

The clairvoyant's sleep gradually becomes sensitive, shallow and short, with awareness of the reality around him.

Clairvoyance will allow us to take a new approach to the lessons of this life - accept them with gratitude, understand that we ourselves were the cause of our suffering and draw the final conclusions not to do this again. When we understand that we ourselves have become the cause of our suffering, the Lord gives us an understanding of what exactly we have to pay for.

How to identify a person suitable for true clairvoyance.
He treats happiness and misfortune equally. Stone and gold are equal for him. He equally accepts what is desired and what is not desired, praise and reproach, honor and dishonor. Treats friend and foe equally. He does not envy anyone, does not crave anything and does not strive to do anything for himself
He understands that true happiness is poison first and nectar at the end; and happiness from contact with sense objects is nectar at first, and poison at the end.

How to identify a true clairvoyant.
He has no pride and no material attachments. At the same time, he is tied to places of pilgrimage.
He is peaceful and does not waste a second, feeling an ardent desire to return to Godhead.
He has hope that, despite all his shortcomings, he will achieve a deep relationship with God.
He exhibits constant and deepest taste for chanting the holy name of God, and attachment for describing the qualities of the Absolute Truth.

Continuation of the lecture.
Only real knowledge received from sages and books of wisdom can be structured. When a person tries to structure his stupid activities and the fruits of the work of his undeveloped mind, this leads to madness and self-obsession. Which contradicts the idea of ​​development through communication.

Such a person can already explain his knowledge to others, present it in a book, give a lecture, or lead a group of students.

He can highlight the main thing in knowledge, let others feel this knowledge through imaginative examples, structure knowledge and formulate it into laws.

This is a real consultant who is able to see the root of the problem and choose the appropriate solution to this situation.

How communication occurs at the chakra level.

At 6 (36-42) complete mutual understanding arises.
The team is maturing. Everyone is happy to work with each other towards a clear and understandable goal.
This is not just a team, this is a squad to save people from suffering.
Everyone really wants to be members of special units. And this spirit can be created in your team.

At the ajna level, the organization not only has a product philosophy, it acquires a full-fledged idea of ​​life activity.
Her recommendations affect all aspects of a person’s life, from birth to death.

She is able to convey a philosophy of healthy living and focuses on long-term communication with other people with the goal of learning and changing them.

At this level, the organization attracts or develops a generation of teachers who focus on wisdom.

In a word, a person should be attracted not just by your product, he should be attracted by your team, your philosophy, your system of life values, your spirituality in the end. Wisdom must be confirmed by your very life.

The development of organizational wisdom is expressed in the simplicity and accessibility of its members. This is a manifestation of true wisdom. Everyone sees their shortcomings and calmly struggles with them.
If, from temporary successes, members of the organization become proud, degradation occurs to previous levels of development, sometimes to the lowest.
Remember that pride will cancel success.

If a person cares only about his own pleasure, this level becomes inaccessible to him. Moreover, talking about this will irritate such a person.

The word wisdom itself comes from the yogic gesture jnana mudra (wisdom gesture).
The index finger is a proud, curious soul. Who is used to showing them what she wants or teaching them.
Thumb - Absolute Truth.
The three remaining fingers symbolize the three types of material happiness.
Jnana mudra means the soul must give up exploiting others and come to care for others as children of God, and at that moment one becomes a sage.

The development of the ajna chakra leads to the opening of the highest center - the sahasrara chakra.

Test Describe your experience of passing this stage. Describe how people you know go through this stage or have gone through this stage. "Sahasrara." Sahasrara (43-49) is the time when the secrets of the universe should be revealed. Therefore, during this period a person must devote himself entirely to the final formation of the mind. Warning. The most important thing during this period is not to waste time on the pursuit of wealth, aimless travel or useless hobbies and household chores. Usually, this is exactly what a person dreams about when thinking about plans for retirement. A lot of old people dressed like teenagers travel around the world, amusing and frightening the inhabitants of these countries. In this activity, they lose money earned through hard work, and most importantly, time, of which they have very little left. Often, traveling becomes the goal of life, but a person does not see anything new. Still the same desire to eat and sleep... Moreover, traveling in our time is the most dangerous pastime. Moreover, criminals and deceivers of all stripes usually gather in vacation spots. It is unlikely that this communication will benefit us. In old age, a person must communicate with sages, for this he can make pilgrimages to holy places. Time for smart leadership. This is the time when your leadership of others must become truly intelligent, strong and noble. Such a person must be obeyed and respected, then he will show nobility, not strength. This is the time when disciples and followers should appear. The time when a person is already able to take on this responsibility. In Vedic philosophy this consciousness is called the consciousness of the guru, the teacher. The time of higher philosophy. This is the time when the consciousness is already prepared to understand the most complex philosophy - the philosophy of the prophets. At this time, a person’s love for God and others should blossom. This chakra is associated with God awareness, self-realization, comprehension of the Absolute and true compassion. A time of supreme power. This is the time when a person becomes able to influence the masses. He can even convince an entire country. Some managed to influence the entire globe. This is a sign that a person has acquired mystical perfections. But at the same time. On the other hand, a person becomes simple, like a child, as the first period approaches again. And this attracts others to him. A person becomes completely open and anyone can benefit from him. He is not afraid of anyone and does not consider anyone his enemy. Mechanical opening. Sahasrara sometimes temporarily opens up during severe disasters - when a person surrenders himself to the will of fate. Emergency workers feel this and cannot easily quit their jobs. But, if this time is approached without gradual development, a cruel villain may be born, who hears nothing and does not understand the pain of others. A child who easily tortures a cat and tears off the antennae of a butterfly... If the stage is not completed. If at this age a person does not become a teacher of the whole world, he has to go through all the stages of development again, starting with the lowest. In a word, he falls into childhood, then falls in love again, which amuses everyone around him. This is simply a shame for an adult. Then he tries to learn. Nowadays, education in the elderly community is very popular in America, but this is a sign of degradation and unmet levels of development. How communication occurs at the chakra level. At the 7th chakra (43-49), communication becomes mutual learning. Everyone craves communication, because they understand its value and at the same time bear responsibility for their words. Every word becomes medicine for everyone who hears it. These are conversations of great sages about the meaning of life. Conclusion. Therefore, we must plan for the transition in our communication from step to step. Determine at what level your relationship with each of your loved ones is and set a goal for yourself to move to a new stage of the relationship. This will immediately change your life for the better. Please note that development begins from the 4th chakra and there is no need to artificially progress through the first three. Try to get through them as quickly as possible, focusing on level 4. But don't be afraid if they do show up. It is often necessary to experience all kinds of low relationships in order to finally understand that you cannot live like this. And at the sahasrara level, the organization takes on a spiritual form. Everyone already understands that people must be taken care of as children of the one God. Wisdom is not a search for truth or a search for God or an attempt to see him. Wisdom is the understanding that God sees us and has always been there for us. Therefore, we must act, understanding that he expects from us real nobility and attention to his children. And the form of real care is to draw the clients’ attention to eternal laws, to absolute truth. The problem is that if a society becomes fanatical and forgets about all human needs, then such disharmony forces such a society to slide to the very bottom of development and start all over again. We will not talk much about this level, since it will only become truly understandable from the level of the mind. Test Describe your experience of passing this stage. Describe how people you know go through this stage or have gone through this stage.

DVD N1(2003-2005) ARCHIVE OF LECTURES BY V.O. RUZOV V MP 3. 155 lectures / 180 hours "Artha Shastra" (The science of prosperity. Basic laws and recommendations.) "Vedic Psychology". (The first, but still popular seminar, revealing the basic laws of human physical and mental health.) "Deep philosophy of Ayurveda." (Life expectancy. Body structure. Vajikarana - an aphrodisiac. The first step to health. The philosophy of massage. Healing holidays. Bad mood.) "Yoga of the Mind". (These lectures became classics of Vedic psychology in Russia.) "City Karma" (Several public lectures on global problems of megacities and the methodology for resolving them). "Brain-building" Minsk, Kyiv, Moscow, Khabarovsk 2005. (As the electronic journal “Itogi” reports, a group of Dutch doctors, after many years of research, have cast doubt on the idea that consciousness is an integral function of the brain. Scientists say: when the brain ceases to function, consciousness continues to exist. Such facts, in their opinion, can serve as evidence in favor of immortality human soul.) "Qualities of a Leader" ( The main stages of development of any team. Methods for overcoming stagnation and inertia. The role of the leader in the development of the organization. Pitfalls and untapped opportunities.) "Omens" (Several lectures on the Vedic science of omens "Shakuna Shastra". "Chakravidya or seven crises in the life of a person, society, organization." (One of the most practical seminars in the field of conflict management.) Price = 500 rub.
DVD N2 (2005-2006) ARCHIVE OF LECTURES BY RUZOV V.O. V MP 3. 155 lectures / 180 hours "CONVERSATIONS ABOUT FAMILY LIFE" 2005 Khabarovsk (Theory of a harmonious family, Family in the East and West, Wedding ceremony, Magical cooking, Caring for a man.) "SELECTED LECTURES IN Kyiv ON PSYCHOLOGY" AUTUMN 2005 (“Family Conflictology”: Introduction to Family Conflictology. When to start a family. Caring is a man’s responsibility. Magic Cooking. Marriage Rite. “Atmosphere in a Team”: Introduction to Team Spirit. Atmosphere in a Team. Soft Heart. Positive Tendencies. Secrets of Prayers) "HAPPINESS IN THE FAMILY" ALTAI, MINSK 2005, WINTER (Introduction to family conflictology. When to start a family. Caring is a man’s responsibility. Magic cooking. Marriage ritual. An impression is a deepening in our consciousness and, just as water flows along a channel, so thoughts try to flow along the thin channel of impressions. Having once seen stupidity, a person finding himself in the same situation begins to think in a similar way...) "FAMILY NECTAROLOGY" and "PSYCHOLOGY OF SUCCESS" MOSCOW 2005 winter (In our time, we are observing a vicious circle of education based on reason: if children were able to instill reason before creating their family. This is called the life of Homo sapiens. Otherwise, everything turns into banal reproduction. “PSYCHOLOGY OF SUCCESS”: By and large, there are only two philosophies: This is a philosophy of care and a philosophy of exploitation. The philosophy of care makes a person happy, and the philosophy of exploitation makes a person unhappy.) "THE SCIENCE OF STUPIDITY" MOSCOW, EKATERINBURG, NOVOSIBIRSK, OMSK 2006 SPRING (So, we begin to study a topic that is most interesting to us, which in Sanskrit is called “dosha-buddhi,” which means “the science of stupidity.” In the modern world, this science is known as “monology,” but it is absolutely impossible to find materials or specialists on it .You can talk about intelligence as much as you like, but if you don’t understand what stupidity is, there will be no point. As it is said in one of the eastern treatises, one stupidity can cancel 1000 years of wisdom.) "ACHIEVING PROSPERITY IN THE NEW YEAR" MOSCOW, TIRASPOL. 2005 WINTER

-Respect the problem as a teacher, and it will respect you as a student.
-Turn your problems into goals and become not problematic, but purposeful!
-Without the desire to consult, even kings lost their throne!
-Never create debt!
-Surround yourself with noble people, those you can trust, those who will not betray you!
-Wealth comes to take care of others!
-Remember - kings do not live long!
-Save your money for a rainy day; don’t think that the rich are not in danger of poverty. Even great wealth can melt away in an instant!
"PSYCHONUMEROLOGY OF LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP" MOSCOW 2006 (This disc presents a seminar by Ruzov V.O., which examines the system of human behavior in accordance with a certain day of the week. By avoiding the simplest mistakes, any person can easily improve their relationships with others and solve simple psychological problems.) Price = 500 rub. These and other materials are located at

Each cycle ends with a crisis leading to the next stage.

In contact with


From 0 to 7 years

Strong connection with mother. Horizontal knowledge of the world. Creating feelings. The smell of the mother, the milk of the mother, the voice of the mother, the warmth of the mother, the kisses of the mother are the first sensations. The period usually ends with the hatching from the protective cocoon of maternal love and the discovery of a more or less cold rest of the world.

From 7 to 14 years

Strong connection with father. Vertical knowledge of the world. Creation of personality. The father becomes a new exclusive partner, an ally in the discovery of the world outside the family cocoon. The father expands the protective family cocoon. The father becomes a guide. The mother was loved, the father should be adored.

From 14 to 21 years old

Rebellion against society. Knowledge of matter. Creation of intelligence. This is the crisis of adolescence. There is a desire to change the world and destroy existing structures.

Young people attack the family cocoon, then society as a whole. The teenager is seduced by everything that “revolts” - loud music, romantic relationships, the desire for independence, escape, association with marginal groups of youth, anarchist values, the systematic denial of old values.

The period ends with the emergence from the family cocoon.

From 21 to 28 years old

Entry into society. Stabilization after the riot. Having failed to destroy the world, they integrate into it, wanting first to be better than the previous generation.

Looking for a more interesting job than your parents. Searching for a more interesting place to live than with my parents. An attempt to create a happier couple than the parents.

Choosing a partner and creating a home. Creating your own cocoon. The period usually ends with marriage. From that moment on, the person completed his mission and finished with the first protective cocoon.

End of the first square 4x7 years.

After the first square, which ends with the creation of his own cocoon, a person enters a second series of seven-year cycles.

28-35 years old

Creating a hearth. After marriage, an apartment, a car, children appear. Values ​​are accumulated inside the cocoon. But if the first four cycles are not completed successfully, the hearth collapses.

If the relationship with the mother has not been lived properly, she will harass her daughter-in-law. If the father does the same, he will begin to interfere in the affairs of the young couple. If rebellion against society has not been experienced, there is a risk of conflicts at work.

35 years is the age at which a poorly matured cocoon often explodes. Then divorce, dismissal, depression, and psychosomatic illnesses occur. Then the first cocoon must be discarded and...

35-42 years

Everything starts from scratch. After the crisis, a person, enriched by previous experience and mistakes, reconstructs a second cocoon. We need to reconsider our relationship with our mother, family, father, and maturity.

This is the period when divorced men have mistresses, and divorced women have lovers. They try to perceive what they expect, no longer from marriage, but from the opposite sex.

Relations with society must also be reconsidered. From now on, work is chosen not from the point of view of its security, but by how interesting it is, or by the free time it leaves.

If he did not understand past mistakes, he will restore exactly the same shell and come to exactly the same defeats. This is what is called "running in circles." From now on, all cycles will become just repetitions of the same mistakes.

42-49 years old

Conquest of society. Once the second, improved cocoon is restored, a person can experience the fullness of life in marriage, family, work, and personal development. This victory leads to two new types of behavior.

If signs of material well-being are important to a person: more money, more comfort, more children, more mistresses or lovers, more power, he continually increases and enriches his new and improved cocoon.

If a person sets out to conquer new territories, namely spiritual ones, then the true creation of his personality begins. By all logic, this period should end with a crisis of identity, an existential question. Why am I here, why do I live, what should I do to make life have meaning beyond material wealth?

49-56 years old

Spiritual revolution. If a person has managed to create or recreate his cocoon and realize himself in family and work, he naturally feels a desire to gain wisdom. From now on, the final adventure begins, the spiritual revolution.

The search for spirituality, if conducted honestly, without falling into the ease of groupism or ready-made ideas, will never be finished. They will take up the rest of your life.

End of the second square 4x7 years.

N.B. 1: Further development continues in a spiral. Every seven years a person rises one turn and again goes through the same issues: relationships with mother and father, attitude towards rebellion against society and towards family.

N.B. 2: Sometimes some people deliberately fail in family relationships or at work so that they are forced to start all the cycles again. In this way they try to avoid or delay the moment when they have to move into the spiritual phase, because they are afraid of facing themselves.

Bernard Werber - "Empire of Angels"

PV movement sequence – Aries (0-7), Taurus (7-14), Gemini (14-21), Cancer (21-28), Leo (28-35), Virgo (35-42), Libra (42- 49), Scorpio (49-56), Sagittarius (56-63), Capricorn (63-70) and Aquarius (70-77) and Pisces (77-84). Every seven years, a person faces qualitatively new tasks determined by the nature of the sign.

Finding PV in a certain sign: – gives the key to understanding the tasks of the period; – indicates qualities of personality and character, abilities that need to be included or developed so that they are included as usual; – shows the forces that need to be corrected.

Until the tasks of a certain cycle are completed, a person cannot fully proceed to the next stage and the cycle breaks down.

The most noticeable effect of PV is felt when moving from sign to sign and when connecting PV in an individual chart with planets. To do this, you need to build a natal chart, which can be easily done on any free resource on the Internet.

To calculate the connection of PV with the planets, it is enough to know that PV travels 4.28 degrees for each year, for example, if the Moon in the horoscope is at the 14th degree of Aries, then the first connection with PV occurs in a person at 3.2 years: 14: 4.28 = 3.2.

Features of each PV period

0-7 years (Aries) First, let's see if there are planets in Aries in the individual chart. This will show us what qualities need to be adjusted and developed during this period. Correction and development, naturally, is the task of parents. It is very important not to overwhelm a person under the age of seven with rigid attitudes, otherwise he will develop complexes.

This period gives a strong desire to manifest itself in the outside world, and the child intensively searches for possible ways to do this. It is important to give him the opportunity to move in the direction he wants; it is useless to “tie” him until he is seven years old (Saturn is in its fall). During this period, there is intransigence (Venus in exile) and an inability to take care of anything. It is important to allow curiosity to show, especially if the child was born in Aries or has many planets in the first quadrant. If Mars is the first ascending planet, then the child is very militant and should be given to sports from a very early age.

The body is adapting to life on earth: the spine is strengthening and forming; parents need to carefully monitor this and the child’s teeth. The speech apparatus and coordination of movements of the arms and legs are also being mastered. Metabolism is very fast under Mars. Most often, illnesses begin abruptly and violently, but do not last long. It is necessary to stop cruelty in a child, but you cannot respond to aggression with aggression. Venus is in exile, so there are almost no halftones in this period.

7-14 (Taurus)

The period of developing patience. Ideas about the beauty of the world and the versatility of forms are laid down (according to Venus). The moon is in exaltation, so it is important to feed the child on time and in the system during this period, otherwise there will be a lack of vitality, in addition, the diet promotes mental balance, since this is a period of gaining energy. Venus rules the endocrine and genitourinary systems. According to Venus and the Moon - a time of aesthetic education, education of feelings. It is possible that the child often looks in the mirror. First loves are very typical. It is necessary to accustom the child to responsibilities (Saturn is in kinship), otherwise these qualities will not be there for the rest of his life.

It is not recommended to send children to school before the age of seven, since until the age of seven it is unbearable and unusual for a child to sit still for 45 minutes. The task of parents is to monitor manifestations of aggression and remove it (Mars and Pluto are in exile). This is a period of rebellion against the authority of elders (Uranus is in its fall). Children experience a lack of freedom and develop a healthy attitude towards it. The child must understand its importance, he must feel respect for himself. You can’t tell him bad things about him even casually (“my grief”), you can’t laugh at him.

During this period, girls are introduced to needlework and other women's work, boys are introduced to tools and accustomed to systematic and long work. Any creative expression is very beneficial.

14-21 (Gemini)

The period of awakening sociality, numerous acquaintances, intensive thinking, practical activity. 14-15 years is the threshold when a child may not fit into society. Any activity is positive only if it occurs according to his conviction.

This period is characterized by complexes, pride, authoritarianism, categoricalness, and criticism of the social order (Saturn is in exile). There may be a reluctance to complete things and take responsibility (Gemini complex). During this period, there are no authorities among those close to you; this is the time of formation of conscious social authorities and a meaningful sense of responsibility.

If many planets are in the first quadrant (Aries, Taurus, Gemini) and they have not been worked out until the age of 21, then such people often remain big children for the rest of their lives. In the worst case - a feeling of inferiority, in the best - with purity of nature they retain the ability to be surprised like a child.

During this period, basic knowledge and practical skills are laid. If during this period a person has not learned to communicate and express his thoughts on paper, he will never learn. Dispersion and inconstancy are common. If you do not engage in sports (physical activity of any kind), then the nervous system suffers, since the overload of this period is relieved only by movement. It is important to take care of your lungs, as even a small cold can cause complications. Arms and legs are vulnerable.

21-28 (Cancer)

Family planning period. A person begins to look a little differently at how his parents live. This is a period of following traditions, expanding the circle of friends and at the same time deepening into oneself, self-knowledge (Jupiter is in exaltation). The second quadrant begins - emotions. There is a greater dependence on mood, emotions, and sexual desire.

The normal period for starting a family is up to 28 years. A person gradually moves to the balance zone. Marriage and the birth of children are very rational for this period. There is also an adjustment according to Saturn (Saturn is in exile): a person’s social circle is often, voluntarily or involuntarily, limited mainly to the family, and if the family does not work out, then by the end of the period this becomes the focus of plans or is repressed into the subconscious. In the latter case, if a person does not admit that he needs a family (a permanent partner), embitterment or often cynicism appears.

During this period, feelings are nurtured, people often tend to isolate themselves on each other or on children, and many new responsibilities appear that have to be dealt with. There is a desire to subjugate, jealousy, suspicion, identification of who is more important (Mars is in decline). The main emphasis is on the inner world and the reluctance to see someone else's. The moon gives the desire to have children. The stomach is vulnerable during this period, as it blocks the passage of bad emotions.

28-35 (Leo)

The period of greatest physical flourishing, creative powers, and manifestation of personality. During this period, two ways are possible - either the accumulation of forces, or their dispersion. The essence of the period is the maximum manifestation of individuality, the realization of opportunities, the period of raising children, the growth of professionalism, hidden conflicts.

Pluto in exaltation gives enormous potency in sex and energy, as well as the possibility of energy transformation. Mars and Jupiter are related, which reinforces the solar potential.

Venus and Mercury are at enmity, so emotions in Leo are more sentimental than deep. A person is determined to be the center of attention, as a tendency - an unconscious desire for freedom. During this period, you cannot take on other people’s obligations (loved ones and children).

Pluto gives an excess of strength and many aimless connections, but wasting strength will have a detrimental effect on later life. Uranus in exile suggests that you cannot recklessly break ties, you need to try to listen to the other and coordinate your desires with the desires of others.

Saturn in exile gives rise to the idea that you need to be tougher in this world and learn to insist on your own in any case. This position takes a lot of energy and de-energizes. A person becomes less susceptible to the suffering of others. Working through such tendencies means taking responsibility, but if a person does not do this voluntarily, then life circumstances often develop in such a way that they force him to do this.

Neptune is in its fall: a person becomes sensitive to flattery, often loses his sense of danger in society, since intuition becomes dull at this time. Mars in kinship gives greater effectiveness and will in achieving goals. Mercury is in enmity: a person does not hear other people’s opinions, does not perceive other people’s ideas, he lacks flexibility, he finds it difficult to accept changes.

Venus is in enmity: a stormy life for women. I want to prove myself, I’m afraid of missing out on something. Lack of implementation during this period leads to heart disease. The more arrogance, the more effort and money is wasted. A change in blood composition during this period will show the first sign of rapid fatigue of blood vessels and heart.

35-42 (Virgo)

Virgo covers the lower hemisphere. All failures and deficiencies accumulate in this period, which manifests itself on the physical plane. The period requires orderliness and clarity. This is the time to sum up the first half of life and the turning point of life. A difficult transition from lion play, adventure, reckless love, admiration to methodical service, from brightness to invisibility, from general perception to specific details and analysis, as well as rational expenditure of energy, practicality. Learning takes place based on the realities of life. Virgo requires submission and time to translate ideas into reality. There is often a breakdown on this topic.

At 37, the lunar nodes return, when you think more about the futility of life and retribution for mistakes begins. Unfortunately, you cannot skip this period; you can only try to take the best from the past. If a person tries to extend the lion’s period, then love begins as a sport or compensation for a satiated person, complexes in love are laid down.

Neptune is in exile: a complex of self-delusion that summer can be extended. Saturn is in exile: an attempt at active self-affirmation during this period will not bring results. Venus is in its fall: it does not hold its shape, does not withstand tests, divorces often occur and/or a negative assessment of one’s previous choice appears.

If a person has never married before the age of 35, then it is better to wait until 42. It is possible to enter into a second marriage for practical reasons. You can achieve a practical understanding of the sense of duty, great coldness, detachment, obsession with work, suspiciousness in relation to your health.

During this period, the intestines often suffer; rational nutrition and hardening are necessary so that problems do not continue in other periods. In many ways, you need to pay attention to the problems of the body - make it functional until the age of 42 and get rid of bad habits that worsen and undermine your health.

42-49 (Libra)

Third quadrant (maturity). Venus gives regularity, thoughtfulness, and some conservatism. A person has achieved a lot and is trying to keep it. The sun in its fall demands to moderate one’s self for the sake of “we”. During this period, it is ineffective to find out who is more important; this is a transition from the period of “taking” to the period of “giving.”

The moon in neutral does not hold energy, all organs weaken. It is important to keep feelings under control, since their thoughtless expression is a source of energy loss.

By the age of 42, a lot of energy has been spent, and you have to pay for your lack of understanding of cosmic laws with your health. You need to become easy-going, sociable, conflict-free, tactful, acquire a stable value system, and overcome indecision in a situation of choice.

In women, this is the beginning of hormonal changes. Problems with the genitourinary system, spine, teeth.

49-56 (Scorpio)

Sign of transformation, purgatory. This is a period of crisis. There is a revision of the value system, a person either breaks down or acquires a new creative approach - it is necessary to give away knowledge. The attitude towards life changes dramatically, perestroika ends, and the person acquires a different energy.

There is a destruction of habitual attitudes and the acquisition of creative qualities. The period gives a lot of new, often bitter discoveries. The sun is in neutral: there may be a feeling of one’s own insignificance for society.

The moon in its fall can show strong instincts. Mercury is in enmity: a lot of sober reasoning. Venus is in exile: destruction of form and customary ideas.

At this age, a person relies on Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Pluto. Mars and Pluto give the acquisition of new magical powers. But if you perceive everything as a tragedy, then instead of magical powers you get destruction.

Uranus is exalted: a new understanding of freedom. The children have grown up, the parents leave - freedom is forced, you want to destroy everything and change it. The last opportunity to accumulate strength and the last surge of sexual strength. Physical needs weaken, but spiritual needs increase.

A person begins to hear and understand what he had not heard or understood before. This is a door to another world. You can't take revenge, you can't go to extremes. Strong restructuring of the endocrine system. Cleaning procedures are ineffective.

57-63 (Sagittarius)

The third zone of life begins - the zone of Shiva - destruction. Development proceeds in liberation from the earthly, and some conservatism appears. Possible exposure to some teachings. The confrontation with Gemini, with its chaotic connections, gives the acquisition of a system. Pluto gives great strength.

Missionary, the desire to do well for everyone and pass on one’s knowledge, a person himself becomes a teacher or acquires teachers. The period of retribution. A person becomes more internally free from society, there is a separation of philosophical systems from earthly passions, a search for his roots, and a passion for history. Often there is a desire to make up for the lack of education - something that was previously missed in Gemini. Many people start traveling. If Mercury is in a bad status in the chart, then it is unlikely that we will talk about education; it will rather result in fussiness and sclerosis.

The idea of ​​former authorities is being destroyed, and a transition to activity, openness to the world, and greater determination is possible. If a person chooses an active lifestyle, then energy is preserved; if he begins to fight for his authority, he quickly becomes decrepit.

63-70 (Capricorn)

The beginning of the last quadrant is renunciation of the purely earthly. Mars is in exaltation, if you do not move only on past forces, then Mars during this period can help make a big leap in the evolution of the soul, if you renounce the sensual.

Jupiter in its fall can give intolerance towards new things, young people and their way of life, as well as hypocrisy. Permissiveness and a desire to teach everyone may appear.

According to the Moon in exile, it can cause a desire to suppress loved ones. Often during this period a person begins to write memoirs.

The best trait of Capricorn is responsibility. You can't fight for a place (career).

Capricorn is the culmination of the upper hemisphere: a time of spiritual achievements and social programs. The ability to relax and enjoy every day must be developed. It is forbidden to fall into pessimism and be suspicious of people.

Diseases - from hypothermia, hearing and touch are vulnerable. Metabolic processes are slowed down on the Moon.

70-77 (Aquarius)

The sun is in exile: no seduction, separation of good and evil, separation of the subtle from the gross. Over the course of 72 years, the precession of the earth's axis shifts by a degree and there is a noticeable change in the era. A person must part with his past and reach a new level.

In the upper hemisphere, the mistakes of the lower ones are always realized, later they are either well worked out, or they turn into complexes and greatly interfere, then the flesh defeats the spirit. If a person lives more consciously in the lower hemisphere, then in the lower hemisphere he has a clear mind.

77-84 (Pisces)

Prophetic dreams, mastery of spiritual sense. In earthly life you no longer gain anything new, the desire to merge with the Divine, the opportunity to feel the highest love according to Venus in exaltation. Mystical knowledge.

Mercury gives either clear memory or sclerosis. According to Uranus - either the acquisition of secrets, or dissolution in the Universe.

" Below is a quote about 7-year life cycles:

"...Every seven years, psychologists say, the body and mind undergo a crisis and change. Every seven years all the cells of the body change, are completely renewed. ...Every seventh year everything changes - just like the seasons change. In seventy years the cycle is completed .....

In the first seven years, the child's center of gravity is in himself, as if he were the center of the whole world. The whole family moves around him. Any of his needs is immediately satisfied, otherwise he falls into rage, anger, and rage. He lives like an emperor, a real emperor... mother, father - they are all servants, and the whole family exists only for him...
After the 7th year the child becomes a great questioner. He questions everything. He becomes a great skeptic - because of his research. .. If a child did not live his childhood well, this unlived childhood will go into youth - because where will it go? It must be lived. When a four-year-old child dances, jumps and runs after butterflies, it is beautiful. But if a young man of twenty years old is chasing butterflies, he is crazy - then he should be put in hospital, he is insane.

After 14 years, the third door opens. He's no longer interested in boys, he's no longer interested in girls.

They are polite but not interested. That is why any friendship that happens between seven and fourteen years is the deepest - because the mind is homosexual, and such a friendship will never happen again. Such friends remain friends forever, they are such deep bonds. .. But after fourteen years of age the boy is not interested in boys. If everything goes well, if he is not stuck anywhere, he will become interested in girls. Now he's becoming heterosexual... If between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one a child is allowed free sex, absolutely free sex, he will never care about sex. He will be completely free.

By the age of 21 - if everything goes well and society does not force the child to do something unnatural - by the age of twenty-one the child begins to be more interested in ambition than in love. He wants a Rolls Royce, a big palace. He wants to be successful....

If everything goes right - which it never does, because I am talking about a completely natural development - by the age of twenty-eight a person will not in any way try to enter into a life of adventure. From twenty-one to twenty-eight he lives by adventure; by age twenty-eight he becomes more alert to the fact that desires cannot be satisfied. .. At 28, the hippie becomes a homeowner, the revolutionary ceases to be a revolutionary; they begin to lean toward a settled life, seek comfort, and strive to have a small bank account. Twenty-eight years is the end of hippiedom. At twenty-eight the hippie becomes a homeowner, the revolutionary ceases to be a revolutionary; they begin to lean toward a settled life, seek comfort, and strive to have a small bank account.

By the age of 35, vital energy reaches a critical point. The circle is half completed and the energy begins to wane. Now a person is only interested in safety and comfort, he becomes a Tory, an orthodox.

And this is natural - if everything goes right, a person will not remain a hippie forever. It was a phase that was good to go through, but bad to get stuck in. This would mean that you are stuck in a certain phase. It is good to be homosexual between the ages of seven and fourteen, but if a person remains homosexual all his life, it means that he has not grown up, he is not an adult.

By age 42, all sorts of physical and mental illnesses explode because life is now in decline. Energy moves towards death. As in the beginning - your energies increased, and you became more and more alive, energetic, strong - now the opposite is happening, and every day you become weaker. At the age of forty-two, religion becomes important for the first time. Maybe you used to play the fool with religion from time to time, but now for the first time religion is becoming important - because religion is deeply connected with death. Now death approaches and for the first time the desire for religion arises.

By age 49, the search becomes clearer; It takes seven years for the search to become clear. Now comes the determination. You are no longer interested in others, and if everything has gone right - and I must say again that it is never right - at the age of forty-nine a man is no longer interested in women. A woman ceases to be interested in men - menopause, forty-ninth year. A man doesn't want to be sexy. It all seems a little childish, a little immature. But society can force... . At the age of forty-nine, psychologists force people to continue making love; otherwise you will lose your life. At the age of forty-nine... like fourteen sex arises, at forty-nine it naturally subsides. It must be this way because every cycle must be completed.

At 56, a change, a revolution, occurs again. Now it is not enough to look at the Himalayas; a person must go on a journey, set off on a journey. Life ends, death comes closer. At forty-nine years old, a person loses interest in sex. At fifty-six he must lose interest in others, in society, in social formalities, in the club... At fifty-six you are not even interested in others.

By the age of 63, you again become like a child who is only interested in himself. This is meditation - to move inward, as if everything else has fallen away and only you exist. Again you become a child - of course, very enriched by life, very mature, understanding, with great intelligence. Now you become innocent again.

Sixty-three is the age when a person becomes completely self-absorbed. All energy moves inward and inward again, turns inward. You become a circle of energy that goes nowhere. More and more silent, becoming more and more yourself, remaining completely independent of everything that surrounds you. The energy decreases little by little. When an old man looks with lustful eyes, nothing compares to this; there is nothing uglier than an old man with lustful eyes. It's not that sex is ugly, remember, I'm not saying sex is ugly. Sex is beautiful in its time, in its season, and sex is ugly out of season, out of time. In a ninety-year-old man, sex is a disease. That's why people say "dirty old man." It's really dirty.

The young man is handsome and sexy. He manifests health, life. And a sexy old man shows an unlived life, an empty life, an immature one. He missed the opportunity and now he can’t do anything, but continues to think, play with sex in his mind, fantasize.

By 70 you're ready. And if you have followed the natural rhythm, just before you die - nine months before death - you become aware that death is approaching. In this last phase - nine months - man enters into himself, his own body becomes the womb. He moves to the inner altar, where his flame has always burned, where there has always been light, where his temple is located, where God has always lived. But this is a natural process...."

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