Seven years in a woman's life. Cycles of human life Creation, preservation, change, deepening

Let's talk about the esoteric seven-year cycles of human life, because the life of every person is subject to both obvious laws: legal or physical laws. They are clear to us, and most often they cannot be violated or not observed. But few people remember about the more global and subtle Laws of the Universe. Simply, we rarely think about them seriously, believing that they are not that important, or even do not exist. And everything on our planet and throughout outer space is subject to these laws.

What is it - the cyclical nature of the Universe?

Our life cycles are subject to the influence of all the planets located in the solar system; all of them, like the entire surrounding universe, have a certain cyclicity and recurrence period.

The Moon and the Sun have the greatest influence on us. It is because of these influences that natural disasters occur: tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, to say nothing of human health and behavior, which also react to the activity of the planets.

If we understand this, then questions about why people sometimes behave very inappropriately will disappear. Probably, involuntarily, many wondered: why does someone live like in a fairy tale, while others receive kicks from life one after another, cannot get back on their feet, or is it given to them with great effort?

Transmigration of the soul

This question is answered by one of the Laws of the Universe - the Law of Transmigration of the Soul

It is believed that our soul is immortal, unlike the body, and is capable of being reborn after the cessation of its existence in the old body. A lot of literature has been written about this, and there are cases when the memory of a past life suddenly returns, and a person begins to speak in a language unknown to him, telling things about himself that did not happen.

This is a very rare phenomenon; most often children under 5-7 years old remember their past life. Then all memories are erased so as not to harm further spiritual development.

So, if the soul, being reborn, works off karma in a previous life, the next life proceeds smoothly and successfully. If in the past you, as they say, messed up, then in real life it’s time to work off the sins, including those of previous generations.

So, if you do not belong to the category of darlings of fate, then you pay for your past lives and learn to work off karma correctly. True, there is a way to simplify your task and become a little happier and luckier, you just need to think positively and live for the benefit of the world around you, without concentrating only on yourself.

Another Law of the Universe is the Law of Cyclicity

Esotericists claim that our entire life is divided into seven-year cycles, each of which plays a large role in the subsequent one. After all, if one of the cycles was not lived well enough and at the end you did not receive a “credit” - you did not learn a lesson from the completed cycle, then the problem that you did not solve is layered like a snowball on the next ones.

Why are human life cycles seven years?

It can be analyzed that the number 7 plays a huge role in the world, and is even considered the luckiest number:

There are 7 colors in the rainbow, 7 wonders of the world, there are also 7 main notes, and there are 7 days in a week.

“Seven do not wait for one thing”, “Seven Fridays in a week”, “Measure twice, cut once”, and many more sayings with this magic number. In addition, in accordance with the biological life cycles of people, it is read that every seven years, all the cells of the human body are renewed.

What are the life periods and cycles of human life?

Up to 7 years— energy develops and everyone can notice that at this age children’s energy is overflowing. The experience acquired at this age is considered basic and most valuable, so a lot depends on the parents and people around them. Intuition at this time is the basis of knowledge of the world; it is not for nothing that a child can easily distinguish a good person from a bad one.

From 7 to 14 years- the time comes for independent decision-making, a desire for learning, and a desire for independence. That is why at the age of seven children are sent to school and do the right thing. Although the little person still depends on his parents, from this period there is a desire to communicate with other people, to understand his own self.

From 14 to 21 years old— the period is marked by a protest against the rules, a restructuring of the body, a reassessment of values, a desire to change the world, to “move mountains.” In this cycle, if you cannot express yourself internally, external self-expression begins. This is where “youthful maximalism” and the idea of ​​joining some strange social group are born: emo, goths, punks, etc.

From 21 to 28 years old– a person has to make independent decisions, consulting with his parents less and less. A period of travel and search for the meaning of life. I want to do a lot, try, do everything better than my parents. If a serious relationship begins, it will most likely end in marriage.

Basic 7 year cycles of human life

From 28 to 35 years old- many have their own family, children, position in society. If the cycles preceding this are lived correctly, then this period will not bring any special problems. If the relationship with your parents was not correct, then they will interfere in your life. This cycle is especially important for women; they want to change everything: many decide to break off relationships, start new ones, or leave the family.

From 35 to 42 years old- the opportunity to start everything from scratch. During this cycle, a second chance appears for those who did not achieve something or did not have time. Now everything is chosen from the position of “like”, not “need”. It is worth reconsidering your relationships with others, with your parents. A “midlife crisis” and a reassessment of values ​​sets in.

From 42 to 49 years old— implementation of a karmic task and the search for ways to fulfill it. The task may be different for everyone: someone needs to become a good father, while another needs to become a great inventor. Awareness comes earlier, around age 28, but full involvement in the process occurs by age 42.

From 49 to 56 years old, the process of enjoying life begins. You are happy with what is left after your work and effort, and you are also comfortable with what you have achieved in life. But, if the previous cycles were not lived correctly, then complete disappointment may occur. It is at this moment that many begin to try to catch up, trying to go back decades.

From 56 to 63 years old- life becomes more measured, the time for wisdom comes. Here you can completely immerse yourself in the knowledge of your true self. Some people turn to the religion that they were interested in in their youth. The outlook on life becomes more philosophical, although in more disadvantaged countries and people who are simply not mature enough in terms of self-development, this cycle and wisdom are of no use to them, so they go to recycle the universe.

From 63 years old to 70 years old- the revaluation of life becomes more obvious. I want privacy. At this age, most people decide to leave the earthly world.

This is such an interesting classification.

It is believed that if a person passes away before the age of 60, then his soul returns to earth in exactly the same conditions and to the same parents that were in a previous life. This means that the karmic task is not completed, and everything begins again until the correct completion follows.

Of course, we can only guess whether this is true or fiction, but anything that is not confirmed cannot be refuted. Therefore, this information on the esoteric cycles of a person’s life is given for information, and if, after analyzing your life today, you find some “random coincidences,” then listen to these tips, and perhaps your wisdom will only increase, and your life’s journey will extend further . That's what I wish for you. In addition, read, or p.

" Below is a quote about 7-year life cycles:

"...Every seven years, psychologists say, the body and mind undergo a crisis and change. Every seven years all the cells of the body change, are completely renewed. ...Every seventh year everything changes - just like the seasons change. In seventy years the cycle is completed .....

In the first seven years, the child's center of gravity is in himself, as if he were the center of the whole world. The whole family moves around him. Any of his needs is immediately satisfied, otherwise he falls into rage, anger, and rage. He lives like an emperor, a real emperor... mother, father - they are all servants, and the whole family exists only for him...
After the 7th year the child becomes a great questioner. He questions everything. He becomes a great skeptic - because of his research. .. If a child did not live his childhood well, this unlived childhood will go into youth - because where will it go? It must be lived. When a four-year-old child dances, jumps and runs after butterflies, it is beautiful. But if a young man of twenty years old is chasing butterflies, he is crazy - then he should be put in hospital, he is insane.

After 14 years, the third door opens. He's no longer interested in boys, he's no longer interested in girls.

They are polite but not interested. That is why any friendship that happens between seven and fourteen years is the deepest - because the mind is homosexual, and such a friendship will never happen again. Such friends remain friends forever, they are such deep bonds. .. But after fourteen years of age the boy is not interested in boys. If everything goes well, if he is not stuck anywhere, he will become interested in girls. Now he's becoming heterosexual... If between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one a child is allowed free sex, absolutely free sex, he will never care about sex. He will be completely free.

By the age of 21 - if everything goes well and society does not force the child to do something unnatural - by the age of twenty-one the child begins to be more interested in ambition than in love. He wants a Rolls Royce, a big palace. He wants to be successful....

If everything goes right - which it never does, because I am talking about a completely natural development - by the age of twenty-eight a person will not in any way try to enter into a life of adventure. From twenty-one to twenty-eight he lives by adventure; by age twenty-eight he becomes more alert to the fact that desires cannot be satisfied. .. At 28, the hippie becomes a homeowner, the revolutionary ceases to be a revolutionary; they begin to lean toward a settled life, seek comfort, and strive to have a small bank account. Twenty-eight years is the end of hippiedom. At twenty-eight the hippie becomes a homeowner, the revolutionary ceases to be a revolutionary; they begin to lean toward a settled life, seek comfort, and strive to have a small bank account.

By the age of 35, vital energy reaches a critical point. The circle is half completed and the energy begins to wane. Now a person is only interested in safety and comfort, he becomes a Tory, an orthodox.

And this is natural - if everything goes right, a person will not remain a hippie forever. It was a phase that was good to go through, but bad to get stuck in. This would mean that you are stuck in a certain phase. It is good to be homosexual between the ages of seven and fourteen, but if a person remains homosexual all his life, it means that he has not grown up, he is not an adult.

By age 42, all sorts of physical and mental illnesses explode because life is now in decline. Energy moves towards death. As in the beginning - your energies increased, and you became more and more alive, energetic, strong - now the opposite is happening, and every day you become weaker. At the age of forty-two, religion becomes important for the first time. Maybe you used to play the fool with religion from time to time, but now for the first time religion is becoming important - because religion is deeply connected with death. Now death approaches and for the first time the desire for religion arises.

By age 49, the search becomes clearer; It takes seven years for the search to become clear. Now comes the determination. You are no longer interested in others, and if everything has gone right - and I must say again that it is never right - at the age of forty-nine a man is no longer interested in women. A woman ceases to be interested in men - menopause, forty-ninth year. A man doesn't want to be sexy. It all seems a little childish, a little immature. But society can force... . At the age of forty-nine, psychologists force people to continue making love; otherwise you will lose your life. At the age of forty-nine... like fourteen sex arises, at forty-nine it naturally subsides. It must be this way because every cycle must be completed.

At 56, a change, a revolution, occurs again. Now it is not enough to look at the Himalayas; a person must go on a journey, set off on a journey. Life ends, death comes closer. At forty-nine years old, a person loses interest in sex. At fifty-six he must lose interest in others, in society, in social formalities, in the club... At fifty-six you are not even interested in others.

By the age of 63, you again become like a child who is only interested in himself. This is meditation - to move inward, as if everything else has fallen away and only you exist. Again you become a child - of course, very enriched by life, very mature, understanding, with great intelligence. Now you become innocent again.

Sixty-three is the age when a person becomes completely self-absorbed. All energy moves inward and inward again, turns inward. You become a circle of energy that goes nowhere. More and more silent, becoming more and more yourself, remaining completely independent of everything that surrounds you. The energy decreases little by little. When an old man looks with lustful eyes, nothing compares to this; there is nothing uglier than an old man with lustful eyes. It's not that sex is ugly, remember, I'm not saying sex is ugly. Sex is beautiful in its time, in its season, and sex is ugly out of season, out of time. In a ninety-year-old man, sex is a disease. That's why people say "dirty old man." It's really dirty.

The young man is handsome and sexy. He manifests health, life. And a sexy old man shows an unlived life, an empty life, an immature one. He missed the opportunity and now he can’t do anything, but continues to think, play with sex in his mind, fantasize.

By 70 you're ready. And if you have followed the natural rhythm, just before you die - nine months before death - you become aware that death is approaching. In this last phase - nine months - man enters into himself, his own body becomes the womb. He moves to the inner altar, where his flame has always burned, where there has always been light, where his temple is located, where God has always lived. But this is a natural process...."

Unless you've led a reclusive lifestyle, chances are you've heard the saying that people change once every seven years. And although you most likely may doubt the veracity of this phrase, it contains only the truth. The philosopher Rudolf Steiner, who lived at the beginning of the twentieth century, believed that human life and its development occur in cycles of seven. In his opinion, these cycles are interconnected with astrology, and with each cycle a person makes a new turn in his life. Although people discuss the topic of energy change quite often in the modern world, this theory is often overlooked. However, if you really think about Steiner's theory, you will actually understand that people can change the direction of their consciousness with the onset of each new cycle of seven.

First cycle

Obviously, life begins when a person is born. From this moment he enters this world, he is full of energy and awareness. From the moment of birth to the age of seven, a person is in his first cycle. When you reach the age of seven, you begin to understand yourself. It is at this point that you completely transition from the infant to the child stage. While during the first cycle you focus solely on yourself and feel that life revolves around you, at seven you begin to transform the definition of the ego, becoming interested in the world around you.

Second cycle

When you reach the age of seven, you enter the second cycle of life. With the second cycle comes an interest that can be described as magical. Coming out of a self-centered childhood, you enter this cycle and begin to look at the world from a completely different angle. It is during this period that you are especially flexible. Thanks to this, you can make yourself into something that you are not, but this will not last long.

Third cycle

At the age of fourteen, puberty begins, boys' voices begin to break, while girls begin the transition to adulthood. During this period, your family ceases to be your key source of information about the world and inspiration; it becomes a larger group of people compared to the previous cycle. As this happens, you begin to take into account the thoughts and influences of your classmates, your peers in the yard, as well as society at large and any other group to which you can identify yourself. As you begin to mature, your interest shifts to the opposite sex and you begin to look for someone with whom you can have an intimate relationship.

Fourth cycle

When you reach the age of 21, you enter the fourth cycle of your life, which brings you completely new experiences and perspectives. While your teenage years are focused on your own growth and finding love, in your twenties you begin to set more motivating goals for yourself. As this change occurs, you begin to gain a sense of responsibility and strive to achieve serious goals that are not solely focused on love and sex.

Fifth cycle

The age of 28 marks the beginning of the fifth cycle, and with it you begin to understand that things don’t always go the way you want, and you don’t always get what you want. It is also during this period that you begin to distinguish between achievable goals and those that seem impossible. Along with this cycle, those years of life that could be described as carefree come to an end. With this loss, you begin to develop a desire to settle down. If you have been comfortable with the idea of ​​constant change in the past, this cycle brings a desire for something more concrete.

Sixth cycle

When this cycle ends, you turn 35 years old. At this age, you begin to understand the many influences that influenced your decisions, and you also understand that you need to do things based on your own desires. In the past, you may have had difficulty understanding the difference between other people's concepts and those that are your own. Now you begin to better understand your essence.

Seventh cycle

Forty-two years mark the beginning of the seventh cycle, and this is a time of true change. It is at this moment that the integration of your “I”, your whole personality, begins. Previously, you might have asked the world what it could offer you, but now you begin to wonder what you can offer the world. It is at this moment that you begin to doubt yourself and your life.

Eighth cycle

The eighth cycle continues the trend of doubt, but for various reasons it may become more negative. You may begin to question what you have achieved in your life. It is at this stage that you begin to realize that you can let go of those things that stand in your way.

Ninth cycle

As you enter the ninth cycle, your interests also change. If previously you were focused on other people, as well as on the formalities that come with socialization, now you are more focused on issues of seeking the truth and enlightenment. At age 63, you begin to revert to a more childlike state.

Tenth cycle

The last tenth cycle is under the influence of Saturn. If you have been tracking the natural patterns of your cycles of seven that govern your life for about nine months before you turn seventy, you will fully understand that death is inevitable and quite possibly quite soon. During this period, you complete the cycle of seven, which takes you back to the point where it all began.

From 0 to 7 years

Strong connection with mother. Horizontal knowledge of the world. Creating feelings. The smell of the mother, the milk of the mother, the voice of the mother, the warmth of the mother, the kisses of the mother are the first sensations. The period usually ends with the hatching from the protective cocoon of maternal love and the discovery of a more or less cold rest of the world.

From 7 to 14 years

Strong connection with father. Vertical knowledge of the world. Creation of personality. The father becomes a new exclusive partner, an ally in the discovery of the world outside the family cocoon. The father expands the protective family cocoon. The father becomes a guide. The mother was loved, the father should be adored.

From 14 to 21 years old

Rebellion against society. Knowledge of matter. Creation of intelligence. This is the crisis of adolescence. There is a desire to change the world and destroy existing structures. Young people attack the family cocoon, then society as a whole. The teenager is seduced by everything that “revolts” - loud music, romantic relationships, the desire for independence, escape, association with marginal groups of youth, anarchist values, the systematic denial of old values. The period ends with the emergence from the family cocoon.

From 21 to 28 years old

Entry into society. Stabilization after the riot. Having failed to destroy the world, they integrate into it, wanting first to be better than the previous generation. Looking for a more interesting job than your parents. Searching for a more interesting place to live than with my parents. An attempt to create a happier couple than the parents. Choosing a partner and creating a home. Creating your own cocoon. The period usually ends with marriage.

From that moment on, man completed his mission and finished with the first protective cocoon.


After the first square, which ends with the creation of his own cocoon, a person enters a second series of seven-year cycles.

Creating a hearth. After marriage, an apartment, a car, children appear. Values ​​are accumulated inside the cocoon. But if the first four cycles are not completed successfully, the hearth collapses. If the relationship with the mother has not been lived properly, she will harass her daughter-in-law. If the father does the same, he will begin to interfere in the affairs of the young couple. If rebellion against society has not been experienced, there is a risk of conflicts at work. 35 years is the age at which a poorly matured cocoon often explodes. Then divorce, dismissal, depression, and psychosomatic illnesses occur. Then the first koko must be discarded and...

Everything starts from scratch. After the crisis, a person, enriched by previous experience and mistakes, reconstructs a second cocoon. We need to reconsider our relationship with our mother, family, father, and maturity. This is the period when divorced men have mistresses, and divorced women have lovers. They try to perceive what they expect, no longer from marriage, but from the opposite sex.

Conquest of society. Once the second, improved cocoon is restored, a person can experience the fullness of life in marriage, family, work, and personal development. This victory leads to two new types of behavior.

If signs of material well-being are important to a person: more money, more comfort, more children, more mistresses or lovers, more power, he continually increases and enriches his new and improved cocoon.

If a person sets out to conquer new territories, namely spiritual ones, then the true creation of his personality begins. By all logic, this period should end with a crisis of identity, an existential question. Why am I here, why do I live, what should I do to make life have meaning beyond material wealth?

Spiritual revolution. If a person has managed to create or recreate his cocoon and realize himself in family and work, he naturally feels a desire to gain wisdom. From now on, the final adventure begins, the spiritual revolution.

The search for spirituality, if conducted honestly, without falling into the ease of groupism or ready-made ideas, will never be finished. They will take up the rest of your life.


N.B. 2: Sometimes some people deliberately fail in family relationships or at work so that they are forced to start all the cycles again. In this way they try to avoid or delay the moment when they have to move into the spiritual phase, because they are afraid of facing themselves.

From Bernard Werber's book "Empire of Angels"

Have you ever heard phrases like this:
- I haven’t seen him for 10 years - he’s a completely different person! I married (married) so-and-so (detailed description), and he turned out to be so-and-so! Well, a person cannot change like that!
Man is like a river, he flows and changes all the time: after all, in addition to the spiritual, he is a water-protein formation and consists of 80% water, and where the flow of water is, there is the movement of energy, which passes from one state to another.
Every 7 years, the human body, all its cells change almost completely, and the earth, water, fire and air that have changed in us determine the psychophysical state of a person.
Therefore, the moment comes to change the circle of friends. So go ahead! We must develop and move on, discarding old memories, because you cannot step into the same river twice!
Interesting? then let's go:
We, biological-energetic earthly beings, have a sevenfold cycle of life. Since ancient times, people have noticed and systematized the influence of vibrations of the number seven on almost all rhythms of life on the planet. Seven colors of the rainbow, seven chakras, seven notes in the octave, seven days in the week, seven is a lucky number, seven lamps at the Throne of the Lord.
Seven is a perfect number according to Pythagoras, which contains the entire beginning of the Primary Mind.
Seven basic human emotions according to Lao Tzu, which determine his psychophysical state as the basis of health and success.
And, apparently, the same seven days of the phases of the Moon, which set this sevenfold cycle for all life on Earth.
Every seven years a person acquires a new energy structure corresponding to the elements of the twelve signs of the Zodiac:
Aries - (0 - 7 years).
From birth we are lambs, rams, lambs. Pretty, fluffy, affectionate, round. Everyone loves us, strokes us, caresses us. Children under 7 years old in the house are carriers of the element of Fire, a symbol of hearth, comfort, and a symbol of the Sun. This is probably why they are affectionately called: “you are my sunshine”, “you are my little lamb”. Children are fast, active, eat and drink a lot.
Taurus - (7 - 14 years old).
Calves. They stretched out, became angular, self-willed. They run away wherever they want, or just wherever they look. The aggressiveness of a teenager is the key to his survival. The psyche remains at the level of Aries, and the appearance - that of an adult. Thinking does not keep pace with the growth of the physical body. Vulnerability, amorousness, suspiciousness. I want to grow up quickly and I’m scared that no one needs you like you’re big, and you want to be loved like you’re little. First love and falling in love. The first tragedies.
In the family, parents are at that age when the partner they chose at 20-22 years old is no longer satisfied. There is only one reason: the Elements and their properties have changed, but people do not know this and are looking for a reason where there is only a reason (fell out of love, tired, not satisfied, does not correspond).
And the Taurus teenager has a tragedy because of his parents. The first disappointments, self-doubt (who needs (needs) me so awkward and ugly?!) Touchiness. Irritability. Closedness. Depression - why live? Cruelty reaching the point of absurdity, incomprehensible to adults, with which teenagers cover up their inner defenselessness, vulnerability, and helplessness.
Gemini - (14 - 21 years old).
The constellation is named after the twin sons of the god Zeus: Castor and Pollux. One brother is mortal. The other is immortal. Unity and struggle of contradictions, opposites. The age when a person becomes physically adult, but the psyche, the soul is young, just blossoming. Maximalism. The world has only two colors - white and black.
We finish high school, go on to further studies, and go to serve in the Army. Romance. Brigantines. Scarlet sails and the eternal: “He (s) doesn’t love me!” Or "Love for life!"
First marriages. We are starting to look for a mate. The time has come to pay back our debt to the continuation of our biological life on this planet.
Search for the meaning of life: poetry, music, festivals, picnics, relaxation. Just a fairy tale! The tale of Cinderella and the Prince, the Bear and the Princess. Age of absorption of knowledge. Any information is easily perceived, but all through the prism of interpersonal relationships.
Cancer - (21 - 28 years old).
We search and find a couple. Weddings. All my friends and girlfriends got married. Children. Who was left alone, quickly, quickly, just for someone, just not to be alone. Time for creation. Family.
We graduate from specialized secondary and higher educational institutions, return from military service, and work. Those who do not realize themselves biologically, like father and mother, realize themselves professionally - career, graduate school, dissertation. Work, business.
Leo - (28 - 35 years old).
The first children have grown up, the second ones are born.
First divorces, dissatisfaction: everyone is married, but I am not. Everyone is a business person, and I... Everyone has dissertations, and I...
Disappointments: if I knew that you would be like this, I would...
Second dissertations, inventions. Big business. Policy. Confession. Or the darkness and grayness of everyday life, hopelessness, no prospects. There is a sharp stratification into successful people and losers. The time of suicides, the first serious illnesses and deaths.
Searching for new life partners. Lovers, mistresses, i.e. The partners we need during the age of “Air”-Gemini often become uninteresting. We ourselves are different. And we want everything in our lives to be unchangeable, constant, indestructible. But “everything flows, everything changes,” and “you cannot step into the same river twice.” And we we suffer from fickleness life. From its rapid movement, not noticing that we are changing too, we don’t want to see it and we don’t want to change ourselves.
We are entering the age of Virgo.
Virgo - (35 - 42 years old).
A time of apparent stability. Children grow and grow up, become independent, enter the age of Taurus (7-14 years) or the age of Gemini (14-21 years). Parents have a certain status and financial situation. It seems that life has improved: familiar acquaintances, a way of life, an established “mine is yours.” Your own house, your own car, your own dacha, your own wife, your own tennis and preference partner, your own social circle. A time of relative peace and... stagnation.
40 years - critical age for woman.
42 years is a critical age for a man.
Women with complexes of grievances, such as “they don’t love me, life is not a success, my children and husband don’t understand,” get sick, self-destruct, and die.
When grievances accumulate in the mother, illnesses accumulate and develop in children. Loving mothers diligently treat their children and husband, visit all famous doctors and healers, and buy expensive medicines. And nothing helps.
Just as the husband took a sip from the life-saving glass, he continues to find consolation from it, from the glass. And the woman suffers. Everything is not working out the way she would like. Her emotions squeezed inside turn into serious illnesses.
Likewise - a man!
The stronger sex is a very fragile energy creature. Men suffer in silence, they are reluctant to be treated. They courageously overcome obstacles, overcome barriers, build careers and family well-being. They patiently wait for love from their wives and other women.
But a man is always unloved! He lacks the energy of love, the very energy that for him is the energy of creativity and creation. They love him during the period of grooming, in the first months of marriage. And then his wife, the mother of his children, loves children.
The husband fades into the background; he is the convoy of material support in the family. He owes everyone everything. But there is no time to love him: first one small child, then children, then work plus children, plus illness, plus everyday life.
Love as the necessary energy of a man’s life leaves him and from him. He, love, looks for it “on the side,” and finds it very rarely. Because a small number of women are able to love a man just like that. Not for money, not for material well-being or position in society, not for..., but simply to love, to give him the joy of jointly realizing the great gift of life on Earth.
A man is always a child. He plays with life. Little boys play with small cars, in "war games". Big "boys" play with big toys - cars, planes, big wars. And they very quickly waste their vital energy and often die at the age of 42!
Living a vibrant life, giving everyone around them the fire of their hearts, their souls, they leave us in the prime of their lives: Joe Dassin, Vladimir Vysotsky, Andrei Mironov and others.
The slogan "Take care of men!" was not born out of nowhere. They really need to be protected, educated and loved. Boys need to be raised in love so that this potential of maternal love will be enough for them throughout their bright lives!
Dear women, love your men, and they will respond to you with attention and light. For the element of any man is Fire. According to the worldview of the ancients, a man is the Sun, a woman is the Moon, and shines with the reflected light of the Sun, the Luminary.
Libra - (42 - 49 years old).
We survived the time of Virgo. Much was overestimated, much was understood. Those who survived live on. And life somehow became simpler, easier, because the time of fast Air had come. But in order to maintain the apparent balance of life at this time, you need to weigh all your actions.
Libra - two bowls, are in constant oscillation, trying to find a balance point. Most people at this age strive to balance the “yoke” by adding weights to one or the other bowl.
Libra time is the period of revelation of the analytical abilities of the mind, time to appreciate all that is beautiful. But this is still the time to “throw stones.”
The children became adults, the first grandchildren appeared. Life is Beautiful! New achievements, new victories! New achievements, new searches for love. But love is not so much physical as spiritual. When meeting with a new chosen one, we hope not only for a night of love, but above all for an evening with pleasant humor, leisurely conversation, a glass of wine and warm candlelight.
Search for the meaning of life in religious and philosophical teachings. Understanding the depths of existence.
Scorpio - (49 - 56 years old).
It's time for "gray hair in the beard, devil in the rib."
The time of decline of human reproductive abilities. Climax. Fears. Neurotic conditions. Women are busy with their problems: “Life is gone, but I haven’t seen anything yet.”
Men experience an unprecedented increase in sexual desire. There are no more candles and spiritual conversations. Sex. As a way to restore the outgoing energy of life. They find partners much younger than themselves. Both women and men.
Scorpio time - " time to collect stones". We reap the fruits of all our thoughts, words, deeds, desires and actions. And if it suddenly seems that you have done everything in this life, there seems to be no point in living.
Sagittarius - (56 - 63 years old).
Fire is bright, strong, festive, solemn. Lightning. Beautiful grandparents. Pensioners. The service and career are over. They gave way to young people. The grandchildren are growing up. And the old people live for them, “for their grandchildren.” Rarely - for yourself. It’s the custom here: buy your children an apartment, a car, a dacha, look after your kids and grandchildren. And let the children live for themselves.
Civilized people are elderly and live for themselves. They travel, learn new and interesting things. They live the life that they simply could not afford when they had to pursue career growth. Life is very interesting! And they live brightly and freely!
Capricorn - (63 - 70 years old).
Life goes on. The grandchildren are already adults. Great-grandchildren appear. Relative peace. Are we making it? But no, this age still has a lot of energy! This is a time of active social and political life.
Wisdom multiplied by literally youthful activity and aggressiveness - remember the time of Taurus!
Falling in love. New marriages. Maximalism. We get carried away by new ideas. We read new literature, but very carefully. Don't forget to criticize everything.
- In our time it was... And the music is not the same now, and the hairstyles with trousers are different. And the Sun shone 360 ​​days a year.
Yes, this is how we remember our youth at 70 years old, and in our time cherry blossoms bloomed all year round...
Aquarius - (70 - 77 years old).
Time to leave. Our loved ones, our dear and lonely grandparents, are leaving one by one. But those who have mastered the practices of longevity in their time: fasting, prayer, proper breathing and communication with nature, hold on to life with all their might. Live and share wisdom of their own age with the new, younger generation, which does not always, oh, how it does not always hear the wisdom of its elders.
But it has always been like this. Everyone must gain their own life experience. Listening to the stories of others will not teach you how to drive a car yourself.
Pisces - (77 - 84 years old).
Deep wisdom. We listen more than we talk. For, enclosing the circle of the Zodiac, Pisces has absorbed all its stellar wisdom.
Misunderstanding no longer causes deep emotional wounds, although we greatly depend on loved ones. The most self-absorbed and secretive period of life, when all the information accumulated over a lifetime is transformed into knowledge.
As a rule, people live to this age who treat everything around them with love, understanding and gratitude. Prone to everything mysterious, transcendental: healers, herbalists, scientists, composers, artists.
Aries - (84 - 91 years old).
And life begins again...

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