Why go to school - main reasons, description and plan. Why teenagers don't like school Why do people go to school

Class hour "Why do I go to school?"

I Org. moment.

Shall we talk?

About what?

About various things and other things.

About what is good.

And not very good.

You know something.

But I know something.

Shall we talk?

Let's talk. Suddenly it will be interesting.

II Communicate the topic and purpose.

III Discovery of new knowledge.

    « Bag of ideas"

Why do you go to school? I will collect your answers in my bag. (Study, get a certificate, get good grades, achieve something in life, communicate).

Let's figure it out, is school needed in order, for example, to study? (You can study at home, finish school externally, have a computer).

2. Dispute: where is it better to study: at school or at home?

3 teams: , 2 people choose where it is better to study. Teams prove where it is better to study. Give 2 minutes for discussion.

You start with the words: “It’s good to study at home, but it’s better at school...”

At home remember when you are sick (when you want, then you can sit down to study, if you quickly understand, then you can spend less time studying, if you are tired, you can rest, run; no need to waste time getting to school and then home, no conflicts with the guys).

At school (If you don’t understand something, then you can ask, feel successful, you can relax during a break with friends, laugh, joke, even if you don’t want to sometimes, you do it anyway, and then the desire appears, you don’t think about when and what you should teach. From time to time your knowledge is tested, and you know for sure whether you are succeeding or not. It is interesting to study at school: presentations, films, interesting stories).

So, who was more convincing and gave more arguments that he was right?

The child, or rather the people who are responsible for him, have the right to choose where it is better for him to study, and therefore both opinions have the right to exist

3. Game “Good - bad”.

And I pull the following idea out of my bag: I go to school in order to communicate.

Is communication good or bad?

Let's play the game "Good - bad"? I ask you: “Is it good to communicate?” You answer in unison: “Okay, but not very well,” and prove why. I say: “So it’s bad?”, and you chorus: “Bad, but not very good,” and prove it.

Fun, interesting, need to communicate, play, make friends.

Conflicts, quarrels, people offend you, we lose a lot of time, you start to think badly about the person.

Everyone chooses for himself: he needs communication or not. But still, a person has a need for communication, and there is a need to satisfy this need. And the school helps children find friends, teaches them to communicate, to live according to the rules.

4. Everyone needs success.

What is your success? (Good grades, contests, competitions, respect from classmates, praise from parents).

What should a person do if he has no success? Please advise.

How can we explain that every person needs success? Think about it. (This is a motive for further action).

5. Staging.

Let's remember how you came to first grade. Please show me how you walked into first grade for the first time. (timidly, timidly).

Now let’s imagine that 11 years have passed and you receive a certificate (a document confirming successful completion of school). How do you think you have changed? (Grown up)

What do you mean grown up? (Learned to think).

Where did you learn to think? (analyze, find cause - effect, generalize). (At school).

Among other things, at school we relax and play sports.

We all go to school. But some go to classes to improve themselves, others to socialize, to meet friends, and others because their parents tell them to be like everyone else.

I also asked myself this question: why do I go to school? Not so long ago I had a period in my life when I did not work at school (there were no places to get a job at school), and I worked in a kindergarten. And I realized that for me, school is, first of all, a large part of my life. The school will probably manage without me, but I don’t know without school. And I, just like you, go to school in order to learn, improve, communicate and be successful. I need it as much as you do.

IV Reflection.

Continue the sentences.

School is a place...





What would you change at school so that all children would be happy to come here?

So why should you go to school? Is it necessary?

“I’ll outline the trend briefly - the mass school is losing the meaning of its main activity. To put it bluntly, school as a SCHOOL is dying out. What I mean? Let’s try to come up with a list of answers to the question “Why should a child go to school?” I don’t mean the social-protective function of the school as an institution: the presence of a law on compulsory education, the problem of where to send children while parents are at work, and so on. In this sense, the mass public school is not going anywhere, and will live for a long time. I’m talking about the meaning of school as a place where a new generation in general and its individuals in particular are brought up and educated,” writes Epstein.


1. To gain knowledge

But I think that it will not be news to anyone if I say that knowledge as information can now be obtained from many other sources - the notorious Internet, in particular. Many studies indicate that modern teenagers are more likely to learn the necessary information from television and from peers than from school. And, frankly speaking, it is difficult to call a public school a place where children learn something truly new and relevant about modern science, technology, economics, and social life. Those who are more or less familiar with current training programs will confirm this.

Summary: school today is no longer the only (or even the main) source of knowledge for the younger generation.

2. To learn how to learn

Here, too, a big problem arises. This would probably be the main task of the school: in a situation where it is increasingly difficult to keep up with the ever-accelerating change in the volume of specific knowledge, to teach children to cope with this flow of information. But the trouble is that the mass school does not know how to do this.

It does not teach independent thinking by forcing children to repeat the truths expressed by the teacher and giving grades for this (precisely for this). It does not teach how to work independently with information - any university teacher will confirm that the majority of incoming applicants cannot take a normal note, cannot independently read a text and highlight the main thing in it, do not know how to speak and express their own thoughts orally, etc.

This means that you need to learn this somewhere else. If the child's parents want to teach him this. Well, for example, this happens all the time - when parents do homework with their children. And thus, it turns out that the main thing that a school should teach - to work independently with information - is taught by parents, those who can.

3. To then pass exams and receive a certificate

The experience of many families shows that it is not at all necessary to go to school every day for 10 (and now 11) years in order to pass exams and receive a certificate. You can study at home, you can study and pass exams externally... And also receive a state certificate through external studies.

Moreover, many children, given the normal organization of their lives, are able to master the school curriculum in a shorter period of time and pass exams without any damage to their health. And, thus, do not spend 10-11 years formally going to school.

4. To later enroll in a university

As experience shows, at the moment, admission to a university is not directly related to going to school for 10-11 years. Firstly, it turns out that a huge number of high school students in grades 10-11 study in parallel in two educational institutions: at school - for a “tick” and a certificate, and at a university in preparatory courses - for admission.

In grades 10-11, it turns out that the abundance of subjects offered has absolutely nothing to do with the exams that must be taken at a specific university. And in a sense, the school even interferes with preparation for admission, overloading the teenager “doubly” - with studying subjects “not necessary” for him...

And this situation manifests itself in a very “convex” way when many eleventh-graders, already in April-May, find themselves “entered” into one or another university, having gone through the Olympiad system, but at the same time still continue to study the school curriculum...

5. To get support for those who do not have time, do not meet the general deadlines, are not like everyone else

Maybe a mass secondary school is ready to help those who, for one reason or another, do not fit into the general framework? No, rather, the mass school is happy to push away such inconvenient people, creating all the conditions for them to leave the school. It is these children who fill up private schools, external studies, and private tutors.

6. To gain the basics of professional skills (competence), which will then allow you to find a job in the modern economy

Unfortunately, the mass school does not succeed here either. It does not give teenagers the opportunity to gain experience of life in the real economy, does not teach the basics of human communication, does not provide normal knowledge of foreign languages, going to school will not help a graduate learn how to present themselves when applying for a job, etc.

7. To learn to live in a team

Collective life is also a problem. Firstly, in the past such a life was only successful if the class was lucky with its leader. Which didn't happen often. In recent years, the state has completely stopped paying attention to this area of ​​life, leaving not pedagogical, but methodological tasks in the foreground for the teacher.

The main thing for a teacher is to be a subject specialist, to prepare children for passing the Unified State Exam, and not to worry about establishing certain relationships in the class, in some other school group. The Pedagogical Institute continues to contribute to this, as it continues to train students to be, at best, good teachers of the subject, but not teachers who work with the team.

And in this sense, if parents want their child to have “his own team,” then it is often easier to look for it “on the side” - in a circle, club, section, expedition... But not at school.

8. To find friends, your “reference” group, people with similar values, in modern teenage language - your crowd

Well, friends, like a team, can be found (and sometimes easier) not only at school. But with people who are close in value, it’s even more difficult. People do not come to public school by choice. A class is not a group of people that the kids choose for themselves.

The composition of the class is determined not by them and their desire, but by external will. So there is no talk about the proximity of values ​​here. And if there is no efficient teacher next to the teenagers who is concerned with cultivating these common values, then they will not arise during the entire period of study. But in circles, clubs, sections where children come by their own choice, such closeness will appear more quickly. It is in them that children find an outlet.

There are, of course, schools in the city in which a lot suggests that children gather there precisely according to a certain affinity in life values, priorities, and preferences. But, you must admit, such schools are rather the exception to the rule that confirms the rule. In short, if school is a place where your child’s “own party” can appear, then it is certainly not the only place where one can arise.

Is your student not at all happy that the school year is starting? Is he not looking forward to meeting his teachers and classmates? We help the child understand why he needs to go to classes.

The main thing every parent needs to remember is that people are born super curious. He asks questions. He draws on the wallpaper (it’s better to hang paper on it), smears porridge on the table (you can easily clean everything up later), pokes your finger into the socket (you should cover it with special inserts) ... He throws a toy and thus explores the law of universal gravitation. He will know! And if he is forbidden to throw a toy, he will not learn this law. If a child is constantly told: “Don’t poke your nose into someone else’s question,” “Curious Varvara’s nose was torn off at the market,” then after a while the parents hear from the teacher that their son or daughter is not striving for anything.

Photo iStock/Gettyimages.ru

The point is that curiosity is the engine of learning. A child who is interested in learning everything new, exploring the world around him and constantly developing will not have the question: “Why should I go to school?” After all, how many children answer it today? "Don't know". They can be understood. “I can communicate, I can read, I can count, what else do I need?” - the schoolchildren reason and come to the conclusion that it’s nothing. And then they run away from lessons, because they have nothing to do in them, they are not interested. This is refusal, that is, laziness. What to do? How can I change this? Here everything is in the hands of both the parent and the teacher.

It's fun to walk together

Do you know what your child and his peers are passionate about? What games do they play? What are their idols? A simple example: if we look around, we will see that the vast majority of schoolchildren constantly wear headphones. But do we know what kind of music they listen to in them? Do we know how to live in the same rhythm in which they live? Do we understand their hobbies? If the answer to any of these questions is negative, change the situation immediately. Knowing what a child breathes, you will reach him faster.

Place accents

The child says that knowledge today is at arm's length. And he's absolutely right. If a teacher sits children in class and simply says that today’s lesson is devoted, for example, to the fact that the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea, then the student is unlikely to want to quickly absorb this information. He understands that if necessary, he can always find out about it on the Internet. And if the teacher is unable to keep up with the times, as we wrote about a little higher, then you be the person who can present this information so that the child will run to a geography lesson next time.

Curiosity is the boss of everything

In simple terms, a parent should always have an answer to the child’s question: “Why do I need to know this?” Teach him to seek this knowledge, explain why it is important and why it is interesting. The key word is curious!

The same thing, for example, with the multiplication table. “Mom, why should I teach her if I always have a calculator at hand?” - asks the child. And mom, with an intriguing intonation in her voice, answers: “The multiplication table develops your brain and, perhaps, someday will help you count money. It is a tool for discovery. The ability to read is a way of understanding the world. Knowing a foreign language is an opportunity to communicate with residents of other countries and learn about international discoveries. And so on. It is important for the teacher and parent to intrigue the child, explain how and where he can use knowledge, and only then will he understand why he comes to school. Interest, curiosity, the desire to learn and develop - these are the very driving forces that should be “warmed up” in the family.

In this article I want to independently discuss the question: “Why go to school?” . Many schoolchildren are looking for an essay on this topic on the Internet. However, this question is free, and it is better if the student independently expresses his thoughts on this matter rather than downloading this essay on the Internet. This article will be harsh. I will express all the pros and cons of going to school. Indeed, there are many benefits from school, but no less harm.

Why go to school?

I myself graduated from school about six years ago, and now I remember it as a vague, not very pleasant dream. Like many schoolchildren, I did not like school. I didn’t like waking up at 7 o’clock in the morning, getting out of a warm bed, washing my face with ice water, and then walking 20 minutes to school in the cold. I think you are familiar with this situation.

But that's not the point. Why is school needed? To gain knowledge, many readers will answer. And here I agree. School is needed to gain knowledge. But there is one big BUT. Primary classes really give children the necessary knowledge, namely: the ability to read, write, count, knowledge of history, national culture, physics, and even physical education is an important subject. But the older the class, the more unnecessary knowledge they shove into us. For example, why study logarithms, trigonometric problems, chemistry, when none of this is useful in life?

In fact, it will be useful, but not the logarithms themselves, but the ability to think. At school we are taught to think, that’s what’s most important. School and perseverance, the ability to find answers to complex questions, to move the brain, to delve into the essence. It was this value that I took away from school. The ability to delve into every matter, think strategically, and move two brains (if you have them) are the most necessary qualities for future adult life.

But don’t think that I’m praising the school curriculum. In my opinion, she is terrible. We are not taught important things, such as how to behave with the opposite sex, business, finding ideas for business and so on, something like that. And that is not all.

At school they instill in us. After all, if we make a mistake, we will be given a two or three. My brother and I were very upset when we got bad grades. I remember fifth grade well, math, the teacher was a beast. If you think about solving a problem for even 10 seconds, he will assume that you don’t know how to solve it and will immediately give you a bad mark. For some reason, he believed that we should decide everything on the spot without thinking, like him.

If you take your studies seriously, it will be very painful for you to get bad grades. And then why go to school to traumatize your psyche? Another disadvantage of the school is the scoundrel students who do not study themselves and do not allow others to study. In my time there were plenty of them in my class. Hooligans are the pimples of the school, their future is predetermined. On the other hand, it’s good that they exist. Showdowns with them strengthen a person’s character and accustom them to life. By the way, read the article: . That is, even here there are advantages.

Many students believe that excellent students will succeed in adulthood. This is far from true. Many of them become complete losers in adulthood, or are no different from the average citizen. I thought so too. My brother and I thought that if you study poorly, you will become a janitor, if you study well, then you will be an average man in the street, but if you are an excellent student, wealth and luxury await you. How stupid I was then. All the excellent students I know have succeeded in life much less than me, although I was good, but not always.

Why does this happen? If you are an excellent student, it means your brain is strong, and all doors are open for you. The fact is that excellent students are accustomed to having everything come easy to them. Their brains really work powerfully, but only for the school curriculum. When it comes to real life, they start making mistakes, and they are not used to doing this. They begin to receive psychological trauma, after which they quickly give up. The D and C students had time to harden themselves in this. They are not so afraid of making mistakes, they know that there is always another try plus the experience they have gained. They are used to climbing all their lives. These words belong to my literature teacher.

The big disadvantage of the school curriculum is that it is the same for everyone, while we are all different individuals. Some people have developed logical thinking, while others have creative thinking. The school curriculum is barely suitable for creative people. Parents, "grown" in the era of the USSR they do not understand this. They will repeat their parents: study well, then you will enter a university, and after that you will find a well-paid job. That is, you need to go to school in order to get a job in the future. Just great.

And the people who got this job sit there and dream of leaving work. The USSR programmed people to think this way, and now they are programming their children. But the situation has changed a lot. The Internet is full of articles like this. Many schoolchildren come across them, read them and begin to realize that everything their parents tell them is a misunderstanding.

If you look closely, the life cycle repeats itself. A child is born, goes to school, university, the army, work, he has a family, his own child, who subsequently repeats everything the same as their parents. And then his children repeat it. Boring and predictable.

I'm lucky. During my student years, I realized this, so I realized that it was better than working for someone. From the age of seventeen I tried to take the path of an entrepreneur, and in the end, four years later, a year before graduating from university, I succeeded.

I realized that everything goes towards making money: school, university, and finally, a well-paid job due to a high position. The root of everything is MONEY. They are needed for a person to feed himself and his family. This is not a completely complete statement. They are needed both for this and so that a person can afford to buy whatever he wants.

We were implanted with a chip in our heads by our parents, who have the wrong beliefs. Even my parents say that you need to have enough for an apartment, food, shoes, and clothes. But they don’t tell me that there should be enough money to travel a lot, to have several apartments and cars. They don't allow us to think at our best because that's how they've been programmed.

Why go to school? My answer is to learn to think. This is the most valuable skill you can take away from school. It will be useful to you in creating your own business, it will develop perseverance, hard work, a calm attitude towards mistakes (learn this), and the ability to adapt to changes in the external environment.

Now I’m sitting at my laptop, and I remember how much I worried about my grades, mistakenly believing that they would affect my future life. What a naive child I was. In fact, your grades will not affect your future life. This is 100% true, but your laziness and unwillingness to think will affect you later in the future. So right now, close this page and go do your homework, start. I wish you great success in your studies.

Why go to school


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